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Melee Chosen

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I've seen a couple different peeps talking about how melee-centric Chosen don't seem impressive; I'm asking, "How are they not?" Provided a Land Raider or Infiltrate from a Warlord Trait, they'll be amazing. I'm taking five or six with the Mark of Khorne in a LR with my Lord and an Apostle riding shotgun.


They're two attacks base, with "ultragrit" (Bolter/BP/CCW for the unaware), which makes them three attacks. When charging, that's five attacks per model unless you've got a fist in there (so he's "just" four), plus counter-attack will give them the same number of attacks as most Marine assault units when they've been charged in turn. With VOTLW, they'll straight pwn any Marine unit they hit; even Terminators are going to feel it when you're dumping that many attacks on them in one assault phase. Plus, unlike most other Marine units, you can "hide" power fists in them if you feel like it. With ultragrit built in, you'd get Overwatch thrown in on that too. Want to go completely overboard? The Icon of Wrath makes those big five attacks at +1 Strength which makes power swords good and power axes boss.


Afraid for their resilience? Take a dirge caster on your Land Raider and make sure you get in nice and close, so there's no threat of Overwatch.


I can understand that they're expensive, especially as you start heaping upgrades on them, but that's a theme I noticed in this codex. If you want something that boss, you'll pay boss-level points for it. So....comments?

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I'm not sure how that's better than just taking berzerkers. I mean if you have a character in there he can just throw the challenge and then you can run a "hidden" powerfist or axe on the champ anyway. And you get WS5 and S5 charging which is better than having one extra attack per guy. Sure you don't get bolters, but that type of unit probably won't be objective camping much anyway, and although I haven't number crunched it I'm guessing it would be a bit cheaper, and scoring assuming a Khorne lord in there someplace. I'm actually planning on doing something like this myself, it's too much fun not to.


Edit: Oh you were going to give them a Khorne icon for the FC. Well I guess it would be alright, but I still think the berzerkers give you more bang for your buck.

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Hmmmm. Fair enough. I still prefer the Chosen for the ability to pump them up with power weapons -- five models can take 'em, four off the option list plus the Champ has access to the armory -- but I see your point. And besides, a Khorne-marked Chosen is only one point more expensive than a Berzerker. That one point is important, too, I feel, because for that I get an extra attack in melee AND a bolter for at-range work and increased Overwatch odds. It's only at the point that you start throwing on VOTLW and those power weapons that the points differential becomes an issue.
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I'm not convinced that these guys are worth it for the points, but my recently converted Abaddon model makes them troops, so I'll certainly be trying them out, and following the reports other have as closely as possible.
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Well, thing about power weapons for me on things that aren't terminators is this--I mean what are you using them for? Killing power armored things? Berzerkers will do that quite well too, it's kind of overkill. And for killing tough units you will need axes, but if you run up against say termies with claws/hammers the claws will splat your guys before they can strike wasting points. This was my issue with my Incubi in my Dark Eldar army actually, it's just annoying, AP3 CC weapons feel kind of neither here nor there when fielded in large amounts, they are either severe overkill or completely worthless. In my opinion the best option Chaos has to beat up big scary things in CC is characters, our CC troops are more ablative wounds and just mass of dice, which is best achieved by being a bit more frugal.
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Rain, Incubi are AP 2 so I don't know where your problem with them is.


Deus I have the same idea. My boss man for my warband is a Abby counts as so I'll be using alot of chosen. I've got alot of ideas bouncing around but at the moment its basically the same as yours. MoK, Icon of Wrath, powerfist (for MCs and walkers mostly and because he's already got it modeled that way and it looks boss), probably a pair of mauls and a pair of lightning claws. I'll probably run them with Khârn as well. That would be an insane deathstar I think. Even up against terminators the sheer number of attacks and high strength/shred capability seems like it would run right through them. I'll definitely be following up on other people's reports when they use them though.

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