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Dallas Drake

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Possessed, awesome models but not so great in game huh?


Ok, so people have rightly identified the lack of assault grenades. However, since Rhinos got stuffed I see two ways of running assault units. 1) on foot. 2) in a Land Raider.


I plan on the latter, in a LR with a Dirge Caster. No plan of charging into cover unless I think I can win or survive the 1st round (a 3+ 5++ isn't bad).


9 Possessed with Mark of Khorne and Icon of Wrath (Champ with Gift of Mutation).


That gives;

Fleet, Daemon, Fearless, Rage, Counter Attack, Furious Charge, a roll on the table for the Champ.


1) 36 x S6, I4, AP3 attacks


2) 36 x S6, I4, Shred attacks


3) 45 x S6, I5 attacks


Either one of those options is worth circa 31 points a model in my book.


To lead them?


Lord with Mark of Khorne, Aura of Dark Glory, Axe of Blind Fury.


That's my plan anyway. Expensive, but pretty cool.



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I love possessed, I own a TON of them, I wish they were better, I wish I could use them in a viable way, but this codex is not it :P


I will use them in friendly games with people I know, but they are not something I could ever bring to a tourny and expect to do well with :*(


Here are my lost boys


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I'll be putting a unit in my Slaanesh Army. Boosting up to I5 or 6 with FnP seems pretty rad. They should be more resilient, so I don't plan on buying a LR for them.


Hopefully I can score Hysterical Frenzy and have my sorcerer buff them up if his unit is unable to make combat. Otherwise a crapton of S5 attacks should see off most enemies.

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I've never liked the minis (those heads, ugh) but I like the concept of possessed and it'd be nice to convert and run a unit of them. I'm glad their chart got overhauled, really tempted to try them out now. They're still not very competetive I don't think, but they seem like fun.
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I'll be putting a unit in my Slaanesh Army. Boosting up to I5 or 6 with FnP seems pretty rad. They should be more resilient, so I don't plan on buying a LR for them.


Hopefully I can score Hysterical Frenzy and have my sorcerer buff them up if his unit is unable to make combat. Otherwise a crapton of S5 attacks should see off most enemies.


Probably by far and away the best way to build them. The FnP will make them super absorbent :lol:

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The comparison with berzerkers is what really hurts them, yeah. I don't know if competing with chosen for a FoC slot hurts them the same way (melee focused chosen don't seem like the best unit from what i've seen) but sucking a FoC slot away from cult units and terminators is definitely a drawback too.
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The trouble with possessed is that they are good until you consider the cost.


a 9 man unit equipped as you suggest will cost almost 290 points. If they are in a landraider push that up to around 520.


There is just a lot of stuff that is better for the points im afraid.

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Just quietly, they were never QUITE as terrible before as people made them out to be.


In fact, I'd suggest that with the shift in the game to shooting, they'll be relatively worse now.


Ironically, one simple thing that might have saved them is the thing people hated for them before; scouts. Our new dex is seriously lacking for units that can outflank, and it woulda been real nice to have a unit like that to do it.

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FNP when they have a 5++ already?! Not seeing why FNP is even needed? I5 is great but not as good as Rage, Counter Attack & FC.


Khorne is the way to go, sure they're a touch under 290 points the way I've built them but those S6 attacks are nasty, you don't even need the LR, a screen of Cultists can shield them.


I would've loved them to have Scout but they don't so no point wishlisting. I plan on using them & I'm determined to find a way!



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FNP when they have a 5++ already?! Not seeing why FNP is even needed? I5 is great but not as good as Rage, Counter Attack & FC.


Khorne is the way to go, sure they're a touch under 290 points the way I've built them but those S6 attacks are nasty, you don't even need the LR, a screen of Cultists can shield them.


I would've loved them to have Scout but they don't so no point wishlisting. I plan on using them & I'm determined to find a way!




FNP is needed because another 5+ save is always good? :P


And no, they still have their 5++

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Just quietly, they were never QUITE as terrible before as people made them out to be.


In fact, I'd suggest that with the shift in the game to shooting, they'll be relatively worse now.


Ironically, one simple thing that might have saved them is the thing people hated for them before; scouts. Our new dex is seriously lacking for units that can outflank, and it woulda been real nice to have a unit like that to do it.


This is exactly correct. Was talking to a buddy and mentioned that if they had come with Scout and maybe Acute Senses they would be worth their points investment. As are they, they just do not have a place anymore :*(

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Just quietly, they were never QUITE as terrible before as people made them out to be.


In fact, I'd suggest that with the shift in the game to shooting, they'll be relatively worse now.


Ironically, one simple thing that might have saved them is the thing people hated for them before; scouts. Our new dex is seriously lacking for units that can outflank, and it woulda been real nice to have a unit like that to do it.


This is exactly correct. Was talking to a buddy and mentioned that if they had come with Scout and maybe Acute Senses they would be worth their points investment. As are they, they just do not have a place anymore :*(


I agree guys, Fast Attack section & same rules as now plus Scout IMO but they don't have it so I see no point in wishing now. I do think they have a use though, it's just a case of trying them out.



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The comparison with berzerkers is what really hurts them, yeah. I don't know if competing with chosen for a FoC slot hurts them the same way (melee focused chosen don't seem like the best unit from what i've seen) but sucking a FoC slot away from cult units and terminators is definitely a drawback too.



Is it sad that I didn't even consider Berserkers as a choice? I guess I have my head up my own ass competitively anymore. Didn't even think about adding Berserkers to my Slaanesh army.


Comparatively, you're absolutely correct. Berserkers are a better assault unit point for point than the possessed. So are terminators in most situations, and Warp Talons are probably better as well, point for point.


