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Assault Noise Marines


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New edition, new codex but same basic principles for making assault noise marines. The squad will likely be between 8-10 bodies , doom siren and either power sword or single claw on champion. Points can be saved by swapping the bolter out and VotLW is sn optional but still viable upgrade.


End result is between 200-250 points, but is it worth it? Sonics may be cheaper than before but going with a shooty build wastes the I5 potential and limits assault options due to salvo weapon type.

Both builds would be primarily for killing infantry, whether it's MEQ or GEQ.

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Pretty much. You have your shooty sonic weapon camping squads and your bolter assault squads. You could take a blaster master with a bolter squad and walk them forward. Or take a rhino with dirge casters for mobility and denying defensive fire. For assault though I'm leaning to MOS Raptors with and Icon. Add a cheap lord with jump pack, dual lightning claws and invulnerable.


I5 is still useful on Sonic Blaster squads. If you get charged your overwatch with 3 shots each, if they don't make it to combat vaporize them next turn. If they do you strike first against what left. Sadly we can't take a CCW with the sonic blaster. But you should have a counter charge unit positioned behind or near them anyway.

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I think bigger units of sonic blaster noise marines might be the way to go. The larger the unit the more cost effective the champion's points become as well as the icon of excess. Then when you curse an enemy unit with 'symphony of pain' you're firing out a horrendous torrent of +1 strength, 3 shots each, no cover and pinning. No harm really in giving them all a ccw too just to make assaulting them even less appealing.
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My plan is to run Lucuis with 12 noise marines in one squad with the champion having a doom siren (for the ever popular dual doom siren hits before I charge), power weapon and the the squad having the banner of excess.
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I am hearing ya Minnigun. I am running a MoS CL and have 2 units of ten man NMs (sonics and blast master). I am about ready to drop the sirens off of my champs simply because no one charges them. The I5 is enough of a threat and the crazy overwatch rolls dont hurt either. I think the I5 is more of the carry a big stick sorta thing. You want a sweet I5 unit, get some talons with MoS and laugh to the bank. There is your slannesh assalt force, hell or old school raptors...
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I think bigger units of sonic blaster noise marines might be the way to go. The larger the unit the more cost effective the champion's points become as well as the icon of excess. Then when you curse an enemy unit with 'symphony of pain' you're firing out a horrendous torrent of +1 strength, 3 shots each, no cover and pinning. No harm really in giving them all a ccw too just to make assaulting them even less appealing.


Unfortunately you can't take a close combat weapon and a sonic blaster

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I think bigger units of sonic blaster noise marines might be the way to go. The larger the unit the more cost effective the champion's points become as well as the icon of excess. Then when you curse an enemy unit with 'symphony of pain' you're firing out a horrendous torrent of +1 strength, 3 shots each, no cover and pinning. No harm really in giving them all a ccw too just to make assaulting them even less appealing.


Unfortunately you can't take a close combat weapon and a sonic blaster


Quite right. Oh well no matter, that was just an extra but not a vital point. Rest of it still stands IMO.

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My plan is to run Lucuis with 12 noise marines in one squad with the champion having a doom siren (for the ever popular dual doom siren hits before I charge), power weapon and the the squad having the banner of excess.


I see the 2x siren build being viable. Go after marine squads and slaughter them. Could be a good niche unit.


But just bringing siren for overwatch seems expensive. I'd rather have a power weapon.

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I think that you can equip Noise Champion with power sword AND power axe, it will preserve +1 attack, you still have I5 against 3+ and you can hurt 2+. What do you think?


Expensive, complete loss of shootyness and still won't allow you to deal with 2+ Armor in challenges (they propably strike first).


I think we should keep all our champions as cheap as possible because most of them will end up being smooshed in challenges they can't win.

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I think that you can equip Noise Champion with power sword AND power axe, it will preserve +1 attack, you still have I5 against 3+ and you can hurt 2+. What do you think?


Expensive, complete loss of shootyness and still won't allow you to deal with 2+ Armor in challenges (they propably strike first).


I think we should keep all our champions as cheap as possible because most of them will end up being smooshed in challenges they can't win.


