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Dallas Drake

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I think Spawn are slightly more useful then they were. Being Cavalry they can move pretty fast, and with the mark of nurgle are immune to instant death from str10 weapons as mentioned above.


I'm unlikely to use spawn, as I have none, and prefer to rely on marines :)


I'd suggest squads of 3-5.

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3 with no upgrades are 90 points, and thats very cheap considering what they can do to you foe :)


They are fast, has more than a few wounds (lack of save is not a problem since they are so cheap), has T5, and the possibillity of a lot of attacks.

They can also tear apart most tanks in the game.


If you have 100 extra points that you dont know what to do with, spawns seems like a nice unit to take :)


Nurglez: They are much better than cavalry. They are Beasts!

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I still haven't seen the new codex (I seem to be the only one at this point) so I'm not up to speed on what's changed about spawn. Being beasts is pretty neat, a whole world of difference from slow and purposeful. Are they still mindless?
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I still haven't seen the new codex (I seem to be the only one at this point) so I'm not up to speed on what's changed about spawn. Being beasts is pretty neat, a whole world of difference from slow and purposeful. Are they still mindless?


Random D6 attacks are still in.

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I still haven't seen the new codex (I seem to be the only one at this point) so I'm not up to speed on what's changed about spawn. Being beasts is pretty neat, a whole world of difference from slow and purposeful. Are they still mindless?


Your in for a positive surprise regarding the spawns :lol:


I still haven't seen the new codex (I seem to be the only one at this point) so I'm not up to speed on what's changed about spawn. Being beasts is pretty neat, a whole world of difference from slow and purposeful. Are they still mindless?


Random D6 attacks are still in.


True, but Fear, Fearless, Rage and Mutated Beyond Reason :)


Then again, d6 attacks isn`t bad for a single cheap, very fast, 3 W model ^^

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I still haven't seen the new codex (I seem to be the only one at this point) so I'm not up to speed on what's changed about spawn. Being beasts is pretty neat, a whole world of difference from slow and purposeful. Are they still mindless?

I should point out that this part hasn't changed from the 4th Dex to the 6th, but rather due to the changes in the edition. SnP isn't the punishment that it was in 5th, and Beasts got a lot faster when not charging.


Point change, Marking, as well as as a new Rule are what make Spawn at least a viable option, if not as desirable as others.


One should also point out that carrying a spawn model or two for some altered characters is not a bad idea.

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Don't forget their rules in HtH, D3.


1. 4+ save

2. 2D6 for attacks, pick highest.

3. Poisoned attacks (4+)


Giving them MoN seems win to me. At T6 & with their new speed & rules your opponent will have to deal with them, but will be loathe to. T6 will make small arms need 6s so they can either soak up flashlights/bolters/shrunkens that would cut down your Cultists & some Marines or your opponent can use his >S6 weapons on them, what a waste of missile launchers or lascannons that will be, having to kill Spawn.


8 x poisoned attacks will make even MCs cry.


I can see now why GW want £25 for a box of these things! Grrr....



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I had 50pts left at The end of writing a list and figured take 1 with mark of nurgle, and a roll on the eye of the gods table for one of my hq. I figure at less than 40 pts I don't expect him to do much, so it will be interesting to see what spawny achieves. Will let you know on sunday/monday.
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