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Power scourge?


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Just finished looking at the chaos codex and this weapon jumped out at me, chaos scourge!! It's STR 8 AP 2 and reduces weapons skill of base to base models. It sounds great but I can't find the point cost for it at all, anyone know a page number and if it attacks at INT? Thanks.
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I don't see why you would do that Verythrax Draconis :)




The picture is from the 4'th edition Chaos Codex btw.



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Why would it only be for the helbrute and defiler? Don't they come with powerfists to begin with? I know it's been a few editions since I played but wouldn't that be a down grade from the STR 10 fist. So if I got this right, you can only buy the upgrades if they are mentioned in your footnotes. I guess I got thrown off by the picture of the chaos lord on page 34.
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S8 instead of 10, but reduces the Ws of models in base to base. Obviously the fist is better against other vehicles, but the WS debuff can be a pretty big deal for walkers that get stuck in melee with enemy infantry.
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If you run a Helbrute with both a powerfist and a power scourge, you get the best of both worlds, as the WS reduction the scourge causes only require enemy models to be "in base contact with a model with Flail weapon". So the Helbrute can hit with the fist and defend with the flail at the same time. 1+ attack too, as walkers just receive one extra attack for every extra close combat weapon after the first, with no regard to 'specialist' or 'unwieldy'. ^_^

And you can give him two heavy flamers, which is kind of neat.

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The Hellbrutes can take it as well, just an FYI


You're right sir. Dunno why, but I always auto associate the scourge to the Defiler :)


It's cool, I like it being an actual weapon this time around. I remember seeing it on the 3.5 Dread and wondering if it had special rules for being so huge and menacing ^_^


Also, I apologize if I sounded harsh earlier, twas not meant like that.

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If you run a Helbrute with both a powerfist and a power scourge, you get the best of both worlds, as the WS reduction the scourge causes only require enemy models to be "in base contact with a model with Flail weapon". So the Helbrute can hit with the fist and defend with the flail at the same time. 1+ attack too, as walkers just receive one extra attack for every extra close combat weapon after the first, with no regard to 'specialist' or 'unwieldy'. ^_^

And you can give him two heavy flamers, which is kind of neat.

Exactly! I think the scourge sounds awesome on defilers, where their Ws3 is going to become quite a bit better! The average roll is 2, and that makes it hit marines on 3+ instead of 4+, and the opposite for the marines. Also if you are lucky, marines might even hit him on 5+!

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Though it must be said that the scourge is extremely expensive on the Defiler. It is actually the most expensive upgrade available to the Defiler, even more than exchanging the reaper for a twin-las, and I think the twin-las might do more damage all things considered than the scourge. I personally have been having quite a bit of trouble getting my Defiler into close combat using the old dex, though the new Daemon and IWND rules might make it slightly more plausible. But then again, I could just get a Maulerfield if I want a CC daemon engine.

I dunno, I think the main reason for buying the defiler if the long range Battlecannon. The range is enough that you can stay outside of reach of enemy lascannons and such for a few turns, and other than that you just need stuff to defend against deep strikers, jetbikes and outflankers. I'll run mine with a twin-h.flamer and extra power fist, that should be enough I think.

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what to do with those FW models now? ;)

Use them! Chaos is all about greyscale, there are always some things that aren't corrupted...yet...or not as corrupted as something else...


A rhino isn't corrupted when they build it/scavenge it...it gets the tentacles after some time in the warp...

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I'm fixing my old dread based on the ironclad kit, and I'm gonna try my flail arm out! I made that arm when I made the dread, but I haven't used it for a few years. As you can see, the flail arm hasn't even got chaos trim, but I'm in the process of fixing that.



I think it will pass as a Helbrute. ;)

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I'm fixing my old dread based on the ironclad kit, and I'm gonna try my flail arm out! I made that arm when I made the dread, but I haven't used it for a few years. As you can see, the flail arm hasn't even got chaos trim, but I'm in the process of fixing that.



I think it will pass as a Helbrute. :)


Cool looking model.

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I'm fixing my old dread based on the ironclad kit, and I'm gonna try my flail arm out! I made that arm when I made the dread, but I haven't used it for a few years. As you can see, the flail arm hasn't even got chaos trim, but I'm in the process of fixing that.



I think it will pass as a Helbrute. :lol:


Excuse me while I go change my pants...That thing is AWESOME!!

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I built a twin dccw w/ heavy flamer dread out of the furiosio kit with one of the dccw being a chaos knight lance with some extras looks enough the part to me to now be a hellbrute with powerfist, scourge and h. Flamer. Sounds good to me
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I think the hellbrute will actually see equal time as a counter to enemy deepstrikes/outflanks as it will to running across the board. The hammer and anvil deployment makes units like the mele brute useless for at least an extra turn in many cases, and with the amount of deepstrikes (i see at my league), it might be better to be ready to counter. I'll be honest and say that I don't see much use for all mele units in this edition, but using a brute to tie up the contents of a drop pod for a round or two might buy the heavies they were aiming to hit some time.
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