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Dealing with forced challenges


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The table he posted alongside that comment, proved that the LC is more effective than the Power Sword, even with the loss of an attack.

Aye I see that now, I replied before it was added. I have to say it's made me re-evaluate how I thought about single LCs, I'd never hammered out the math behind shred.

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I played a game against Guard today. I let my opponent read my codex for an hour.


I didnt get to fight a single challenge! I pretended I was very dissapointed with this of course, but in reality I did not really mind him losing a seargant from the fight every time I offered him an honourable duel :)

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Well, if you want to 'cover your bases' with Khorne beserkers you can give the Skull Champion a Lightning Claw and a Powerfist...you get +1 attacks with whichever one you decide to attack with since both are specialist weapons. But it's costly, but since most people don't spend 30-45 points on Plasma pistols, it might be worth it.


Otherwise I like the power weapon (Axe) Meltabomb idea, since if you're fighting HQs, they'll be hitting first anyways and likely in Terminator/artifice armor, and if you're fighting other sargents, many people run them with fists. Then again, 1s come up, so you could just go with the power sword and be safe for fighting the sargents.

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