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Ok so the Chaos Codex is going to hit within days and that has raised the issue of Cultists and how they will be handled on the B&C.


First let me state that Cultist as they appear in the Codex will be allowed. Much in the way the old Lost and the Damned were allowed and later the various Inquisitorial human units currently are with the WH and GK codex books.


The issue for us -- and the mods are still hammering away at each over this -- is how far do we go with it.


You probably know from reading our earlier statement on Allies



that one option being considered was focusing as an "armies of humanity" forum. This would basically mean any human related army being ok on the site. Marines, SoB, AdMech (used with IG/SM rules most likely), IG (and it's variations -- Tyrant's Legion, Vraks Renegades and so on).


Yes we would keep Daemons as we feel they are integral to the Chaos story.


So we would like to hear from you all on what you feel the Pros and Cons of such a decision may entail.


Please try and be a bit more descriptive than "it would be cool" or "it would suck".


We really do want your feedback on this issue to help us come to a decision that is best for the site in the long term.

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Cultists are fine as long as they're from the Chaos codex. Tau or IG being represented as cultists is not cool.


Stick with that and you won't have to make any significant U turns - afterall, we allow Scouts from the SM codex and they don't wear power armour.


Alternatively, if you're considering opening the gates, do it fully and embrace the chaos.

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I'd say any codex (or army list) without any marines/power armour at all is out of place at the B&C. And that includes IG with their one techpriest who technically has power armour. :cuss


I think the B&C has kept its quality high and steered away from things like whineseer because of its specialisation - power armoured armies. Even though this still leaves a huge selection, the selection is there, and its what keeps discussions, and therefore often the people on the board, focused. For that reason I would advise against fully embracing the chaos, as the previous poster put it.


I think you could get away with making it an 'armies of humanity' board, though. Bolters and chainswords are, after all, wielded by humans all over the board. And it would still keep a (rather broad) selection of the game, hopefully keeping the boardmembers as focused as before.

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I believe this board's focus on power armies is one of the things that maintains quality posts and my return. Good moderators are the other. I think the only board that exceeds the combination is for a particular blue-skinned battle brother and they achieve it by strict adherence to posting and topic guidelines.


I would like to keep cultists and daemon discussion to the appropriate Chaos sub forums. I do not want to see an "Armies of Humanity" forum. That approach is more likely to dilute the board's quality and brand. Cultists are in the newest Codex and should be allowed to be discussed here as they are a part of army building, tactics, and background. I don't even mind daemons being discussed here as long as it is in the context of the chaos milieu. They have been part of the army longer than they have had their own codex. The ally mechanic allows their inclusion, but the emphasis should be on power armor.


I fear a dedicated forum for non-power armor discussion dilutes the board. There's plenty of other options available for folks who want to discuss the non-power armor options outside the context of the playing and hobby aspects of good and evil space marines.


Edit: run on sentence fixed

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I reckon the quality of this board is solely because of the mods, admins and the rules they enforce. I highly doubt it is because we all play power armour armies - there's plenty of members here who are, shall we say, less than mature and, dare I say it, 'dilute' our esteemed halls with what mental baggage they bring here. And the assumption that having an IG subforum will assuredly "dilute" the board, although it is a common enough stance, I think it is misplaced.


What is this fear that when we add another subforum, for the Guard, suddenly we will see a marked drop in the quality of this board? Balderdash! Did that happen when we introduced the AdMech subforum, the Daemons subforum or either of the other two non-purebred PA subfora? No. Not in the slightest. Why? It isn't a subforum itself that's the problem, nor is it intrinsically the people it brings to the table. The rules keep members in line, and if they still chafe at the reins, they are booted, eventually, for the good of everyone else. Will an IG board detract from B&C? Will B&C turn into another whineseer or dakka dakka? No and no. Why? Our esteemable Mods and Admins. They have had a lot of experience, collectively, running B&C - I doubt they will drop the ball should they introduce a new IG board.


There are plenty of Non-PA units involved in other Vive Imperiam subforums, some of them Guard, some of them not even that. If we accept the types of army list like the Vraks Renegades or the Tyrants Legion, then we might as well eliminate the grey areas and allow Guard full stop. In for a penny, in for a pound. Taking this step now makes things far easier to adapt, rather than leaving it and try to find that diminishing demarcation between what is accepted and what is not. To say that we should keep this board purely for Power Armoured armies wilfully ignores the subforums that already exist and is dangerously verging on elitism. One more will not hurt. This, I guarantee you.

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True enough. I think adding a humanity section means more work for the mods as the potential audience for the site increases. If they want to potentially take on more work, more power to them.


It is cool to read a well reasoned observation. I respect your argument and it will be interesting to how it all plays out.

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