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Kol Saresk

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Don't really know what mark I should give to my sorcerer.

You guys got an idea ?


depands where he sits in . with CSM units IoS or IoT are most optimal , if with bikers then MoN .

ah and dont keep him in the most front CSM unit even if its 14+man strong , bullet bending still can kill him

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Another one I am thinking is lvl 3 with mark of tzeentch, bike, force axe and if it can be taken more then once, the spell familiar, with biomancy powers after a roll on the tzeentch table. He'd run with my bikers who have either plasma or melta.

The plan is in bigger games have a sorcerer who takes as much of their chosen lore/cult specialisms, and then have Ahriman taking one of each of his lores for psychic madness as my aspiring sorcerers can only take from the lore of tzeentch :/.

Also, would leech life save a sorcerer if he got perils of the warp when on one wound, but then regained the wound via the spell?

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I've been wondering, can a Terminator Sorceror now take a Pair of Lightning Claws?


I've recently started a Dragon Warriors force, straight out of the end of the Salamanders "Tome of Fire" Trilogy by Nick Kyme. I've pretty much already modelled their leader Nihilan in Terminator armor with a Pair of Lightning claws because I just felt that was most 'Dragon-like'. In the books, he's not specifically talked about as having one special weapon, like a particular Daemon sword or anything. He's the kind of Sorcerer who really does use his own body as the greatest weapon, using the possession of a Greater Daemon to fuel his epic Warpcraft.


So, how about it? Can a Terminator Sorceror take Lightning Claws now? Going from 5th Ed info I was gonna have them as count-as somethings.


Many thanks!

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Yes, because as soon as he gets TDA, he has access to Terminator Weapons and there is that option in that part of the list.


Can he swap his Force weapon, though? The Terminator armory states that a terminator can swap his Power weapon for another melee weapon, not that he can swap his Force weapon.

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He can swap his combi bolter however, so a force sword and power/chainfist is a Costy, but versatile option.

Am not sure. Which force weapon would be best for a sorcerer with mk of tzeentch on bike though.


I'd say go maul + fist.

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He's at 160. That's a lot less for a sorcerer from Gavdex that couldn't even reach the same potential. I got mine decked out to 190 pts! I was thinking about going to 225 but that seemed like a little too much.
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I'm planning on using this guy


HQ: Chaos Sorcerer, ML2, Sigil of Corruption, Spell Familiar, Steed of Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh - 160


with a unit of slaneshi bikers, FNP anyone?


would give him the burning brand too, but points...


Make him ML1. That way you can't get the stupid Warp Charge 2 power.

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Well, terminator armor and a force axe are a must to match my sorcerer model. Past that, not sure. I was thinking MoT, spell familiar, mastery level 2/3, to go with some MoT terminators. Burning brand is tempting, but I'm not sure I want to spring for it.
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Sorcerers in PA armor have access to Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, Chaos Rewards, and Chaos Artefacts. Sorcerers in TDA have access to Terminator Weapons, Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts.

still when you have two weapons a combi bolters and force weapon and something tells you can replace your power weapon with X and you dont have one , then you cant swamp . no idea why would anyone want to get rid of the bolter .

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If you take MoT, you need to roll tzeench powers or atleast one. Same goes with what ever other mark. Ill be just doing rank 3 MoS, familiar and TDA. My lord is getting the mace and brand.


I think you can only take 1 artefact of chaos per character, so you can't take the mace and brand... I think.

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If you take MoT, you need to roll tzeench powers or atleast one. Same goes with what ever other mark. Ill be just doing rank 3 MoS, familiar and TDA. My lord is getting the mace and brand.


I think you can only take 1 artefact of chaos per character, so you can't take the mace and brand... I think.


Unless there's been a FAQ I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Only one of each per army but other than that there hasn't been any limits.

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The exact wording is "A model can replace one weapon with one of the following. Only one of each Chaos Artefact may be taken per army."


When I read that, I read "A model must give up one weapon for each Artefact, but only one of each Artefact can be taken." And then you see that the Key and Scrolls have a footnote that says "Does not replace one of the character's weapons." There is every chance that I reading that wrong. Only a FAQ will tell. Right now, I decided that I'm only going to kit out my Sorcerer with the Brand and keepin him a lvl 1 mastery because it fits the fluff I'm making for him and if the Force Weapon rules are the same as they were in 5th Edition, I'll use his power for the Instant Death factor of his weapon.

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Because a sorcerer will rarely fire in it in favor of using his psychic powers? And that the chain/powerfist means you don't auto lose if some kind of walker gets into combat with you?


If you prefer to use the buff powers vs the shooting powers, then taking the Brand is a great idea. However if you are going to focus on using the Witchfire stuff, then yes, no need to take Brand.

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The exact wording is "A model can replace one weapon with one of the following. Only one of each Chaos Artefact may be taken per army."


When I read that, I read "A model must give up one weapon for each Artefact, but only one of each Artefact can be taken." And then you see that the Key and Scrolls have a footnote that says "Does not replace one of the character's weapons." There is every chance that I reading that wrong. Only a FAQ will tell. Right now, I decided that I'm only going to kit out my Sorcerer with the Brand and keepin him a lvl 1 mastery because it fits the fluff I'm making for him and if the Force Weapon rules are the same as they were in 5th Edition, I'll use his power for the Instant Death factor of his weapon.


Your not reading that wrong. You can take a burning brand, dimensional key AND a scroll of Magnus if you are Tzeentch marked. Now I didnt say this combination is necesarilly good, but you CAN do that.


You can obviously ever only swap one of your weapons with an artifact weapon though.

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