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Fighting the Eternal Enemy


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I don't think that we should be scared of the Helldrake. It can be put down by our own flyer very easily I'd say.


I'll be the first to admit it, I worry about the Heldrake now.


I ran into a list with two of them with baleflamers, and they make Baby Sanguinius cry. Stupid regenerating, power-armor melting,invulnerable-saving, daemon Dragon-thingies. Mutter grumble.


Oh, and Phil Kelly should be in charge of every Codex. Just consistently has that balance of fluff and crunch I love. Just...make someone force him to give all assault troops grenades, and he'd be golden.

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I got to admit I am really jealous of the chaos lords and mages. The price and customization options are just incredible! A level 3 psyker for a meager 10 points more than our level 1 librarians. I really hope the new codex have this level of customization and flexibility.


If dark angels get the same treatment I will be building my counts as blood angel 1st company using there dex!

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the drake is a bad flyer. it costs 170 points . the vector strike hits one target , it works like all the other flyers so if it comes before your flyers it is dead. if he uses just one then it gets hit by the aegis and goes down . he can play with max 3 [under a single FoC] . yes it has a torrent flamer , but to use it one time he needs to take 2-3 .

the realy problematic stuff is chaos firebase . most chaos lists will be runing 2 havock units with an aegis and a bubble wrap of cultists . it can die to focus fire ,but at worse it takes down 2-3 flyers before that happens . that is a problem even for list runing 4-5 flyers.


If someone has a more assault based chaos army he should remember one thing . if mass nurgle is used then sorc will have a nova spell which can hurt . slanesh sorc have a primaris that looks sucktastic str 4 ap 4 , but it blinds and is concusive , keep that in mind when deploying your HQs as tank for your units . you have faster rhinos and jump packs , if chaos players use icons[they cost a lot] or try to hide their sorc[2w and there is a lot of ok powers mind frying will happe] bullter bend to kill them.


If they use NM there is going to be tons of shoting , but no charging and sonic weapons replace the bolt gun , so they wont have ultra grit just 1A with i5. have a tank ready to take the wounds from syren if you want to charge or us stuff like terminators .

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havent picked up my copy of the dex yet (curse you lack of free time! I pre-ordered it damnit :huh: ) but from what im hearing lots of people say it sounds like a step up from the previous dex :)


From what I understand their champs are forced to challenge which might be something we can use to our advantage or factor in. If marine stats are still the same the champs will be only ones to score kills with power weapons to begin with (in normal marine squads) so if we take those out we should have free reign to mop their troops up :D


Their lightning claw raptors cant touch 2+ saves so SG should kick their asses and while they can tool their HQ's up to be killy its costs alot of points (I inmagine anyway...)


Chaos seem to be lacking in transport options so we should be able to out maneavour them and pick our fights.


Other then these things I dont have much to go on due to the lack of a codex to peak into ^_^

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Their lightning claw raptors cant touch 2+ saves so SG should kick their asses and while they can tool their HQ's up to be killy its costs alot of points (I inmagine anyway...)


They also don't have any kind of grenades, so charging inside area terrain is a pain for them. :D

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Mephiston really really really comes into his own against a Khorne list as he tarpits massive units and slowly murders every character on the board. He flubbed a charge for me last night and got himself shot to ribbons (after rolling a 2 and then a 4 while needing a 5...ugh!) but still managed to use the sanguine sword to kill himself a Juggy lord and a few champs.
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I'll be the first to admit it, I worry about the Heldrake now.


Do you have fliers? Storm raven should eat that thing.


Also, cool avatar :unsure:


Thanks! I love the DC, just wish I could work them into more lists.


I have one Storm Raven, although I may have to start exploring the options for a twin list.


One on one, a Storm Raven could whomp on it. It probably should seeing as it costs what, 30-50 points (Depending on Hurricanes, and I love me some Hurricanes!) more. Problem is they don't really have to engage in a jet vs dragon-bird-thingie combat. Most list's I've seen have had three different AA components other than their own fliers in the 1850-2k range. Obviously enter in posts about tactics, positioning, etc... but I'm just talking in generalities.


Just so others don't confuse it, I'm not speaking in an OP/UP sense, btw. I think it's a good model, and I've seen it used with great synergy with the rest of the list and have some damn good results. I also watched it get blown out of the sky from the word 'Go,' so it's not a superpower either.

I just don't think at this moment it's something that should be easily discounted as an, 'Eh, whatever'.


The Warp Talons are the LC-Raptors people are talking about. I'm really on the fence about them. They seem to me to be brutal counter-assault units, not actual assault units like people figured/wanted out of them. They obviously will stay clear of Terminator and Terminator-like threats (ala Sang Guard), but they have the ability to be potent...you just have to pay out the nose for them. Like I said though, I'm iffy with them. I want to like them, but I just can't quite get there. At the very least, I saw they do have some beaky head variants, so you can make awesome Raptor models out of them.

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im thinking of trying, mot, the upgrade that gives the a 4+ inv save giving him a (3+ inv save) and the black mace. its only ap4 but it wounds on a 2+ and if you loose a wound you have to pass a toughness test or the model is removed from play. i think its going to be pretty good in challanges!
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