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Hell Blade Vrs Heldrake


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Hi all! This is time to facing these two chaotic flyers that we have available in the 40K universe ...


Why? ... Because everyone says that the Heldrake is the "animal" version of the Hell Blade! And the truth is that they have many similarities!


You can find the most current rules of both units in my blog:


El Taller del Cuervo


As you can see, they are very similar but their costs are totally different, we are talking of 115 against 170 pts but fixed well over 55 points in the Heldrake really worth!


It can ensure that in all respects the Heldrake wins, let see 1 by 1


- Weapon Skill: Yes, both have the same WS and 3 is considered low but if you already have noticed the Heldrake has demonic possession so really his BS was 4, however the Hell Blade has BS 3 and if we put demonic possession left with BS 2 and that would cost 20 pts more!


Note to summarize: Hell Blade = HB / Heldrake = HD


- Armour: The HD has better armor front and sides allowing you to hold more face shots accurate and powerful, whereas the HB falls short everywhere!


- Hull Points: 3 against 2 HB HD not need to know much math to know that the HD wins!


As we have seen so far has won the HD and amortized over the 55 points against HB say: 20 points corresponding to the possession, 15 points for their shields (12) + additional HP and staying about 20 pts allocating among other things .


- Weapons: This is where we find the greatest difference between the two units! The HB has built two Reaper autocannon which corresponds to 4 S7 AP4 shots having to reroll failed, but the HD has Hades autocannon 4 Shots that are S8 AP4 with pinning... S8 of Hades is brutal and more against shields, there is the advantage the HD but with only one weapon destroyed result we lose, but the HB has 2 Reaper so even if you lose one, you can keep attacking!


So far we can compare because the Hell Blade has nothing more! TT however the 20 pts were we can say that we have spent only 5 weapons, taking 15 to spare!


Those 15 to spare spread Heldrake benefit of their special rules!


- Daemon: Not only is hard to hit a flyer from the ground but if by chance, we can save it with a 5 + for its invulnerable, plus fear!


- Daemonforge: Once per game can repeat all failed rolls to wound or armor penetration, risking a HP on a D6 roll!


- I Will Not Die: Bone donkeys besides being in turn with a 5 + may recover lost HP!


- Meteoric Descent: After all, let's say we lose the weapon ... We can still keep attacking with vector strike of S7...


Well, but after seeing more about this new chaotic flyer I have to accept that their 170 points are worth more to have the plus: Zooming and Hover! Already realized? No. ..? So to capitalize the Warpsmith can restore not only HP but also could fix weapons destroyed!


What do you say about the Heldrake?

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You forgot about the hellchicken's flamer weapon, which is generally considered a bit better. Overall I think the hellchicken's a better investment than a hellblade because of all the different special rules it has. It's harder to kill, can regenerate, ignores certain stuns/shaken and even if it loses its weapon it can still vector strike until dead. I know a certain chaos player who has already used it with the flamer to great effect and it's convincing me that I should get one too.
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