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Concerning Cultists


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Description says it all, for +1 points each they get a lasgun basically. Think it is worth it or am I silly for even thinking about it?



1. 24" range shooting area. Pretty good to move and fire 30 or so of these.

2. Good for overwatching. 60ish shots with a full squad is decent + flamer hits.



1. +1 point each on a crappy unit.

2. lose the offhand attack in melee I guess. . . Not a huge deal as most people don't wanna get into grips with large units anyhow.

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Wait, they have to pay for their autoguns? I was assuming they'd come with a choice of autoguns or ccws. That's a pain. I'll probably be paying for them, though. An extra attack each at their stats isn't much help and I probably don't want them in melee anyway.
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Description says it all, for +1 points each they get a lasgun basically. Think it is worth it or am I silly for even thinking about it?



1. 24" range shooting area. Pretty good to move and fire 30 or so of these.

2. Good for overwatching. 60ish shots with a full squad is decent + flamer hits.



1. +1 point each on a crappy unit.

2. lose the offhand attack in melee I guess. . . Not a huge deal as most people don't wanna get into grips with large units anyhow.


Depending on your plan for the unit, I am leaning towards mixed units of cultists with 50% guns and 50% cc. My thinking is that the one with the guns can die first when they advance. while snapping some shots off into the distance.


And yes, I think it can be worth it (guns). But it depends on availabillity of cover and many other factors.


Edit: In case people are unaware, they can mix weapons (which I really happen to like about them)


Human Wave Battle Doctrine (popular in the east in 1941-42): Give your front ranks guns and let the men behind them pick them up when they fall...:cuss

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Not just in 1941-42. The Chinese did this in Korea as well.

Anyway, I would just keep em cheap and cheerful. I really don't want them in assault unless there is someone (or something) nearby to keep em in the fight. Orks have mob rule and IG have commissars/orders to stay in the fight, but cultist blobs can be easily swept if we are not careful.

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I was thinking that 20 Cultists with autoguns and flamers makes for a decent backfield objective holder when stationed behind an ADL to give them a save. 40 shots on Overwatch will roll some sixes, and 2d3 flamer hits on top of that ain't shabby.
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I was thinking that 20 Cultists with autoguns and flamers makes for a decent backfield objective holder when stationed behind an ADL to give them a save. 40 shots on Overwatch will roll some sixes, and 2d3 flamer hits on top of that ain't shabby.


Exactly my thoughts. Also you can field 20-30 cultists with MoS as human shield for better units, they will have enough models and strike at the same initiative as marine opponents.

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I'm thinking two things with cultists: bubble-wrap vehicles; mob a backfield objective.


The first one doesn't matter so much; just run them bare because they're going to die anyway. The second one could benefit from the Rapid Fire rule and longer range to hopefully pare down anything that slips through to threaten them.

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As mentioned in the above posts depends on the role you are planning for them.

I'd personally keep them cheap and numerous too.

Whenever you want them to hold an objective in the back field or shielding your CSM march towards enemy lines they will probably benefit more from additional bodies then autoguns.

I'm not saying massed S3 firepower is bad but if your cultists are merely cannon fodder I wouldn't invest too much points in them.

I'll play test both loadouts and see how they work but I think CCW cultists may be a good escort for a CC character.


3 attack per model on charge plus the capability to take marks should allow them to help your character.


Anyway do you know if the Champion cultist can take gift of mutation?

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Anyway do you know if the Champion cultist can take gift of mutation?




No he can't or no you don't know?


No he can't. :D


(btw I wouln't post just to let you know that I don't know something)


Thanks for the info Lepaca.

Gift of mutatation on cultist champions could have been potentially unbalanced. Since you can field a great number of them we would have a increased chance to turn a IG sergeat like with a worst armour save model into a Daemon Prince. :D


However I'm gald they can take marks. T4 or I4 cultists sounds very interesting...indeed.

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I was wondering if it was possible to mark them... I'd assumed you couldn't. I don't know if I'd want to do it, but it sounds like an interesting option.


Not just in 1941-42. The Chinese did this in Korea as well.

Hell, Iran was doing this in 1981. It's prettymuch how they overwhelmed the better armed Iraqi forces and pushed the war front into Iraq.

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Thanks for the info Lepaca.

Gift of mutatation on cultist champions could have been potentially unbalanced. Since you can field a great number of them we would have a increased chance to turn a IG sergeat like with a worst armour save model into a Daemon Prince. ;)


Gift of Mutation can never turn someone into a spawn or a daemon prince. ;)


I was wondering if it was possible to mark them... I'd assumed you couldn't. I don't know if I'd want to do it, but it sounds like an interesting option.


You indeed can but the marks are 25%/50% of the cultist base cost, so I won't use them. :P

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Thanks for the info Lepaca.

Gift of mutatation on cultist champions could have been potentially unbalanced. Since you can field a great number of them we would have a increased chance to turn a IG sergeat like with a worst armour save model into a Daemon Prince. ;)


Gift of Mutation can never turn someone into a spawn or a daemon prince. ;)



But the rule says, as we read on WD, the character rolls on the boon table before deployment. Does the rule state you ignore spawnhood and daemonhood results on the table?

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Thanks for the info Lepaca.

Gift of mutatation on cultist champions could have been potentially unbalanced. Since you can field a great number of them we would have a increased chance to turn a IG sergeat like with a worst armour save model into a Daemon Prince. ;)


Gift of Mutation can never turn someone into a spawn or a daemon prince. ;)



But the rule says, as we read on WD, the character rolls on the boon table before deployment. Does the rule state you ignore spawnhood and daemonhood results on the table?


Yes. You ignore Exaltation and Spawndom on boon rolls, making them well worth the 10 points.

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Thanks for the info Lepaca.

Gift of mutatation on cultist champions could have been potentially unbalanced. Since you can field a great number of them we would have a increased chance to turn a IG sergeat like with a worst armour save model into a Daemon Prince. ;)


Gift of Mutation can never turn someone into a spawn or a daemon prince. ;)



But the rule says, as we read on WD, the character rolls on the boon table before deployment. Does the rule state you ignore spawnhood and daemonhood results on the table?


Yes. You ignore Exaltation and Spawndom on boon rolls, making them well worth the 10 points.


That's very good since you don't risk you lose your character. The worst you can suffer is no upgrade and there is a much greater chance to get something very useful. I think it's worth every point of its cost.

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Has anyone considered putting a apostle in a group of cultists? Could be fun...


That was exactly the Character I was considering to place in the middle of a Cultist blob. Not only does it 'feel right' on a fluff level, their cost is reasonable for what you get. The Warpsmith looks like fun too, but he'll be trying to hover around the vehicles and Daemon Engine support units, giving added protection and hopefully keeping them up-and-running. The Apostle deserves to be in the middle of a mob, whipping them up in to a frothing frenzy.

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any cultists in an army including tyhus can be zombified. They cannot take upgrades ( including marks) and they get the FNP, fearless, S&P. The problem at the moment is that RAW, you can only take 10 cultists in a zombie unit, because the extra cultists are listed as options.
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any cultists in an army including tyhus can be zombified. They cannot take upgrades ( including marks) and they get the FNP, fearless, S&P. The problem at the moment is that RAW, you can only take 10 cultists in a zombie unit, because the extra cultists are listed as options.


Obviously this need to be FAQed and fast, since I refuse to believe even for a moment that this was the designers intent.

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