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Chaos Lord or Chaos Sorceror


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So I want to run 5 MoN bikers. How do I get the most out of a lord to join them? Palaquin or Bike? Axe or Deamon Mace? Sigil? Or should I go with a cheaper HQ? Does the lord need to be with the bikers at all? Maybe a sorceror would be better? Excluing named HQs and Dark Apsotlr ( fearless is not enough to justify this guy's presence in a list), what route do we take? Do we even need marks on a lord if joining a marked unit?

How will you guys play your HQ? I want to use my bikes - I'm adding a chaos contingemnt to my existing daemon army. I will have cultists for cheap troops and then bikes and an HQ. What's the best setup?

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I'm pretty sure if I used a lord I would go claws, gift of mutation and bike and just stick him in the nurgle bike squad. cheap enough. I could even add some meltabombs for a 130 point unit.

A sorceror on a bike is different though. I would would want at least level2, sigil - around 140 points.

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Should have mentioned that I'm not running cult troops. It isn't an issue. My nurgle contingent is not the primary force. Ran this today ...


1 Fateweaver 333

1 Great Unclean One; Breath of Chaos; Cloud of Flies 195

1 Chaos Sorcerer; Lvl3; Mark of Nurgle; Gift of Mututation; Bike 160

7 Flamers of Tzeentch 161

4x 5 Horrors of Tzeentch; 4 Bolt; Changeling 385

17 Chaos Cultists 78

5 Chaos Bikers; Mark of Nurgle; 2 Meltaguns; Axe 175

2x 1 Daemon Prince; Daemonic Flight; Mark of Nurgle; Iron Hide; Cloud of Flies; Unholy Strength; Noxious Touch; Daemonic Gaze 510


It was a pretty intense match up vs and ig/nec list. I took mastery lvl3 sorceror for the plague wind.

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Has anyone thought about taking a maxed sorc and a lord in a bike squad with the sorc running powers on telepathy?


Quite a bit of points, but if you roll invis you have a +2 cover save when you move and anything in close combat is WS1.


You roll Hallucination and you increase your CC potential by quite a bit.


Not sure if it would truely be worth the point investment, but it could be fun!

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It really depends on what you want them to do. Straight up combat lord is your man (higher ws, bs, w, i). Sorceror is great defensive synergy for your bikers (rot, weapon curse and gift of contagion).


I tave used both so far and I felt lord was better suited for my bikers but I use them aggressively. My sorcerors do well sitting with my plague marines. Get rot and gift and they will make all but assault termies cry.

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I found it useful to use both, in TDA, with a retinue of 3 terminators, and kept them (relatively) cheap. You have 3 challenge acceptors in the unit, which will always leave a hard-hitter open to hurt a threatening unit. 4 combi-meltas put down a Nurgle-marked DP, debuffs with the nurgle psyker power helped a bit,
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