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Lost n' Damned


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So, the idea of a horde of cultists is pretty appealing, but I am looking to spice up the 'white bread' cultist miniatures we received in DV. The unit entry gives a wide description of these vile miscreants, and we are able to take quite a few in a unit. I already have a lot of zombies lying around, so that is good, but I am thinking a bunch of renegade guard and mutants would go a long way.


Anyone else got designs for their i̶d̶i̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶e̶l̶d̶s̶ ̶ rabid fans?

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I think I'll be mainly using Empire Flagellants as my cultists. They really capture the "end of times" feel and the minis are pretty nice. They'll make excellent meat shield for my WBs.


Another alternative I was considering are the VC 'Ghouls' from WHFB. They'd make some really nice mutants or under-hive scavengers. Beastmen could also be fun. I think I'll be going back through my old 'Eye of Terror' WDs for some Lost and the Damned inspiration :cuss

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I'll probably pick up some FW Renegades to bulk out/mix up the two big units I plan on having. I would also have considered the old Scavvy models from Necromunda (though not the newer ones, they're terrible by comparison), but I much prefer plastic for my armies, easier to transport. My 4k points of Chaos has no metal models and I'd prefer to keep it that way.
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Originally my idea was that if I ever did try out Cultists, I would use them in my Night Lords in a similar way to how Zso Sahaal had those Cultists practically worshipping him in the Lord of Night. But then I thought, what if I tried something completely different and radical? What if I had Cultists who were less like Cultists and more like conscripts and prisoners, captives so scared of their masters that they are willing to fight against the very people who would free them. Even if it is only to become free in death. Granted, I have absolutely no idea how to show this, but hey, that's what ideas and dreams are for right?
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Originally my idea was that if I ever did try out Cultists, I would use them in my Night Lords in a similar way to how Zso Sahaal had those Cultists practically worshipping him in the Lord of Night. But then I thought, what if I tried something completely different and radical? What if I had Cultists who were less like Cultists and more like conscripts and prisoners, captives so scared of their masters that they are willing to fight against the very people who would free them. Even if it is only to become free in death. Granted, I have absolutely no idea how to show this, but hey, that's what ideas and dreams are for right?

Thats what I love about the Flagellant minis. Many of them have have manicles around their ankles and they all wear ripped and tattered clothes. Perfect slaves/prisoners!

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Originally my idea was that if I ever did try out Cultists, I would use them in my Night Lords in a similar way to how Zso Sahaal had those Cultists practically worshipping him in the Lord of Night. But then I thought, what if I tried something completely different and radical? What if I had Cultists who were less like Cultists and more like conscripts and prisoners, captives so scared of their masters that they are willing to fight against the very people who would free them. Even if it is only to become free in death. Granted, I have absolutely no idea how to show this, but hey, that's what ideas and dreams are for right?

Thats what I love about the Flagellant minis. Many of them have have manicles around their ankles and they all wear ripped and tattered clothes. Perfect slaves/prisoners!

That sounds really awesome Kol! Toss in some pistol bits and you should be all set!

I am thinking some ork and maybe kroot bits are in order to make some twisted Nurgle mutants. Tentacles and bug parts are good too . . .

Heck, maybe just some straight-up kroot mercenaries could be fun 'counts-as . . .'

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Cultists can actually be marked, so I'm trying to find all my old mutants with pistols to once again field on the table. T4 meatshields for the win! :)

I also have lots of zombies I want to try out, but I don't want Typhus, so I don't know what to do about that yet.

Except for those, I have over 50 'normal' cultists already, so I think I might have enough for a while.

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I collected a bunch of figs, many of them from Necromunda that I think will be good for cultists. I'm just not sure how many cultists I want to paint. I plan on doing some kitbashing, there is of course the Renegades from Forgeworld...
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I have over 120 skaven clanrats and plague monks (the Toyworld near my hometown was having a clearance sale 25-50% of everything including Game workshop stuff so I went a bit overboard regretted it afterwards but who cares) so am begging or bribing other members from my gaming club for bitzs so will have enough weapons to convert them so I can have 4 squads of 30 cultists and overwhelm my opponents in games
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I have 12 sets of Forgeworld Renegade arms that I'm planning on combining with Flagellants for auto gun cultists and Chaos Marauders for choppy ones. Might mix in some beastmen as well. I'd realy like a multipart plastic cultist set, but I'm not thinking it'll be out right away so I'll probably get converting some soon. I might wait to see if anything is released Oct 20, but after that it's converting time!
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Currently I have 60 cultists from DV and 10 Empire handgunners from Wahammer fantasy converted into cultists.

Next 10 cultists will be Empire flagelants.


Then I'll think about Vampire Counts Zombies, Warriors of Chaos Marauders, Lizardmen for T4 MoN cultists (yes my Renegade chapter/warband will use even Xenos slaves :yes: ).

I also have the skaven from Island of blood. I have to put them on some rock to make as high as the human cultists from DV.

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Waiting (and hoping) for the cultist box in the next chaos wave.


Please gods let this happen.


In the meanwhile, I have a squad of FW renegades I picked up ages ago that should go nicely with my cultists, even if they have lasguns instead of autoguns. Same thing anyway, though.

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I have around 120 or so Mantic Games Zombies for my Plague Zombies, and then 200 or so FW Renegade Militia. Shame a lot of them will be rendered useless with Plasma & Melta as Cultists, but whatever.
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I have around 120 or so Mantic Games Zombies for my Plague Zombies, and then 200 or so FW Renegade Militia. Shame a lot of them will be rendered useless with Plasma & Melta as Cultists, but whatever.


Not useless, they could still be used as "Veteran Cultists" by taking guard allies and putting them in Vet Squads!

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Do you think we could use IG models to represent cultists?

They have lasguns instead of autoguns but their STR and AP is even the same so they can count as autoguns. :P

I have about 40 IG models and I'd like to use them to represent the cultists from CSM codex. This will bring my cultists count up to 110.


It's not a conversion but more a count as, so I'd like to know your opinion on it...

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Do you think we could use IG models to represent cultists?

They have lasguns instead of autoguns but their STR and AP is even the same so they can count as autoguns. ;)

I have about 40 IG models and I'd like to use them to represent the cultists from CSM codex. This will bring my cultists count up to 110.


It's not a conversion but more a count as, so I'd like to know your opinion on it...


I'm considering the same, or maybe the Shock Troops from Wargames Factory (they actually have machinegun-like weapons, a better fit, IMO - and those helmets and shoulder pads seems awesome to but some chaos graffiti). Too bad them both don't seem to be a good choice for CCW+BP cultists.


As far as the marks go, I don't want to actually paint or model them on the models, since maybe I will want to use different marks with different army builds. I'm planning creating a preacher-like mini for each god, properly armed as the rest of the unit, to represent the mark (but not the champion, since he can be replaced challenged/killed before the whole unit is) - they will have a banner, or the mark modeled on him, but no real icons, like the ones in the kits, to avoid confusion. I'm considering those signs, like protesters use in the streets :P

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