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I can post a pic of a CSM squad and their Cultists.


But what if I wanted a less Chaotic looking force?


Using Space Marines as Fallen Angels and Imperial Guard models as their Cultists. A Lasgun is an Autogun by the rules.


Remember the Eye of Terror Codex and the awesome evil guardsmen in it?

Then it will be Chaos Space Marines and Cultists you are posting.


Even if they look like Fallen Angels and Imperial Guard.



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I can post a pic of a CSM squad and their Cultists.


But what if I wanted a less Chaotic looking force?


Using Space Marines as Fallen Angels and Imperial Guard models as their Cultists. A Lasgun is an Autogun by the rules.


Remember the Eye of Terror Codex and the awesome evil guardsmen in it?


But you are still including power armour models.

I have no problem if someone says in the army list thread that they want to include some guard as long as the predominant force is marines. If they want to use xenos in the army list thread that could also probably be overlooked.


But the big thing people seem to be missing is that it's not like we get a few of the frater frequenting the board, we invite in a bunch more who's main focus may be just guard and then they begin posting, not just in their own forum but on the amicus and painting. A huge part of the reason people come here is to talk about POWER ARMOUR. That's what has made the board great. It has stuck to its guns in the face of apocalypse and has easily grown and competed with the multi race boards. Just because we can include allies doesn't mean we should have a ton of board space for them. If someone wants to add some allies to the list, fine, but that no way indicates that we should spread open the doors and call everyone in for the sake of what?


A few people disgruntled that they can't post pictures of their elysians on a POWER ARMOUR board? Seems ridiculous. I don't want to wade through the posts of "could Gaunt take ciaphas Cain out?" to get what I came here for.


If you want to do a predominant imperial guard army head to the boot camp forum or dakka. Why sacrifice the unique culture of the b&c for what is essentially allowing some photos? We can have a rule allowing allies to be talked about in the army list threads but only if the majority is power armour. Easy and doesn't dilute the general feel and selling point

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I'd like alot of people to read this wonderful post by bannus in the +Tactica Astartes+ subforum.


Basic jist of it, you have already been able to discuss PA armies with any ally you can legally take in the +Tactica Astartes+ subforum since July 12th. Just a FYI.



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People seem to be missing the point of this thread.

The question isn't 'should we allow cultists.' Kurgan has already said that cultists will be included!

The question is 'should we include Imperial Guard on the B&C.'


You get an internet cookie sir. :lol:

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People seem to be missing the point of this thread.

The question isn't 'should we allow cultists.' Kurgan has already said that cultists will be included!

The question is 'should we include Imperial Guard on the B&C.'


You get an internet cookie sir. :lol:



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Whatever will help get my Tyrant's Legion army on this board, I'm all for.


Seriously, what the heck do I got to do? Start a petition? Explain for the millionth time that the list is heavily focused on Powered Armour, and that a PA HQ is mandatory at anything above 1500pts? Dress like a Mohican and start chucking barrels of tea into Boston Harbour?

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I think it's time the board expanded slightly. I think lists like tyrants legion could and should be discussed here. Imperial guard players could have their own forum, right next to the sisters, admech and grey knights. I don't think there needs to be a refocusing to allow it. I don't think the single forum will cause a glut of guard players, flooding the board with the tide of the unwashed masses of the decidedly not post human. With first vraks, then tyrants legion, then allies, we are heading in the direction of imperium or chaos as a whole anyway. While I prefer the exclusion of non pa, I think it silly to have every possible army of humanity represented on the board except guard. Because the focus of the board is unlikely to change, and games workshop is directing the hobby there anyway, why not?


Edit: Plus then I can get a little help on the PDF list, in a campaign I am making, from the best collection of hobbyists on the net.

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Make B&C about the Imperial struggle against chaos, leaving out the xenos.


Then people with chaos armies full of CSM, daemons and traitor guards would be happy, as well as GK's with henchmen and similar armies.

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When Codex: Chaos Daemons first entered into this equation, I protested their being on B&C on the grounds that they don't have power armored anything in that Codex. Obviously, I didn't get my way, and yet here we are now, forced to make this same argument under a new guise because of the addition of Shiny New Toys and FOC-altering rules.


Guess what? The formula is still the same, and so the answer may be deduced from it.


Query: To what relation, if any, does a given unit have in regards to the concept of a power armored-only forum, and to what extent, if any, does a unit further the goal of maintaining a power armored-centric forum?


Cultists, being a non-standalone force, have no choice but to have at least one power-armored individual in their list even as an allied contingent, if I'm understanding Allies and the CSM FOC correctly. That gives Cultists more of a right to be here than the entire Codex: Chaos Daemons.


The Imperial Guard do not contain power-armored unit types with the single exception of the Techpriest Enginseer, which isn't a standalone unit nor can it be made into one, and taking one is wholly and purely optional. They have no more right to be here than Codex: Chaos Daemons.


Adding Chaos Daemons here was, and still is in my opinion, a mistake. Let's not make the same one twice. No to the Imperial Guard, in any capacity, Allies or otherwise.

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