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Kurgan the Lurker

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Ok so the Chaos Codex is going to hit within days and that has raised the issue of Cultists and how they will be handled on the B&C.


First let me state that Cultist as they appear in the Codex will be allowed. Much in the way the old Lost and the Damned were allowed and later the various Inquisitorial human units currently are with the WH and GK codex books.


The issue for us -- and the mods are still hammering away at each over this -- is how far do we go with it.


You probably know from reading our earlier statement on Allies



that one option being considered was focusing as an "armies of humanity" forum. This would basically mean any human related army being ok on the site. Marines, SoB, AdMech (used with IG/SM rules most likely), IG (and it's variations -- Tyrant's Legion, Vraks Renegades and so on).


Yes we would keep Daemons as we feel they are integral to the Chaos story.


So we would like to hear from you all on what you feel the Pros and Cons of such a decision may entail.


Please try and be a bit more descriptive than "it would be cool" or "it would suck".


We really do want your feedback on this issue to help us come to a decision that is best for the site in the long term.

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As I put on the Amicus forum...


I feel it would be ok to make note, display, etc on any non PA related things as long as it coming from a PA related codex, like Codex: Chaos SM, Codex: Grey Knights, Codex: Witch Hunters etc. As long as these units are present within a codex designed for PA units/ armies.

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While generally in favour of 'Human Armies', I think inclusion of pure IG would unbalance the site. Too many tanks, realistic painting schemes and the like are a long way from the brightly heraldic space marines and their equivalents. Perhaps Power armoured troops and their human allies?
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I'm slightly torn.


I know the Bolter and Chainsword has an rich heritage and fierce personality tied to remaining unique through dedication to the Power Armor Armies. Generally this has led to premier membership since each flavor of Marine has his own subforum to call home (not likely to see a Blood Angels-only forum on Warseer/Dakka/etcetcetc anytime soon!)


On the other hand, the name Bolter and Chainsword easily lends itself to expanding for anyone who uses Imperium stat-line weaponry. Moving from Blood Angels (my original army 6 years ago) into picking up IG (my second army 4 years ago) was extremely easy simply because the vast majority of the weaponry was all the same.


Additionally, the game has unalterably changed, and those who resist change become the architects of decay.


For me, I will not mind at all for the B&C to modernize into an Armies of Humanity forum.

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I'd suggest allowing imperial guard, and give em their own sub forum. That then covers the only area of the imperium not currently covered.


I know that with the heresy stuff getting more and more popular, there's a good chance we'll start seeing 'imperial army' stuff and even imperial guard vehicles painted in marine colours (as marines get access to alot of that stuff in the heresy rules).


It's a departure from what the B&C has been for years (I had that odd realisation earlier today that I've been a member for 8 and a half years... thats a third of my life :P) But it doesn't have to be a bad thing, and might even breath some new life into the forum with imperial guard painters moving in and sharing their love of the hobby, painting skills and ideas on the canon :)

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I have to say that I truly enjoy the atmosphere here at the B&C and the fact that I can go to a single page and find what I want for my Blood Angels army and another page to find everything relevant to my Space Wolves army. What bugs me is the Index Astartes that is all mixed in and when I want to look for relevant Salmanders post I have to use the search function and sort through those results. I personally think that it should remain divided and integrate the Armies of Humanity into a general fourm such as the painting, converting, and artwork fourm and leave the individual chapters as a sub fourm. That way you leave the dedicated to discuss information relevant to there codex while you can discuss overarching informaiton in a general fourm.
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Personally I'm happy for anything within a PA codex (Cultists, Inquisitorial Henchmen etc) to be allowed but not keen on expanding it to include, for example, Imperial Guard. They have their own forums already and I worry that it would dilute what makes B&C so useful for the majority of users.
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I would rather we remained PA only.


For the idea of Cultists, why not a sub-forum within the Chaos Ascendent sub-forum? (A sub, sub-forum if you will?) To be fair, Daemons could probably get the same treatment...


As for Guard and the Heresy, it's more Ad Mech then Imperial Guard and that already has a Sub-Forum (but could also be modified as above).

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When push comes to shove, i have no problem with a tyranid sub forum.


If you don't want to read it, don't click it.



A great many sites out there exist to whine about games workshop, not talk about blood angels, i would be displeased if that happened here.

And when Mr bigglesworth gets upset, people tend to die, mwahahahaha

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I don't see any issue with adding more people to the site with a different point of view on things. Give them a sub-forum like the rest of us and away we go. TBH I don't see a problem with any army being on here. The 'Bolter and Chainsword' is just a name. It doesn't have to define the forum. I don't believe that adding extra useability and users to the site will stop anyone else coming here. It will just expand the player base and the variety. All good things.
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I would be entirely fine with adding IG and other human-centric armies (possibly under Vive Imperium?). Given the close ties between both Space Marines and the IG as well as Chaos Marines and Traitor Guard, and the recent game-mechanical importance Allies have brought to those relationships, I think it would be entirely appropriate for B&C to embrace their flak and carapace armoured bretheren.


My only concern would be for the PCA forum. Painting and converting Marines is frequently very different from painting and converting regular humans. I'd suggest subfora in the PCA section for Space Marines/CSM and regular Humans (maybe put henchmen & cultists in the latter?).

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