I'm still going to try and make them work though, because they seem like a fun unit, and I don't think they're as unusable as everyone says they are.

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The comparison with berzerkers is what really hurts them, yeah. I don't know if competing with chosen for a FoC slot hurts them the same way (melee focused chosen don't seem like the best unit from what i've seen) but sucking a FoC slot away from cult units and terminators is definitely a drawback too.



Is it sad that I didn't even consider Berserkers as a choice? I guess I have my head up my own ass competitively anymore. Didn't even think about adding Berserkers to my Slaanesh army.


Comparatively, you're absolutely correct. Berserkers are a better assault unit point for point than the possessed. So are terminators in most situations, and Warp Talons are probably better as well, point for point.


I'm still going to try and make them work though, because they seem like a fun unit, and I don't think they're as unusable as everyone says they are.


I agree. When I look at their profile & the possible upgrades I see a lot of potential. Competitive? Nope, but then I couldn't give a crap about that, so long as they do OK I'm happy. I think so long as they're kept under 300 points they're a reasonable buy if you're looking for dedicated assault. I looked at a melee Terminator set-up & honestly, I think I prefer Possessed.


I know their price comes up as a criticism in most appraisals but I honestly think you get what you pay for. SRs like Fearless, Daemon, Fleet & bought USRs like Counter Attack, Rage, Furious Charge, FNP etc really add up to making them useful. If they had frags then why would anyone take Berzerkers or Terminators? There would be literally no downside. Plus, 2 Gifts of Mutation is real fun IMO!






Here are my lost boys



Nice models!

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Now I think possessed are not very good for a few reasons, but can't you get around the lack of assault grenades by attaching an HQ to their squad?


I don't think so, it just gimps the IC if I remember correctly.


Also, care to state why you think possessed are 'not very good'? Just interested in your reasons.



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Well . . . I don't like random abilities, close combat is high risk/low reward in 6th, they are pricey even before upgrades, they lack ranged capabilities, and are elite rather than scoring troops.
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I don't think they're as unusable as everyone says they are.


Very few things are. I'd say you can definitely make possessed work in 6E, but you'll need more forward planning and have less margin for error than you might with other units.


Just as a throwaway thought - have you considered running a pack of them on foot with a cultist screen rather than shelling out for a land raider?

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Well . . . I don't like random abilities, close combat is high risk/low reward in 6th, they are pricey even before upgrades, they lack ranged capabilities, and are elite rather than scoring troops.


Only random now is D3 - 1. Shred 2.AP3 3.+1A,+1I. Not a single one of those rolls is unwanted in a melee unit, in fact you could argue that getting say AP3 is worth 15 points alone...?


CC is high risk low reward? Care to expand on this theory? I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If CC took the hit everyone thinks it did then why do you still see Death Company in Blood Angels armies? CC is just different now.


Are they really that pricey? 8 points more than a Chosen for; Fleet, 5++, Fear, Vessel roll, Fearless (crucial), +1S. Yes no grenades but you just have to deal with that.


Can't argue with them being Elites though I doubt you'd use melee focused units for scoring anyway. That's what I plan to use Cultists for.



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Very few things are. I'd say you can definitely make possessed work in 6E, but you'll need more forward planning and have less margin for error than you might with other units.


Just as a throwaway thought - have you considered running a pack of them on foot with a cultist screen rather than shelling out for a land raider?


Yeah, totally agree. In fact the more I think about it the more I think this could be the way forward. Cultists could soak up the damage & then either take the assault or tarpit ready for the Possessed. I don't think the Possessed would lose their +1A (+2 with Rage) either unless it was a Disordered Charge. I could throw a Spawn or two up there with MoN too for a laugh, not bad as Beasts now & T6 will be fun plus the models have done nothing for several years & I HATE bikes :lol:



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Well . . . I don't like random abilities, close combat is high risk/low reward in 6th, they are pricey even before upgrades, they lack ranged capabilities, and are elite rather than scoring troops.


Only random now is D3 - 1. Shred 2.AP3 3.+1A,+1I. Not a single one of those rolls is unwanted in a melee unit, in fact you could argue that getting say AP3 is worth 15 points alone...?


CC is high risk low reward? Care to expand on this theory? I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If CC took the hit everyone thinks it did then why do you still see Death Company in Blood Angels armies? CC is just different now.


Are they really that pricey? 8 points more than a Chosen for; Fleet, 5++, Fear, Vessel roll, Fearless (crucial), +1S. Yes no grenades but you just have to deal with that.


Can't argue with them being Elites though I doubt you'd use melee focused units for scoring anyway. That's what I plan to use Cultists for.




Chosen get power weapons all the time, they can tweek their unit EXACTLY how they want it. They cost less. They have assault grenades.


Biggest kickers are how they compare to other dedicated assault units. Zerkers blow em out of the water point for point, even Warp Talons for 4 pts more get shred & AP3 ALL THE TIME, can deep strike, are faster, same 3+/5++, off hand attack means they have the same attacks, there are some things the possessed have over the Talons (fleet, +1 str) but the speed is the most important thing when you have assault units.


When you compare their cost and what they have and don't have vs other units, it is obvious how sub par they are. Not bashing and saying they are "unusable at all times", they simply are not competitive. I will still use them in my R'Tard lists when I play with friends, but that is it. I have actually been thinking about selling them (since the next time we get a codex they will just release new models for them anyhow) and picking up some Spawn (who I would value as better), Raptors, Dark Apostle, and Warsmith (40 Possessed should sell for a fair amount maybe lol).


Shame cause this is literally my favorite unit in the game, they just do not have a spot when I am trying to actually play in a more serious environment.

Makes me sad.

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