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Chaos Terminator weapon options


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So this goes along with the other weapon option thread, though it's a bit different. Here's what the option says:


- Any Chaos Terminator may choose one of the following three options:

--- Replace his power weapon with one of the following [ccw]

--- Replace his combi-bolter with one of the following [combi-specials]

--- Replace his combi-bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws



So...does this mean a model with a combi-special cannot take a different close combat weapon? Because I have an awful lot of combi-specials that will need arm rip-swaps if that's true. Unfortunately, that's what the wording seems to say. You may only choose one of the three options...which just plain sucks.

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So this goes along with the other weapon option thread, though it's a bit different. Here's what the option says:


- Any Chaos Terminator may choose one of the following three options:

--- Replace his power weapon with one of the following [ccw]

--- Replace his combi-bolter with one of the following [combi-specials]

--- Replace his combi-bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws



So...does this mean a model with a combi-special cannot take a different close combat weapon? Because I have an awful lot of combi-specials that will need arm rip-swaps if that's true. Unfortunately, that's what the wording seems to say. You may only choose one of the three options...which just plain sucks.

Ouch, that hurts. I guess you didn't magnetize, huh?

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Unfortuate but true. However, it is probably for balance reasons. After all, Chaos Marine Terminators chock-a-block with options on a select few models can play naughty games and have some models as fodder to protect all the goodies.


They are so cheap though, so I guess it ain't all bad.

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They're more expensive and worse than before. -_- Now Wolf Guard terminators are looking better and better...


At least I have metal terminators, so the arms are easy to swap. The heavy weapon troopers can keep their chainfists, so that's something. :/

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Well, you can get 5 Terminators with Reaper Autocannon for 182pts, that's fairly cheap. With Veterans of the Long War you get a pretty good fighting unit in assaults against Space Marines, Ld 10 against all armies and still comining in cheaper than Space Marine Termintors without a Heavy Weapon. Add just a couple special weapons into the mix and a Chainfist (just in case) and you got a dangerous Terminator unit, particularly up close (how Terminators should be used) but with reasonable ranged power, all for a 219pts. That's miles better than regular Terminators.


But I do feel for you brother; you shouldn't have to hack your models to pieces for such a small reason.

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It seems really odd especially considering Kelly is the same author for SW's and Chaos M's. Hopefully this is not a future trend. Better yet, hopefully it is FAQ'd. But as it reads for now it is what we will have to accept.
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Idaho, I meant that they got worse than before. From 3.5 to 4, they went from 36 points each to 30 each for no stat change, and from 4 to 6 they went from 30 to 31 for a drop in Ld. Sure, compared to C:SM terminators they're still cheap, once you start adding in any useful upgrades, a 5 man squad of my liking tends to clock in at around 250ish.


Besides, regular terminators get ATSKNF and combat tactics, which is so much better than Ld10 and marine-hate.

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Unfortuate but true. However, it is probably for balance reasons. After all, Chaos Marine Terminators chock-a-block with options on a select few models can play naughty games and have some models as fodder to protect all the goodies.


They are so cheap though, so I guess it ain't all bad.


Might very well be a typo or something. Hoping for a quick FAQ.

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