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New Codex, Old Warbands?

Lord Kallozar

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I know I saw the scourge( I think that is what they are called/ the nurgle army that had black torsos green limbs) in the dex
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Does anybody know if any of the GW created warbands (Hakanor's Reavers, The Cleaved, Company of Misery and the rest) have survived and made it on to the pages of the new Chaos codex, or is there any reference to them?


Yes, they are there, but the 'Reavers are absent. They are on small boxes, more as examples of non-legion warbands, together witha a sketch of their warband symbol. Some of them appear back later at the miniature showcase pages.


@war009: that's The Purge :(

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The codex mostly expand (or create) the background of those warbands : The Scourged, The Flawless Host, Comapny of Misery, Blood Disciples, Crimson Slaughter, The Cleaved and the Purge.

But only with the new Chaos chapters from the Abyssal Crusade, you got 25 new Chaos chapters names.

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@ Vesper - Whats the Abyssal Crusade? Any info or names of those new Chaos warbands?


An imperial crusade of 30 chapters into the Eye. 25 turned Chaos, 2 got annihilated, one is perdita, one is pending and the last one made it out alive.

Specific names ?

Oracles of Changes, Magma Hounds, The Unhallowed, Death Shadows, Twisted Blades, Lords of Decay, Deathmongers, Malefactors, The Broken (who strangely aren't GK related), Iconoclasts, The Flylords, Corpus Brethren, The Revelation of Gore, Crystal Wyverns, Talons of Anathrax, The Grey Death, The Black Psalm, Vectors of Pox, Predator Legion, Bloodlords, Invocators, Sons of Midnight, The Fractured, The Blighted Claw, Brotherhood of Lethe.


Some of them were alreadty known.

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