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Abaddon and his "failed" Crusades

Kol Saresk

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But isn't a Warp Storm nothing but a tear in reality that reality is trying to heal?


To an extent yes. If Chaos forces could summon permenent warp storms like that, then they would have easily won the Horus Heresy or any major Black Crusade int he past. But they have not.

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I didn't pay much attention to the 13th, I missed that. Interesting. I guess they've got some pretty impressive shipyards in the eye by now.


Then its a shame, because it was the most glorious times of Chaos(i'm talking about the World Wide Campaign EoT)


Where Alpha Legions and Word Bearers would put chaos and disorder into the Imperial ranks( false information and attack paterns on the Imperial Forums on theGW site).

Iron Warriors and WOrld Eaters brigning doom and destruction to Imperial Worlds( Chaos attacks where so succesfull that we destroyed 3-4 of the Cadian planetes in the systeme, and brought other Worlds ands systeme to their knees beyond imperial recovery)

Night Lords and Thousand Sons, bringing terror into the Heart of Imperial dogs and citizens( denying them the use of special events cards and strategy tokens)


And another bunch of stuff who did happend at the time, where at the end we where winning at a ratio of 68% at the end of the campaign.


They can retcon whatever they want, and say whatever they want in the Imperials Codexes about the 13th BC, i know its false propaganda, because i was there fighting for the downfall of Mankind, I KNOW THE TRUTH...

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The space lanes were busted open by fiat; but the results were dictated 90% by the Gamesday BFG scenarios and tournaments.


The Imperium spanked the chaos fleets badly in all of those games.


The equivalent would be the USN sinking the entire Japenese fleet at Midway (including the battleships and cruisers) but then surrendering to the Japanese since a few islands were occupied.


If you control the space lanes, and the orbitals, you win. Exchanging the civilian populace on a few planets for nuking the bulk of the chaos ground forces and space marines is a good deal for the Imperium.


Its the same way that while Norway in 1940 was a tactical defeat for the Allies, strategically it was a win- it tied down alot of Axis troops on a meaningless mission, and resulted in the German being crippled for years. There was zero chance of Sealion after Norwary- the Germans only had one cruiser and a handful of destroyers not in the shipyards in for major repairs.


40k may be a game of ground combat, but when you have spacecraft with weapons that can kill worlds with ease, the navy is what counts, not the groundpounders.

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