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Fabius Bile

Iron Sage

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He does have something and is thankfully clearly better now, while not very expensive. No fancy warlord trait, not at all very awesome in a fight, merely okay.


However, as I mentioned in the Huron Thread, he may make a Legionary unit of 20 man, actually worthwhile. I confess, I am no expert, so I want other peoples opinions here.


But no longer is his surgical abillity risky, and you always get +1 str and fearless for no additonal cost, albeit on only one unit (but you surely won`t need more than one blob marine squad).


Well, I find him intriguing, what about you guys?


Say Huron and Bile as HQ in a force, both relativly low cost. Infiltrating a 20 man unit which are fearless and has +1 strenght while you dont have to worry about getting fearless sniped away.


What do you say guys?

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Say Huron and Bile as HQ in a force, both relativly low cost. Infiltrating a 20 man unit which are fearless and has +1 strenght while you dont have to worry about getting fearless sniped away.


Huron is good but I think the intention was to talk about Bile in this topic.


I dont like him so much, I can see the added value but it's about the same as a normal Lord.

The other named characters all are better. If you really feel you need to field him it's okay, he reminds me of the named characters such as Gabriel Seth in the BA codex.


It's cool he's there but you won't take him, normally.

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Not sold on him either.

IMO he`s a bit too expensive (though he isn`t that expensive), but if you want to try running a 20 man marine squad with ultragrit, I think you should try to field him. +1 str and fearless does of course have the added bonus that you don`t have to babysit them at all, and that you may choose marks and icons and so completly ignore the relativly pricey Icon of Vengeance.


He is certainly not something I would dismiss out of hand, due to the traits mentioned above. And compared to how he was in the Thrope dex, he is way better (true, only one squad can be upgraded, but unlike in thorpe dex, it`s free and harbours no risk involved)

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cool so you have 22 models deathstar that has big problems with dealing with other armies death stars and gets countered by non death star builds the same way they counter deathstars [only csm are generly easier to kill the paladins with draigo , or warboss nobz].


the problem with bile is that his upgrade is for one squad . now if he was like an extra mark [pay 2 pts per model in unit make it "uber" marine] , the lost of an HQ slot wouldnt hurt so much , but for one squad it just isnt worth it .

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cool so you have 22 models deathstar that has big problems with dealing with other armies death stars and gets countered by non death star builds the same way they counter deathstars [only csm are generly easier to kill the paladins with draigo , or warboss nobz].


the problem with bile is that his upgrade is for one squad . now if he was like an extra mark [pay 2 pts per model in unit make it "uber" marine] , the lost of an HQ slot wouldnt hurt so much , but for one squad it just isnt worth it .


I am not one to argue with you, since I don`t have the comparable game knowledge at all, and would never ever claim so, but would it really be that bad if you were running huron or ahriman with him, and then infiltrate that big squad?

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that kind of a depands on the definition of bad . its very not optimal [too big squads . wasted HQ slot on a medicor buff HQ] . but think about it you could run 2 squads of 12-14 dudes and a huron and a librarian or just an ahriman. much better.


fabius is the same as the dark chapy or dark techy , those arent bad either , but there is just no slots or points to run them . maybe in 2500 or higher games a 20 man unit with 2 HQs would do better , but I am not an expert on this as A 2500 games are rather rare in europe B my knowladge about 2500 meta game being second hand is based on 5th ed tournament data , which isnt fully optimal for 6th ed.

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