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Ultragrit and VOTW


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I'm most excited about the potential for cheap bodies than the multitude of upgrades we can tack on to CSM. What do you guys think of no equipping the entire squad with CCWs? Something like a 10 man squad with two specials/bp, three bolter/bp, four ultragrit, and a champ. Saves a few points on bodies that will probably die before close combat anyway.
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It's going to be pretty hilarious getting hatred against all those chaos counts-as-space-wolves armies out there (assuming they stick around now we have a new codex, that is)


They probably will. The new Chaos codex isn't looking to be as brutally powerful as SW and it certainly lacks fire and forget deathstars like Thunderwolves which is a big reason that people suddenly decide that angry puppy people "better represent" their army.

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I'm taking Veterans and ultragrit and a Rhino and plasma guns (and meltas on one squad), and I'm strongly considering the Mark of Khorne, too. After all, four attacks on the charge is awesome for basic troops, and counter-attack makes them 3 attacks each when charged (the Ld10 from VOTLW helps get off that counter-attack too). And counter-attack comes AFTER you Overwatch, too, so you get the benefits of rapid fire weapons AND BP/CCW. Again, hella expensive, but it makes them rock stars at everything.
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I'm taking Veterans and ultragrit and a Rhino and plasma guns (and meltas on one squad), and I'm strongly considering the Mark of Khorne, too. After all, four attacks on the charge is awesome for basic troops, and counter-attack makes them 3 attacks each when charged (the Ld10 from VOTLW helps get off that counter-attack too). And counter-attack comes AFTER you Overwatch, too, so you get the benefits of rapid fire weapons AND BP/CCW. Again, hella expensive, but it makes them rock stars at everything.


It'd be 5 attacks on the charge would it not? 2 base attacks for chosen, another for the CCW + pistol and then 2 with rage (on the charge)?


Edit: Thought you were talking about chosen....nevermind. :)

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They probably will. The new Chaos codex isn't looking to be as brutally powerful as SW and it certainly lacks fire and forget deathstars like Thunderwolves which is a big reason that people suddenly decide that angry puppy people "better represent" their army.


Agreed, this is also most annoying to space wolf players, who don't use thunderwolves :)

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It all depends on what kind of squad you're building me thinks.


A non-fearless melee squad would profit from both. Let's say 10 Khorne marked marines with CCW and 2 guys with flamers.


If the unit doesn't do melee though (Havocs) or is fearless (cult troops or squads with a lord) VotlW is propably not worth it.


EDIT: Just realized that VotlW also works against other chaos marines.

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