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Where's the price of the Melee Weapons?

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong...


On page the page 64 of the new codex (Forbidden Armoury) there a list of Melee Weapons (including the Plague Knife). There's the weapon data there, but no point cost. In that page is said that the profiles are in page 105 (Reference) but it's not there - but there's reference for all kinds of equipment from the Forbidden Armory pages, but no Melee Weapons.


The Wargear List itself (page 91), just before the unit lists, don't show those weapons, just normal melee weapons, like powerfists and such.


So, how it works? A Chaos Lord is said to be able to choose Melee Weapons from the Wargear List (that must be the one at page 91, I suppose) So, who can get the stuff from page 64? For which price?


I thought they must be character weapons, but those are included in their profiles. So, maybe GW screwed up, and didn't add those weapons to the Wargear List, leaving them without price/way to be used?

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You can`t take them on a lord or character.


They are in the armoury because certain units are armed with them.


The only way you can have a plague knife for instance, is if you dont upgrade your plague champ to be armed with a P weapon.


Edit: Not that its a massive loss....I mean, who would want their lord to stride forth into a battle of life and death, armed with a....knife?

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You can`t take them on a lord or character.


They are in the armoury because certain units are armed with them.


The only way you can have a plague knife for instance, is if you dont upgrade your plague champ to be armed with a P weapon.




Altough it feels somewhat wierd that they arn't available.

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I see now - I was looking for HQs or characters able to buy that stuff, it didn't occur to me that they are standard issue for some elites. Thanks, Iron Sage.


I thought it was very strange, since only those weapons weren't list in the wargear or the reference pages ;)


Now I understand why they say in the rules that what can be picked from the Wargear List, and not Forbidden Armoury, hehe. I thought that maybe GW misused a name for another :teehee:

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