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Plague marines still top dog?


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pretty obvious from the title really. After looking at the cult troops stats then I still believe that the PMs are the best of the 4. here is a quick comparison:



They are the toughest, with T5 and FNP, they are still hard to kill. They have the options for the best special weapons, they still get 2 er five, and now the option for a combi-weapon. They have bolter, BP and knife, so are good at both CC and shooting, unlike all the others.

They have blight G's, whihc make them even harder to kill, however you try.



WS5, which helps, but they already have so many attacks, and maybe AP4 so... still stuck with plasma pistols, and maybe one combi. They can get AP4, but it costs, and they still don't have a good assault transport, outside of a raider.



AP3 bolts is all they really have. They are S&P, limiting their use as a shooty unit, they stil have to pay for a sorceror, who doesn't sync well with the unit, and they are still very expensive. 4+ invun helps, but people still torrent SM, just like they always have.


noise marines

sonic weapons are funky, but they are 3/10 pts each, and they sto you from moving or assaulting properly. they can now get FnP, and being ini 5 is nice in challenges. i feel that these are the closest for 2nd place, but still not as good as PM.



I have probably missed something out, but I believe that the point is made, PMs are still top dog of the cult troops.


what do you think?

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they cost to much in big squads and MSU spam style is no longer viable for chaos in 6th . that of course doesnt mean one cant use 2x5 plasma pms in some lists , but they arent the mainstay of the list . more bodies are in general better.
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they cost to much in big squads and MSU spam style is no longer viable for chaos in 6th . that of course doesnt mean one cant use 2x5 plasma pms in some lists , but they arent the mainstay of the list . more bodies are in general better.


I fully agree, but there is nothing wrong with 2x 5 of these or a big gnarly unit. All cult elite/troop feel a bit overcosted however, yes all of them ;)

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they cost to much in big squads and MSU spam style is no longer viable for chaos in 6th . that of course doesnt mean one cant use 2x5 plasma pms in some lists , but they arent the mainstay of the list . more bodies are in general better.


In a competative enviroment Jeske is 100% on point with this.

If you are going to spam any, it will more than likely end up being Noise Marines or Zerkers at this point (assuming we are talking about the cult units only and not base CSMs and Cultists).


The Noise Marines with their ignore cover saves may end up being big time, time will tell.

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@ Jelske I'm not saying that they are the mainstay of the list, though they can be,cans they will be good at it. I am just saying that they are the best of the cult troops


Also, you guys make a good point,cthey can be used in my squad size. They are pretty good at big MSU,cas they can take 2 special weapons, and also too in larger nits because they are tough. However, I believe that they are best in units of 7-8

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The Noise Marines with their ignore cover saves may end up being big time, time will tell.


They will, they are your general it's good in CC and DC unit, always works even more in 6th.


I think GW was fully aware that Cultists could get out of hand if they had more upgrades than they do now, which would rend CSM troops almost useless.



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Plague Marines are the best. 1 point more for a plague knife? Yes please. They were good in 4th, good in 5th, and are respectable now. Especially considering VotLW.

I was really afraid they would make these guys slow and purposeful, but they are not, so I am a happy camper as far as the Death Guard are concerned.


I will continue to run them in squads of 7.

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7 still seems like the best squad size. I would look at giving them power axes because they're still slow and flamers for specials. Flamers + poisoned weapons should tear up swarms of light infantry while T5 means they are being wounded on 6's.
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I reckon they are far better now as with the plague knives they can basically deal with anything including monstrous creatures being able to take them down easier I will always take 3 squads of 7 plague marines in all my games , does anyone know if they can take a land raider as a dedicated transport or is it only rhinos.
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I reckon they are far better now as with the plague knives they can basically deal with anything including monstrous creatures being able to take them down easier I will always take 3 squads of 7 plague marines in all my games , does anyone know if they can take a land raider as a dedicated transport or is it only rhinos.


just rhinos

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I reckon they are far better now as with the plague knives they can basically deal with anything including monstrous creatures being able to take them down easier I will always take 3 squads of 7 plague marines in all my games , does anyone know if they can take a land raider as a dedicated transport or is it only rhinos.


Only Terminators can take a Land Raider as a dedicated transport I am afraid (I suspect our codex would be broken in high points games if not, despite the cost of the raider)

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Well, with the icon of excess, NMs are actually good competitors of the top spot...


Cheaper with FnP and with the ability to decimate hordes or marines with sonic weaponry, and will hit before almost all marines in cc...

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I like NM but what holds them back is they are limited to anti infantry whereas PM and CSMs are more flexible.


True but your regular CSMs are not that good vs Vechicles either, to be honest, we have Walkers and Oblies for that kind of jimbo.

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I'm a bit confused here. NM can still have fist champs, which are very anti-vehicle. I will digress as fists aren't the best of ideas anymore, since it's basically asking to get killed in round 1 of a challenge, but meltabombs and meltaguns? I mean.. none of the cult troops can take las cannons, so how much anti tank can you really get?
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I'm a bit confused here. NM can still have fist champs, which are very anti-vehicle. I will digress as fists aren't the best of ideas anymore, since it's basically asking to get killed in round 1 of a challenge, but meltabombs and meltaguns? I mean.. none of the cult troops can take las cannons, so how much anti tank can you really get?

Maybe I'm still in a 5ed mindset but I consider 2x melta and either fist or melta bomb to be adequate anti tank. The improved blastmaster might have counted as anti tank if it didn't take 10 bodies to use it.

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