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Ok so the Chaos Codex is going to hit within days and that has raised the issue of Cultists and how they will be handled on the B&C.


First let me state that Cultist as they appear in the Codex will be allowed. Much in the way the old Lost and the Damned were allowed and later the various Inquisitorial human units currently are with the WH and GK codex books.


The issue for us -- and the mods are still hammering away at each over this -- is how far do we go with it.


You probably know from reading our earlier statement on Allies



that one option being considered was focusing as an "armies of humanity" forum. This would basically mean any human related army being ok on the site. Marines, SoB, AdMech (used with IG/SM rules most likely), IG (and it's variations -- Tyrant's Legion, Vraks Renegades and so on).


Yes we would keep Daemons as we feel they are integral to the Chaos story.


So we would like to hear from you all on what you feel the Pros and Cons of such a decision may entail.


Please try and be a bit more descriptive than "it would be cool" or "it would suck".


We really do want your feedback on this issue to help us come to a decision that is best for the site in the long term.

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I think they should be fully included because they also are part of the Chaos story and Codex.

The fact that they have never been in there raises more questions than why they are in there now, altough from a power armoured point of perspective I could understand because in their cultist form they will never be part of a Legion.


Now the first problem (I think) we have is that Chaos is a Chaos, there is a mix of Daemons and Space Marines but also now Daemons and Vechicles/Walkers (without the involvement of any Chaos Space Marine sacrifice) who are part of the army.


My main points why they should be discussed here:

1. GK have henchmen, this is essentially the same altough poorly equipped and poorly treated in the CSM dex.

2. SM have scouts (initiates), these are the step before becomming a full space marine, the CSM where once build out of vets (fluffwise) but since the option of vets is now there this would/could mean there are newer (non-renegare) CSM.

3. CSM have cultists in my mind the closest thing we have to scouts/henchmen and actually a mix of both but again poorly treated.


Last but not least, I expect them to be used a lot in Tournament Armies even more than our Daemonic Vechicles/Walkers

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