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Kol Saresk

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So, I guess that would be a no, you still get a wound then.

Yeah, compared with anybody else in any other codex, to be able to re-roll failed tests and avoid half of your perils is a huuuuge upgrade! ;)


...now I just have to find a way to make room for a sorcerer in my warband...well, at least Huron is a semi-caster(and gave his squad 4++ save when he went up against terminators, lol, lucky rolls!)...

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I run my Sorcerer with almost the same setup, only difference is I added Spell Familiar. When you are casting two or three powers a turn, you are going to fail one sooner or later and even if it lets you reroll once per game it is worth it.


I use mine in a full 10 man footslogging Terminator squad with two Reaper Autocannons. Works wonders to be honest.


I'm looking at running a Nugle Sorcerer with lvl3(1Nurgle and 2 Biomancy) on palanquin with a familiar and Sigil in a 10 man MoN Termi-squad backed up by Huron for some infiltration goodness of said squad(Or Typhus and masses of zombies, I'm not really sure yet). The pressure of this unit should really keep my opponent on his toes with my all foot slogger army. :D

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I know bikers are the new hotness, but has anyone look at a jump pack Sorcerer? Maybe deepstrike in with some Raptors. I'm thinking any of the 3 basic Primaris powers give you a decent shooting attack for the first turn and then you're hunting things in their backfield with more speed than you could do as a Terminator.


The best thing is you could take him fairly cheap, around 125 points depending on exact upgrades.

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They also add +1T, and as we don't have access to 2+ outside of terminator armour (pure fail on GW's part) I'd rather go for something that give him more survivalbilty/is with a more survivable squad.

I was thinking of doing a Pyrea sorcerer on a bike, but the idea f doing him with one of the old metlal beer keg jumpacks based on the old ahriman model with a beakie head.... mind you I do already have converted rubric bikers, but no Raptors for him to go with.

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They also add +1T, and as we don't have access to 2+ outside of terminator armour (pure fail on GW's part) I'd rather go for something that give him more survivalbilty/is with a more survivable squad.

I was thinking of doing a Pyrea sorcerer on a bike, but the idea f doing him with one of the old metlal beer keg jumpacks based on the old ahriman model with a beakie head.... mind you I do already have converted rubric bikers, but no Raptors for him to go with.

Convert him as one of the old RT marines with a flamer body!


Since flamers are jump infantry it shouldn't be any mistakes as to what they are! :)



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Doesn't Fleshmetal give +2 Armour Save? Technically, that's outside of TDA right? So Warpsmiths, Muties and Oblits have it. It's not the biggest thing in the world but it's something.


Mutilators and Obliterators also have a 5++ and Slow & Purposeful, essentially making them wear worse versions of TDA. :D

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I know bikers are the new hotness, but has anyone look at a jump pack Sorcerer? Maybe deepstrike in with some Raptors. I'm thinking any of the 3 basic Primaris powers give you a decent shooting attack for the first turn and then you're hunting things in their backfield with more speed than you could do as a Terminator.


The best thing is you could take him fairly cheap, around 125 points depending on exact upgrades.


The problem with this is that when you keep your Sorcerer off the board he isn't using his powers, which is his strength. The reason people like him on a bike or in term armor is because it gives him relentless and improves his protection. A jump pack doesn't offer anything in the way of keeping him alive. Also if your goal is to use the buff/debuff powers than these open up the option of take Brand and allowing him to both buff/debuff and shoot with a good weapon in the shooting phase.


Now a Lord with a jump pack and some Raptors works out pretty well, not quiet as good as Bikers but fairly close (I have tried both). So if you are looking for a cheaper way to field a fast unit, Raptors are the way to go.


I think the idea lasted about as long as it took the Theoryhammer to say "Bikers are better."


But... but... bikes look stupid! :)

Not Word Bearers bikers converted from Ravenwing! Robes! Robes Everywhere! Because they look better on WB than DA anyway



Brilliant man, pure brilliance!

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