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Ok so the Chaos Codex is going to hit within days and that has raised the issue of Cultists and how they will be handled on the B&C.


First let me state that Cultist as they appear in the Codex will be allowed. Much in the way the old Lost and the Damned were allowed and later the various Inquisitorial human units currently are with the WH and GK codex books.


The issue for us -- and the mods are still hammering away at each over this -- is how far do we go with it.


You probably know from reading our earlier statement on Allies



that one option being considered was focusing as an "armies of humanity" forum. This would basically mean any human related army being ok on the site. Marines, SoB, AdMech (used with IG/SM rules most likely), IG (and it's variations -- Tyrant's Legion, Vraks Renegades and so on).


Yes we would keep Daemons as we feel they are integral to the Chaos story.


So we would like to hear from you all on what you feel the Pros and Cons of such a decision may entail.


Please try and be a bit more descriptive than "it would be cool" or "it would suck".


We really do want your feedback on this issue to help us come to a decision that is best for the site in the long term.

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I say let the members take us where B&C goes. It doesn't really have to be a "this isn't such and such so isn't allowed -- thread closed =][=" issue just because it isn't clearly labeled in the rules and such. My real issue is that "Bolter and Chainsword" doesn't say "Power Armour Only" at the door, so when an IG fan sticks his neck out and gets slapped, it kind of comes as a surprise, especially considering several IG units fit the description of having exactly what the forum name would suggest: a bolter and a chainsword.


So yes, my vote is to put IG in the "Vive Imperium" subforum, and perhaps even a corresponding subforum in the chaos area for "Traitor Guard" or something similar. The Bolter and Chainsword should be symbols of humanity, in other words.

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The "Bolter and Chainsword" as stated throughout the fluff the last 25+ years are the holy weapons of the Astartes! Not weapons of lesser mortals. Beyond that the forum rules -- the ones which you agree to have read when you sign up -- flat out explain what this site is.
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The "Bolter and Chainsword" as stated throughout the fluff the last 25+ years are the holy weapons of the Astartes! Not weapons of lesser mortals.


And yet they are.


Look, I'm not arguing that they aren't iconic symbols of the Space Marines. Clearly, they are. But it's also clear that they aren't exclusive to the chapters of the astartes, either. They've become, in my opinion, more than that. They've become symbols of leadership throughout the Imperium of Man. Only the best get a bolter/bolt pistol/heavy bolter option in codexes other than astartes (and the same goes for the chainsword). That's why my vote goes to including IG.


Fair enough? At the very least let people post lists with IG allies.

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I feel the decision in the allies topic was the right one, and don't see why it'd have to go farther. This is a power armor thread, and while power armor armies might be a little more diverse these days, it should remain power armor focused. So, any codex of a power armor army is legit, and their potential lists as primary detachments are legit. Nothing more.


In the painting forum, a person can post their army if it includes non-power armored squads, and have individual posts of non-power armored models if they've already posted power armored ones along with it in the thread.


Seems pretty straight forward to me.


I know I come here for B&C's power armor specificity. I love all the armies/chapters/legions separated out, with fans of those particular armies/chapters/legions posting together with a focused theme. If this forum was to include IG, it'd have to have sub-forums for Cadians, Catachans, Valhallans, Vostroyans, etc. etc. etc. to give them proper treatment like all the power armored stuff has, and that might just get a little out of hand.

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I'm with Plague Dave (albeit not too close, I don't want to get the plague).


IMHO the focus should remain power armoured armies but since allies are now legitimate under the core rules we ought to be flexible about accommodating them within the context of the power armoured core forces.

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