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Twin Lightning Claws?

Kol Saresk

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I was looking over the Codex and I noticed something odd. There are no Twin Lightning Claws. And everything I am seeing says "May take one item." So does that mean twin lightning claws no longer exist?


It exists - units that can use them have another bullet says that you can instead replace both weapons for a pair of LCs for a X cost.

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They are there.....


Pg 91 Terminator weps.... you can replace the ranged wep and then the power wep with 1 each


Pg 96 Chosen under "Replace Bolt Pistol, close combat weapon and bolter with a pair of lightning claws...."


Pg 97 Chaos Terminators "May replace his combi bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws..."


pg 94 Melee Weapons .... "a model can replace his bolt pistol and/or Close combat weapon with one of the following...." So Champs with access to the armoury can have them....




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But under the options in the Chaos Armoury melee section, there is only the option for one lightning claw. So no TLC, Jump Pack Lords?

As I see it, he can replace his pistol with 1 claw and his chainsword with another.

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But under the options in the Chaos Armoury melee section, there is only the option for one lightning claw. So no TLC, Jump Pack Lords?

As I see it, he can replace his pistol with 1 claw and his chainsword with another.






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