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new codex


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Rules like that would have been awesomely funny.

stolen from Chambers by the way , non of that stuff is my idea. the last person who slipt something like that in to a dex was kelly when he did craftworld eldar.


I am always against random and "cool" in table top games .Cool done for cool makes bad units [vengaurd , mauler fiend , hth oblits , those DE demon scouts etcetc] and random for random is the same . But that of course doesnt mean you cant make stuff that is good for gaming and cool/incorporates some random effect.


But in the end it comes down to one thing . GW wants people to play and buy[second more important for them] models as if the game was a large scale table top game , while the rules are still rooted heavy in a system that is ment for skirmish games.

That is the very root of all the real problems in GW games . sadly enough in apo they can do something like pay X pts use only dudes with mark of Y , your army will get Z, A and C rule .

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^ I kinda wanted my turn at the Power Fountain, so yeah, I wanted Matt Ward to write it. I don't much care about the fluff that's in the codex, my soldiers write their own tales in the blood of the enemies they kill.


I'd take the Wolfguard entry, and copy-paste it over the Chosen entry. Death Company over the Khorne Beserkers, and Grey Knight Purifiers over Ksons-incinerators and combi-bolters, force swords, with warpflame and s4 ap3 ammo and Brotherhood of Sorcerers Powers that can increase the strength of their shooting or melee. Sub out ATSKNF where necessary. Plagues and Sonics could stay the same, though with 2 blast masters at 10.


You take the sacred numbers-you get a significant discount. If no drop pods/assault pattern rhinos available, then army wide teleportation.


But as it is, its better than I feared, worse than what I'd hoped.

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My biggest reason for disappointment was the new units. All of them are crap if you ask me.

mele oblits: nuff said

warpsmith: useful only with tanks, which i'll get to later

warp talons: overpriced, can't assault out of ds, no nades, no shooting options. I guess we just hope to get there in time.

helldrake: i think the addition of fliers was entirely a dumb idea. this is a bad looking part of a dumb idea

forgefiend: with all the anti tank we have running around, this is just asking to waste your points.

maulerfiend: same as forgefiend and you can't even shoot with it just in case you do get first turn, which is all they will usually last since they are av12.


At least some of the older units got better, but I pretty much shook my head when I read through. Our old codex was actually more powerful.

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