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Finished Marines Malevolent 5th Battle Company Showcase


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Thanks Longfang66


As promised, more close ups:


Air Defense Command Platform



Mortis Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought with Aegis Pattern Autocannons



Stormeagle Assault Gunship





Mk V Pilot


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Tactical Squad VI - The Skulltakers. Led by Veteran Sergeant Darius Tyrael

Tactical Squad VI consists of battle hardened veterans of the 5th company and is led into battle by Veteran Sergeant Darius Tyrael. Over 250 year old Tyrael used to serve in the specialized boarding- and terminator squads of the first company. His body was rebuilt with bionic replacements after a Melta charge tore off his left arm and leg on a boarding mission. Tyrael couldn't commence service in tactical dreadnought armour and was therefore offered the position of tactical sergeant after beheading the squad's previous leader in a sanctioned honour duel. It is believed that his ancient chainaxe was recovered from a Khorne Berzerker (cross Reference: Legio XII) Champion and rebuilt by Tyrael's personal artificier.



Demi Squad VIa


Demi Squad VIb


Rhino VI

The "Deimos" Pattern Rhino with an unknown designation is one of the oldest relics in the Marines Malevolent Armoury.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just saw this picture floating around Facebook via my gaming group before I saw it on here and Emperor damn, am I impressed.

Fantastic work and it really gives me my drive to get my army done. Looks like I know what this months pay check is going on!

Glory & Hate.


thanks sir! very glad this was shared by FW and you could see it viral on FB earlier. I am even considering emailing pictures to whats new today soon :)

Tagsta.......Your work fills Me with pride Brother!!

Glory to the Emperors finest!!

Glory and Hate!!

thanks for the constant support mate!

I have to say that photoshopped army shot is outstanding, great work and I intend to be back on the Star Phantoms soon, I just need to find a way to weather white. msn-wink.gif

thanks mate! yes go for it! would be great to see some star phantoms. try to use blister foam clipping technique with dark grey tones!

I have to say that photoshopped army shot is outstanding, great work and I intend to be back on the Star Phantoms soon, I just need to find a way to weather white. msn-wink.gif

With the blood from your cowardly bodies!

haha you guys crack me up ;)

This is such an inspiration! I love seeing a whole army painted to a consistently high standard. Thank you for motivation boost for my own legion!

thanks for the amazing feedback, really keeps me going. looking forward to see your legion!

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Wow, top marks, brother, top marks. Send it on over to What's New. I'd be surprised if they didn't show them. smile.png

ok i guess i will try soon :)

I am seeing yellow when I close my eyes...



haha thanks

Awesome stuff Tagsta. Permission to use the tank colour scheme? How have you been doing the chapter symbol? Are they custom made? Keep it up brother! Glory and Hate

of course, knock yourself out! the chapter symbol are custom made decals, yes

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I never thougfht it possible to paint so much yellow... Let alone paint yellow consistently!!!



Your army is inspiring tangsta and the amount of variety and detail is breathtaking! Congratulations mate!



Any plans for your next project?

thanks a lot for the amazing feedback!



Awesome job ! Your army is just great.

thanks mate!




"Everybody chill the :cuss out!


I got this"


\m/ Great stuff man \m/

haha, i remember someone at warseer did a similar photomontage

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