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Box Purchase Questions

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I'm hoping that some of the veterans here can give me some tips on how to build certain units.


1) First item on the list -- Devastators with 4x Missile Launcher ... according to GW's website, the Devastator Squad box set contains a whole one missile launcher, plus two of everything I don't need/want. So, I'm wondering if there are other kits I can buy, or a cheaper way than buying four Devastator boxes in order to build a 4x ML squad? Or conversion bitz I can use?


2) Lightning Claw -- which boxes include at least one lighting claw? I had a mind to put one on one of my Sanguinary priests, but I've not had good luck finding people willing to trade or sell bitz at my local gaming store (I guess because no one knows me there) and I don't want to spend $30 for the commander box just for a lightning claw (unless there are other useful bitz in there? I don't know what's in there beyond what's pictured on the box).


3) What do you think of using Death Company boxes to build all of my assault marines and tacticals, as well as the DC (different paint jobs, of course, and ensure the bitz with saltires only go on the DC). From looking at the GW website this looks doable. What do you think?

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1. Look here in the tutorial section

2. the Space Wolf box has claws and a few other useful bits, or possibly the new CSM Raptor box*

3. its doable, but I'd recommend mixing assault squads and tacticals too. Sourcing the special weapons could also be a problem too if you go exclusively with the DC box.


*there is also other bits like chainswords, unusual back packs etc. Not too sure though on this yet! :)

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1. agree with dark, just use HKM

2. If you want to buy assault termies anyway, it's easy to use a claw from there, you'll want mostly hammer/shield anyway. Should also be possible to find someone at your LGS who has leftover claws.

3. I'd advise to mix them for greater diversity. Also I use more DC parts on elite squads like VV or sternguard to make them stand out, normal ASM are rather plain.

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Missile launchers.

Hmm, never thought of them being scarce, but I suppose they are a bit.

They come in tactical boxes too.


The Space wolf battle force comes with loads of claws (and various other bits)


Definatly buy DC over assault, but its an expensive way of buying tacticals, and you want at least some guys who arent leaping around

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Thanks for the responses, especially for the tutorial. I think I have an Hunter-Killer in my bitz box, plus I have one rhino. I'll have to see what the new Imperial Guard HK missiles look like since I have a dozen IG vehicles.


I don't plan on using Sternguard or Vanguard veterans, but I will take your sugggestion and mix-in some tacticals for greater variety. I did notice in the Codex, though, that the pictures of the Blood Angels look more ornate than the models represent, so that's what gave me the idea of using DC models. Fortunately plasma guns are fairly easy to find, and I will be getting at least one command squad box (which has fairly plain-looking marines in it, too) for the purposes of outfitting my Sang priest.


Thanks again.

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The one's in the codex use a mix of sanguinary guard bits, DC bits, and RAS bits. I too was planning on using DC to make all my assault marines then I realized I'd die painting them. The DC are so ornate that painting all there various scrolls, gems, and other details is very time consuming. I enjoy painting and paint my BA to a good standard, but if I made all my RAS with DC bits I'd never get the army done!


Also for the lightning claws GW just released the vetran upgrade pack that has 2 LC in it as well as some combi weapons.

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If you just need 1 lightning claw, take a power fist and 4 combat knives, cut the knife blades off and glue them to the knuckles of the power fist... its a surprisingly good looking conversion.

You can of course shave the inside edges of the blades a bit to make them look even better.


I make a standard practice of mixing up death company and tactical/assault squad boxes for my marines, along with a sprinkling of sanguinary guard shoulderpads, helmets, and powerfists.

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Dominic J: I am a Guard player myself, but use Death Korps of Kreig models and they don't have a missile launchers ... plus the IG missile launcher looks totally different from the Space Marine one. The smaller/thinner looks might be a bit weird on a space marine body, but I might have a Cadian one or two kicking around in my bitz box so I could compare them and see.


Why do I "need" 4 missile launchers? Well, that's a good question, and seeing as I've confirmed two Rhino HKs in my bitz box, and I will get a tactical marine box, that's three, so I'm thinking of giving 3 ML to my devastator squad, then using the leftover points for a combi-bolter on my tac squad. I can then add to my collection later, but for now I'm basing my purchases off of this list: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=262203. My plan is to build this list as a "starting point" then add later. Hope to be able to assemble and paint it in time for Astronomi-con Winnipeg (Canada) which is usually in Feb/March. I think I can do 35 models in that time.


@Blue Buddha -- thanks for Spikey Bits. Didn't know about them. With the markup, I'm not actually saving too much by buying whole kits for some conversions, though. Especially popular bits like the commander's combi-melta (they charge more than 1/2 the price of the full kit for that one bit) or the apothecary upgrades (which are perpetually out of stock at all the bitz places anyway).


I added up the cost of all the kits I need to build the above-linked list. Having spent nearly $2000 for about the same points worth of Guard, I was shocked to see that I could build this army for under $300. Buying the paints I'll need may cost almost as much as the miniatures (due to GW changing their paint range, it seems to me for consistency I'll need to paint the BAs entirely in new paints?) Man, I should have built a BA army long ago. LOL.

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I have two 2nd ed rockets, two new rockets, and a marine holding a guard rocket like a rifle, he doesnt look that out of place.


As for "need".

A lot of people dont quite process that, yes, you can take 4 weapons in a 5 man squad, you can also take 1 in a 10 man squad.

Three rockets and a multi melta isnt a bad combination either, just in case a walker gets close, or a tank even.

Its still S8 AP1 at bolter range.


Yeah, guard are expensive, I had 150 + deep striking guard at one point, like before the mortgage :D

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Buying the paints I'll need may cost almost as much as the miniatures
Go to your local car spares store and pick up a can of plastic primer spray, then have a look at the colour of red you like -it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than GW prices.

If you're not sure, speak to the guys in the store and take along an old piece of sprue, they might let you test it to make sure it won't melt your army.

The plastic primer I use goes on flat, and works on plastic, resin, metal and Finecast with no problems.



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Just buy them as bits from bits sellers.


All these DIY conversions invariably look shockingly bad



Maybe the conversions you've seen were from people that are horrible at modelling, but the HKM ML looks very good, especially on tabletop models where minor details are not too important anyway.

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