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Bymis' Finished Space Wolves


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Hey All,


Just thought I would put some pictures of my recently painted space wolves army


Here is Logan





Currently finishing off the Wolf Guard so will post them next week

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Yeah the Logan model is actually starting to look a bit dated, I (meaning if I was part of the Games Workshop sculpting team) would have him completely reposed with his axe arm held out as if he is pointing to an enemy, challenging him.


Anyway back on topic, very nice paint job mate. Im looking forward to seeing your Wolf Guard.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished my wolf lord on Foot, which will normally be used as a Ragnar for most games.





Finished 3/5 of the wolf guard and half finished a rune priest so will have them posted in a couple of days.

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Took some better pictures of the finished mini with his wolf entourage.





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