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Dallas Drake

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If Possessed had infiltrate to represent their tracking skills or maybe a rule that allows them to pick a target and re-roll hits and wounds against it until it is dead that would be great. The idea would be similar to the Cryx Nightmare jack. Advanced deployment and then prey targets. After prey is destroyed new prey is determined. No vehicular prey though.
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Are they really that pricey? 8 points more than a Chosen for; Fleet, 5++, Fear, Vessel roll, Fearless (crucial), +1S. Yes no grenades but you just have to deal with that.


Can't argue with them being Elites though I doubt you'd use melee focused units for scoring anyway. That's what I plan to use Cultists for.



2A, no bolters, no pistols, no grenades. So it's 1A less than Chosen, no way to deal with vehicles, no shooting. Also, for 19 pts you can have Berzerkers with bp/ccw (same 2A, but 3 for champion), fearless, FC, WS5 - they hit harder on charge, can shoot their BP, can throw frag grenades, better at killing vehicles. 5++ is good, but possessed will lose to CC units with several AP3 or AP2 weapons (death company, thunderwolves, terminators e.t.c.), and against anything else 5++ won't really help. Also, like any dedicated melee unit they need a LR.

From my point of view, possessed are still one of the worst units in the game.

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Yeah, not having assault grenades is a really huge problem for an assault unit that strikes at initiative. Can't think of a way around that one. It'd be slightly less of a problem if we had a LR that was worth a damn, maybe, but even then. Real issue.


Talons don't have them either, do they? I guess their manuverability and deep strike makes it much easier for them to pick and choose their targets, though.

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