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New to Warhammer- Table Top


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Hey there,


I know most that read this will most likely laugh, and giggle at the naive questions I have for you all; but here it goes.


So much like the title says, I'm going to take my first steps into the waters of Warhammer 40k, Table top. I am huge fan of the Lore, and history that surrounds the universe of the Imperium and it's assailants. I figured that after 4 or 5 years of being in love with it, that'd I'd pool my money together and get myself an army.


My questions are this, I was wondering if there was any way to sort of start my own Chapter, or Chaos band? Like write up some back-story, commanders and create an crest and color for them? Is that like blasphemous? or is it possible.


Next, with my previous question in mind; If I can make my own chapter, ya know name and color and make it a Chaos chapter, would it be acceptable to use a basic Space Marine chapter, with their armor and weapons, but make the armor have the slightest bit of filth and corruption. To make it seem like they are a recent convert.


And lastly if someone could help come up with a basic army list, that would be much appreciated...


Sorry if the questions are worded awkwardly, but it's the only way I could convey them.


Thank you!

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother!


I know most that read this will most likely laugh, and giggle at the naive questions I have for you all; but here it goes.


Not in the slightest (at least not from me), we were all asking similar questions at some point or another.


My questions are this, I was wondering if there was any way to sort of start my own Chapter, or Chaos band? Like write up some back-story, commanders and create an crest and color for them? Is that like blasphemous? or is it possible.


Yes, indeed there is, there is plenty of scope to create your own chapter/warband to fit into the 40k universe. And no, it is not blasphemous. Not in the slightest. :wink:


Next, with my previous question in mind; If I can make my own chapter, ya know name and color and make it a Chaos chapter, would it be acceptable to use a basic Space Marine chapter, with their armor and weapons, but make the armor have the slightest bit of filth and corruption. To make it seem like they are a recent convert.


That's entirely plausible. Most people go for a mix of parts when representing renegade astartes or just the run-of-the-mill (if such a term can ever be applied) chaos marines but using regular marine parts is fine. Just remember to deface or erase any imperial iconography, ok?



And lastly if someone could help come up with a basic army list, that would be much appreciated...


If you wish to get help creating an army list I suggest visiting the army list subforum near the bottom of the main B&C page.


Hope that helps. :)

Yes and yes. Just be aware that the Space Marine models may have different equipment modelled in them than the ones expected in a chaos warband.

I personally think it's a great idea, since I think it's strange to all chaos marines to have horns and such.



And welcome!

Thank you both! I'll take a look at the Army List you mentioned, and I agree; that while the horns and such are frightening, they do get a little bit..... over-saturated? But anyways, that you both and I suppose keep eyes out for the Hall of Honor for a post sooner or later :wink:
My questions are this, I was wondering if there was any way to sort of start my own Chapter, or Chaos band? Like write up some back-story, commanders and create an crest and color for them? Is that like blasphemous? or is it possible.

Yes, that is possible, and even encouraged. There are approximately one thousand loyal Chapters today ("today" as in the current date of 40K, 999.M41), but only very few are described in the GW sources. There was even a guide to how to come up with a paint scheme, different kinds of heraldry, finding a name and a badge for a Chapter in the old "How to Paint Space Marines". One thing that is generally frowned upon is to create one of the two "lost Legions". Second Founding Chapters are also a bit iffy, even if not all of them are explicitely listed in the sources. Everything from Third Founding onwards is perfectly fine.

Chaos "Chapters" is a tiny bit more problematic, because it has been extremely rare over the last ten thousand years that an entire Space Marine Chapter has turned to the dark side. It is more common that a company (or even a few companies), a squad or a single Marine turns. Another issue is that once a Chapter betrays the Imperium it will no longer be supplied by the Adeptus Mechanicus or Imperial Forgeworlds, so they will loose more and more equipment and are forced to scavenge what they need from other forces. It will also have a much harder time replacing fallen Marines, since they cannot handily select from an entire willing planetary population of potential aspirants. They would have to resort to using slaves or captives for recruitment. So even if an entire Chapter should turn, after a few decades it will have been reduced significantly.



Next, with my previous question in mind; If I can make my own chapter, ya know name and color and make it a Chaos chapter, would it be acceptable to use a basic Space Marine chapter, with their armor and weapons, but make the armor have the slightest bit of filth and corruption. To make it seem like they are a recent convert.

