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Plastic infantry for Cultists

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Besides de no-brainer Cadians and Catachans boxes and buying multiple DV sets, what else you guys suggest in terms of cheap/lots of infantry minis to be used as cultists?


I found those:


WF Zombies (for plague zombies)

WF Shock Troops (those seems nicier than cadians, to add chaos symbols and such)


Do you guys have other ideas, plastic, or cheap metal? But carrying around 40 minis units made of metal sucks... :lol:

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Once upon a time I was planning out a whole traitor guard army. Here's some of my infantry ideas that are mostly or entirely plastic/resin:


Beastmen with Catachan arms.


A kitbash of High Elf Spearmen legs, hooded Wood Elf heads, and Cadian torsos and arms with a little extra armor plate GS'd on the arms.


A kitbash of Catachan legs, SM/CSM torsos, Cadian arms, and Elysian heads with respirators.


Night Goblins with the faces replaced with skulls painted metallic colors and auto/laspistols added.


Or you could wait on that next land raider and get a set of these instead... :lol:

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Theres an entire line of Vrakks renegades from FW that look great or the beastman abhuman tutorial in the excellant Legión Imprint 2. Fantasy beastmen with cadian bodies and kitbashed detail is what ill do. Of course the zombie kits will be needed for the eventual campaign :lol:
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I made some traitor guard with Cadian lasguns and Fantasy Flagellant bodies.


Plastic Flagellants are amazing for this. All sorts of random Lasguns and Shotguns can be converted into Autoguns with the addition of Bolter clips, and the bit with three small ammo pouches on the Tactical Marine sprue can easily be cut into three separate pouches, emulating the ones that most of the Dark Vengeance-Cultists have here, there and everywhere.


I made my first Flagellultist last night, and I'll definitely get some more Flaggelultists with Catachan bits all over the place to thin out me DV ones.



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I heard the second wave will have plastic cultists in it.


I'm not holding my breath for a second wave. At least not for a long while because if they were already done I find it strange that the models aren't already show cased in the Codex. But maybe I've got my negative hat on.

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God, I can't see using GW zombies -- they have melon heads and oven-mitt hands.


Between DV box, flagellant bitz, some IG bitz and some crypt ghouls here and there, I'm going to have fun building Nurgle IG and Zombie Cultists.

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I went with two options

-Warlord German Infantry+Max Mini Fallen Legionnaire heads and M-16s for weapons


-Beastmen with guns replacing one of the hand weapons


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