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Cultist = more fun!


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I play for fun so i dont get really upset about which units are more cost effective, just which will be fluffy or fun. I almost abbandoned Chaos so that i could take Deathwing/Ravenwing/Dantewing/Loganwing type armies cause they seem like more fun. That said, at first glance I dismissed cultists as being lame and something I would never want to include but I have realised that they are the gateway to fun!


For just 100pts we can cover our 2 troops slots and take whatever we want! This opens the way for terminator armies, bike armies, raptor armies, loads of options. They also help with the 50% deep striking rule too.


Anyone else thought of doing this? Got any cool lists in this vein you've been mulling over?

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I am almost a 100% sure that the cultspam + heavy hitters will be the tournament "winning" list of the new Chaos Space Marines.


The Grey Knights, Spacewolf + IG armies have used the tactic to a very good effect. Now we don't have Razorbacks but they are the armies who very effectively make use of cheap units (for the mandatory troop fill up and scoring units) + bonkers Elites, Heavies.


My initial thought was to field a lot of small squardons but they also can be a very good tarpit or even deadly tarpit with a Lord amongst them.

The new plan is to include at least 1 or 2 units of 20 Cultists perhaps even marked...



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I'm gonna try out a bike army, they are so cheap and having a bolt pistol and close combat weapon makes them so much more versatile than loyalist marine bikers. I'm thinking they could actually be pretty good assault units. Just a pity that chosen, warpsmiths and dark apostles can't take bikes. Would have loved to run a lord and a squad of bikers with power spears.


Gonna try something like this


Chaos Lord on bike

Sorcerer on bike


3 X 10 man bike squads


2 X 10 man squads of cultists


It's lacking anti tank stuff, ideally I would like a couple of landspeeders or attack bikes but since we can't take them I will have to rely on meltaguns and melta bombs. Dreads/oblits/tanks don't seem to fit with the high speed army really.


I'm undecided which mark will best benifit bikers though...

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I'm gonna try out a bike army, they are so cheap and having a bolt pistol and close combat weapon makes them so much more versatile than loyalist marine bikers. I'm thinking they could actually be pretty good assault units. Just a pity that chosen, warpsmiths and dark apostles can't take bikes. Would have loved to run a lord and a squad of bikers with power spears.


Gonna try something like this


Chaos Lord on bike

Sorcerer on bike


3 X 10 man bike squads


2 X 10 man squads of cultists


It's lacking anti tank stuff, ideally I would like a couple of landspeeders or attack bikes but since we can't take them I will have to rely on meltaguns and melta bombs. Dreads/oblits/tanks don't seem to fit with the high speed army really.


I'm undecided which mark will best benifit bikers though...

Doesn't a Slaaneshi Steed give a Lord Outflank? That could be pretty useful.

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I'm gonna try out a bike army, they are so cheap and having a bolt pistol and close combat weapon makes them so much more versatile than loyalist marine bikers. I'm thinking they could actually be pretty good assault units. Just a pity that chosen, warpsmiths and dark apostles can't take bikes. Would have loved to run a lord and a squad of bikers with power spears.


Gonna try something like this


Chaos Lord on bike

Sorcerer on bike


3 X 10 man bike squads


2 X 10 man squads of cultists


It's lacking anti tank stuff, ideally I would like a couple of landspeeders or attack bikes but since we can't take them I will have to rely on meltaguns and melta bombs. Dreads/oblits/tanks don't seem to fit with the high speed army really.


I'm undecided which mark will best benifit bikers though...

Doesn't a Slaaneshi Steed give a Lord Outflank? That could be pretty useful.


Does indeed ;)


And Acute sense as well I might add ;)


Daemonic steeds seems to be pretty fun again.

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The title's a bit misleading, he is saying use cultists to make a sort of bike-wing army.


Actually he doesn't say that at all in the first post. OP only mentions he almost switched to another army because of bikes.


What he is mentioning is how many points we are able to focus in elites, fast and heavy because of Cultists.

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True he doesn't say it outright but it is essentially what he is saying.


Besides a bike army, I think it might be fun to do a jump list with 3-4 cheaper cultist units as objective campers. Get them to the objectives then use warptalons + lord to assault enemy troops and go after vehicles with melta raptors. Seems like it'd be fun.

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Besides a bike army, I think it might be fun to do a jump list with 3-4 cheaper cultist units as objective campers. Get them to the objectives then use warptalons + lord to assault enemy troops and go after vehicles with melta raptors. Seems like it'd be fun.


Absolutely one of my plans.


General set up for now:

- Take good and cheap HQ's

- Take cheap Termies with combi-goodness

- Cultists

- Flyer or two or raptors

- Oblies




- HQ

- Cheap termies/elite

- Cultists

- Walkers

- Pred/Vindi fun

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I'm not talking about a bike army specifically, I'm just discussing the fact that cultist being such a cheap troops option opens up lots of options by giving us more points to spend on more fun units. I only mentioned switching armies because of the versatility offered by say dark angels, (all termie list or all bike list) because it seems like it would be fun to change up your play style without changing your army.


I'm more interested in a Chaos terminator heavy army with abbadon and a couple cultists in support but we can talk about bikes too if you like! Seems like that may be a fun army to use once in a while. I was just curios as to what fun lists people had been cooking up now that you don't have to plough a bunch of points into 2 squads of marines.




Anyways.... I'm liking the look of a terminator heavy army but it's a real pity that they occupy the same slot as hellbrutes, think they would be fun to run together. Maybe 2 big squads of terminators deep striking and a hellbrute. Feel like I would need 2 of them to be effective before it gets blown up

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I don't think the Cultists really compare to IG allies or Inquisitorial Henchmen. Yes, they are cheap as chips, but if they're in mid-range or closer they'll drop like flies, and at long range they're strictly useless except for backfield objective sitting while the enemy is occupied elsewhere. That's fine, but for a relatively small increase in points IG can have similar functions performed by a unit with 3 Autocannons who can benefit from orders and Coteaz henchmen can have cheap plasma or throw out a potential S10 AP1 large blast, which makes them far more efficient than Cultists.


Besides, we could have done essentially the same thing with out last codex using units of 5 lesser daemons - and how many people did you see doing that? You will find that only having 2 troops units total in your army is not enough, especially if they're made of cultists. You're going to need to have some CSMs or Legions-as-troops if you want to have a balanced army. At least 2 biggish units of CSMs to advance up to mid-field and/or some Khorne-marked CSMs to infiltrate/outflank with 1 unit of cultists in the backfield coming in from reserves is what I'd be looking at. Alternatively, use Daemons or IG as allies; daemons to throw more dangerous units in the enemies face Turn 1, or IG for backfield objectives and general support.

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Besides, we could have done essentially the same thing with out last codex using units of 5 lesser daemons - and how many people did you see doing that?


Lesser daemons didn't count towards the minimum troops selection, they were "bonus" troops.


I played a opponent in a 1750 point tournament throne of skulls last year, and he took chaos. he had 2x5 man squads hiding in landraiders and kept them safe most of the game, I think he even won best chaos (although i might be wrong).


I think it could work, but you would have to play them smart, and you can bet that if I was to fight against you I would prioritize taking out your scoring units :devil:

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