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Iron Sage

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Tri-Las predator is now just 140. It used to be far more expensive and had a problem with being stun-locked. Now it`s rather cheap, in my opinion, for what it does.


While vehicles in 6ed are generally weaker, front armour AV 13 isn`t bad at all. Earlier, you had to worry about those glanced hits that ruined your shooting. Not really a problem anymore.


Therefore I am a tad surprised that no one has mentioned this old and trusted piece of armour in our codex. Surely it can now be worth fielding?


I suspect it`s now competative.

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Yeah, I think I would run it with as a dakka tank. Just not going to see as many vehicles this edition as last. Though, with three TW lascannons, it can kill some vehicles and actually take a pop shot decently well at flyers, so that is something to think about.
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I think predators will be awesome this addition. A bit over 100 points for one with 2 las cannons and an autocannon, slighly under 150 points for three las cannons. This all on an AV13 front platform, so other long range targets wont take it out super easily. Stick it behind an aegis defense line and you also have a 4+ save... quite awesome If you ask me.
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you're right in that they have become a lot better. they are cheap, and have reasonable weapons for taking out all the light AV that we see, and also S9 lascannons for the heavier stuff. however, the havocs are just better. They have more flexibility, the option for skyfire, more heavy weapons, etc...


However, just because havocs are the optimal choice, the pred is not far behind. it does ad to armour saturation if you are fielding a lot of rhinos or LRs

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I have a Dakkapred with a havoc launcher almost painted, but I must say the reduction in lascannon cost made me seriously reconsider that twin-lascannon. One twin lascannon is about as good vs infantry as an autocannon, but a lot better vs vehicles and flyers than the autocannon. But there is a certain appeal about it being so incredibly cheap as an anti-infantry platform too.


I think I will try it out with the autocannon, and if it just doesn't contribute, I'll give it the twin-las. It doesn't need to kill much to be worth just over 100 pts!

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you're right in that they have become a lot better. they are cheap, and have reasonable weapons for taking out all the light AV that we see, and also S9 lascannons for the heavier stuff. however, the havocs are just better. They have more flexibility, the option for skyfire, more heavy weapons, etc...


However, just because havocs are the optimal choice, the pred is not far behind. it does ad to armour saturation if you are fielding a lot of rhinos or LRs


Mmm, I agree. It`s obviously better and worse in certain builds. Again, I like how there seems to be actually plenty of those (builds) in this codex.

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One thing the pred has that havocs do not however is the ability to take soulblaze. I don't have my computer with the files on it (work computer), anyone have an idea what sort of points we're looking at for dakka preds? 150ish for trilas, 100ish for auto/las but what about dakka???
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I see it working similar to the forgefiend (is it too early to call it the dakkafiend?) But you're trading weight of fire and AA threat for ap2. Terminators, MEQ and AV14 will fear you more, plus you save some points.
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you're right in that they have become a lot better. they are cheap, and have reasonable weapons for taking out all the light AV that we see, and also S9 lascannons for the heavier stuff. however, the havocs are just better. They have more flexibility, the option for skyfire, more heavy weapons, etc...


However, just because havocs are the optimal choice, the pred is not far behind. it does ad to armour saturation if you are fielding a lot of rhinos or LRs



I guess thats true if you will only spam one Heavy choice or only have room in your list for 1 heavy choice. I plan on using both.

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One thing the pred has that havocs do not however is the ability to take soulblaze. I don't have my computer with the files on it (work computer), anyone have an idea what sort of points we're looking at for dakka preds? 150ish for trilas, 100ish for auto/las but what about dakka???


About a marine more than your guess for the auto/las, and just under 100 for the dakka. Though it must be said that the dakka goes well with a havoc launcher, which is something I'm about to try out this weekend. :P

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One thing the pred has that havocs do not however is the ability to take soulblaze. I don't have my computer with the files on it (work computer), anyone have an idea what sort of points we're looking at for dakka preds? 150ish for trilas, 100ish for auto/las but what about dakka???


*point costs removed*

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I think a mix of heavies will work excellently. Quad-missile Havocs with flakk missiles provide light AT, horde control, and AAA. A tri-las Pred provides heavy AT. And a Possessed Vindi for horde control, anti-Terminator, and heavy AT. The Predator's range and lascannon layout gives you a Turn One option for killing heavy armor -- something that majority of fast melta platforms can't do. Now that its so much cheaper than before makes it definitely worth its weight.
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As for the soulblaze rule it sounds awesome on a predator but I still don't fully understand how it works. If I fire all of my predator's guns at a target and cause a single unsaved wound it creates a soulblaze token. Now if I fire and cause more than one unsaved token I still only get one soulblaze token on the enemy squad right? I don't see how this is really going to be devestating since the fire also goes out on a 1-3.
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Pretty sure if you use a dakka pred, auto/HB sponsons, each unsaved wound causes soulblaze.


Doesn't the rule say a unit can have a single "soulblaze marker" per time?


At work so I can't check my book, anyone have theirs handy?


It does indeed say that. Only one unfortunatly. Still can be worth it on an anti infantry platform (vehicles), since its so relativly cheap.

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Oh yeah at the point cost its a no brainer. I gave the upgrade to my defiler too since the battle cannon is going to butcher any squad short of a terminator squad. The extra soul blaze counter which is garunteed since the squad suffers unsaved wounds which should help kill off or weaken those that weren't killed in the initial blast. Hell it even makes a trilas pred and land raider more effective in anti infantry roles though its really just a nuisance to the kind of heavy targets a lascannon is going to be killing.
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if only soul blaze stacked :P


preds got better , but again we are seeing here the old case of "take oblits" . flyers are huge right now , we cant play without havocks . So two slots for havocks it is . now technicly we could fit [well maybe not at 1500] a pred or a fiend , but considering the low number of AV units overall in our armies and the fact that tanks do die faster nowadays [they work longer when spamed , but they die faster because of hull points] , they realy arent a good option . + most of the time it is just better to take an aegis or sorc then a pred . more utility . At 2k or more , viable . 2 havocks 2 fiends or 2 havocks 2 preds are both ok . depending on how melta heavy the csm/bikers are in our lists. more melta fiends are better, no melta las preds it is.

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I'm going to try mech lists. Probably do something like a DP, Khârn, a CSM squad w/ rhino, zerk squad w/ rhino, a dread w/ reaper/fist, one havoc squad with MLs, one havoc squad with lascannons and then possibly a dakka pred. Decent armor saturation and if the dread hangs back he can provide support if the havocs or pred run into any deepstrikers/outflankers, at least until the DP arrived. Only thing I can see having trouble with is 2+ armor but then there'd be the lascannons or DP if push comes to shove.
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It can be great in Mech/Walker/Flyer lists.


As it stands now I think we have the following best tournament options:


- Cultspam + Heavy Hitters allround (HQ's, Termies, Loads of Cults, Shooty support, Oblies)

- Mechspam (HQ's, Cults, Walkers, Flyers, Preds/Vindi's)


The trend we've been seeing for years now is that armies are able to dish out the punishment on vechicles nontheless the cheap backbone lets us use loads of goodstuff.


Have fun fielding your cheap Preds!

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