You could perhaps go without the more chaotic and warped armour for a while, but at least the Imperial insignia should be removed. I.e. no eagle symbols on chest or helmets, no Crux Terminatus, etc.



And lastly if someone could help come up with a basic army list, that would be much appreciated...

Just take a Captain and two Tactical squads, and then go from there. You could try out some units and see how they work for you. Personally, I am more fond of the "basic squads" of the Space Marines, Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads, with the occasional vehicle added in. I don't use a lot of Veterans (hate the current incarnation), and have not really used Terminators since GW has put them on much larger bases. I also do not use too many vehicles, since I had my Dreadnought or Land Raider shot down in turn 1 too many times. But sometimes they can also work really well.

As has been said, the answer to your questions is "yes."


One thing to keep in mind - many members here will offer their input. Just remember that their input is nothing more than a suggestion (no matter how it might be phrased). There are actually very few things that might be considered rules, and even those are questionable.


For example, a post above this cites the lost legions and 2nd Founding as things that should probably be avoided. That's good advice if you want to avoid negative feedback from a large segment of players. However, neither of those is really off limits and you are free to use both/either if that's what you want. Likewise with any number of other things that people will tell you shouldn't be done (e.g., Black Templars successors, loyalist Chapters descended from traitor gene-seed, whatever). If GW has taught us nothing else in the last 25 or so years, they've taught us that the lore as we know it is malleable, perception-based, and full of holes. There are exceptions to just about any "rule" that people might perceive.


So do you what you want to do, accept the feedback from others as helpful (but non-binding) advice, and enjoy the experience.


Everything you've proposed is perfectly acceptable. Try the painters linked at the top of the page if you'd like to play around with schemes.


I'm moving this to the Liber Astartes forum which is purpose-built for the creation of DIY Chapters/Legions/warbands/whatever. ;)

Chaos "Chapters" is a tiny bit more problematic, because it has been extremely rare over the last ten thousand years that an entire Space Marine Chapter has turned to the dark side. It is more common that a company (or even a few companies), a squad or a single Marine turns. Another issue is that once a Chapter betrays the Imperium it will no longer be supplied by the Adeptus Mechanicus or Imperial Forgeworlds, so they will loose more and more equipment and are forced to scavenge what they need from other forces. It will also have a much harder time replacing fallen Marines, since they cannot handily select from an entire willing planetary population of potential aspirants. They would have to resort to using slaves or captives for recruitment. So even if an entire Chapter should turn, after a few decades it will have been reduced significantly.


From the new codex Chaos : The Abyssal Crusade. Like 25 chapters go all chaosy in the Eye of Terror.

Welcome to both the Bolter and Chainsword and the Liber Astartes! ^_^


I won't repeat what our Brothers have said in response to your question, as they have answered it. However, I thought I'd list a few things that will (hopefully) help you on you way to creating your own Chapter/War band.


Firstly, a lot of members, when creating their army will think of a "theme" for them. What I mean by this is, an underlying idea or imagery the army has.


For example, to use an established Chapter such as the Ultramarines - they have strong Greco-Roman imagery, are strict adherents to the Codex Astartes, and Ultramar is a relatively (for 40k anyway) peaceful and stable region of space.


So, what would your army be like? Are they from a "civilised" world, or a primitive one? Are they especially brutal in combat (a relative term as when it comes to it all Marines are brutal...)


A lot of members take something they like, and use it to create their army. One of my armies (a traitor war band) is based around an American Football team :tu: or at least that's where it started. Another takes the imagery and "feel" of Renaissance Europe and a fascination with flight.


Do you have a "Parent Chapter" in mind? As in which Chapter does yours come from? Whilst it's not implausible to create a Chapter that knows nothing of it's origins, it's a difficult thing to carry off convincingly (I know that full well :drool: )


What do you like? Or conversely, what don't you like? I've been thinking that should I be insane enough consider (yet) another army, that I might try to incorporate ideas I don't like and see where I go with them....


Another thing that might help is to read a few topics here in the Liber. Hopefully, it might kick start an idea of your own.


In any case, welcome again. Hopefully, that's given some help and I'll keep an eye out for what you come up with ^_^


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