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Possible chaos codex replacement

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I don't find it strange that we continue to talk about 3.5. In my mind it has the most interesting and characterful list building out of all the 3rd to 5th edition Codexes (and I do own them all) save perhaps the 4th edition IG one and perhaps that Tyranid one that let you customise like crazy as well.


I think to many it is strange that this degree of customisation is well and truly an anomaly because it really does add a lot of fun to just building a list. So naturally we'll voice our feelings on the subject every now and then. Personally I never played it (3.5) at the time because I was doing other stuff (like 4th editon IG) and I'll never play it either because that time and that edition has come and gone. It just doesn't sit right with me even though I'm sure I would be allowed to play it if I wanted to.


I do think with the advent of the new Codex that the reminiscing will go down because no longer do we have a card board flavoured Codex. No this new one is one you can make your own. Not in the exact way you could with 3.5 but in its own way. And in much that, at least for me is what I missed most 3.5 vs 4th.

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