On shooting squads, it's easier to just ignore the champion and if you get assaulted, too bad so sad.


That said, I'd give him bp & ccw just because he can't take a sonic blaster anyway.

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And another sad part on the noise champ is that he cant have a bolt pistol + cc weapon...


He needs to exchange the bolt pistol for a Power Weapon/Lightning Claw and thus is left with only a Bolter and a Sword.

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And another sad part on the noise champ is that he cant have a bolt pistol + cc weapon...


He needs to exchange the bolt pistol for a Power Weapon/Lightning Claw and thus is left with only a Bolter and a Sword.


wow, that's a surprise, haven't noticed that earlier... in this case there is no sense in gearing up Noise Champion at all, maybe put icon onto him to looksoutsir, and if you're completely bored - take a siren?

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And another sad part on the noise champ is that he cant have a bolt pistol + cc weapon...


He needs to exchange the bolt pistol for a Power Weapon/Lightning Claw and thus is left with only a Bolter and a Sword.


I noticed that yesterday... <_<

You can get around it by going with a specialist weapon, but that is still limiting and there isn't a good reason for it.

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I have been looking at taking pair lighting claws for my champs gaining the extra attack and still using I5 and being a threat to just about every character but the 2+ers.


You can't. The bolter can only be replaced with a ranged weapon. You could take a plasma pistol for the +1 attack, and replace your bolt pistol with a power sword; but its not worth the points.

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Man, this codex is a mess of poorly written rules....


"Man", you invade and interdict every single thread with your perpetual whining and imbecile non-contributions. Is it 20 odd posts of non-contributing, non-constructive whining already?


Either grow up and contribute to the forum with the rare and odd idea or at least an half-informative statement, or sell your army on ebay and get Grey Knights or Necrons and play that instead. Failing this, try sticking to the "Complaint thread" on chaos ascendant which was created partly because of you in the first place.

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Man, this codex is a mess of poorly written rules....

Umm, no it isn't. It's actually a really well laid out codex with page references all over the place to make navigating very easy. The rules themselves are actually very clearly written out - for example the designer's note that tells us when they refer to "space marines" they mean every single loyalist power armour codex. I don't think any previous codex has been so thorough. There is the odd RAW vs. RAI debate but even then they are few and far between and not that bad in the end. So no, the codex is not a mess of poorly written rules. Next.

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Man, this codex is a mess of poorly written rules....


"Man", you invade and interdict every single thread with your perpetual whining and imbecile non-contributions. Is it 20 odd posts of non-contributing, non-constructive whining already?


Either grow up and contribute to the forum with the rare and odd idea or at least an half-informative statement, or sell your army on ebay and get Grey Knights or Necrons and play that instead. Failing this, try sticking to the "Complaint thread" on chaos ascendant which was created partly because of you in the first place.


I've noticed a flock of this both in the lead up to and after the actual release of the book. I also noticed the same few 'handles'... I even left the board for a week or so a couple times because I was tired of the negativity. I get enough negativity in the real world.


Noisemarines are getting some fresh thoughts, I think they are shooty or better shooty. I was thinking of taking a big squad (bigger than six) and sticking them behind the Aegis Line and using them as my home base/objective camper. To make it work you need a Slaneesh Lord, but I think an Outflanking Slaneesh Lord on Steed will get built. I'd do a sorcerer but that doesn't make Noisemarines troops.


I got lots of ideas, some require a lot of painting and modeling so they won't get tried out for a while... But I have a Steed assembled and primed. I made it so the rider could come off so building a new rider isn't huge, but most of my stuff is storage.


I think the FNP Icon works best on a big squad, even with the sniping risk, can't you just put the icon guy out of sight. That would be ideal and once again works best on a static shooting squad. I think a champ with just a power weapon might be best. Though the Doom Siren could be used to defend against the charge as well, I5 is under used, but still is a deterrent, people will think twice about charging a Noisemarine squad in cover with a mandatory champ armed for H2H.


A final option for the champ is combi-weapon. I normally don't use them religiously but I do have Plaguemarine Champions and others with combi-weapons. Sometimes one well timed shot is worth 15 points or whatever they cost.

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