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'New' Terminators, yay or nay?


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So I've been waiting for the new codex with baited breath, intending to build a 10 man terminator unit with a lord. And now that I get my hands on it, I deflate like a beach-ball in a cactus shop.


Excepting the champion, they can only choose to either get a combi-weapon or a fist, or a pair of claws. And the champion pays a huge premium for his gear, for being a damned champion with not even an extra attack. I was hoping to give the guy a pair of claws for some challenge awesomeness, but it costs 22 points to do so, and it just seems I'd be better off with a single claw or fist and a combi-plasma for the off-chance of getting a precision shot in...


So I'm reconsidering my plan, thinking to go for two units of 5. One with a Lord with the Axe of Blind Fury and combi-plasma, a champion w claws, reaper and chainfist, 2 guys w combi-meltas and a guy with combi-plasma. Second unit wold have reaper, champ with combi-plasma and fist, and 3 guys w combi-plasmas.


I already built the guy with claws, but I'm really not sure it's worth having him in the army. Hes not yet painted, I -could- break him apart and give him better gear, but he looks so cool.


Anyway, I'd really like to hear some more ideas on how foot terminators could be made to work in a chaos army. Anything except termicide units. I hate that concept with a passion.


One other thing I've been considering is taking Huron in the army, for the infiltration (I'd really like my 4th chaos army to be Alpha Legion and this seems like the only way). In that case a 10 man unit might be better than 2x 5, if only for sheer shock factor...


So, thoughts?

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