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How will you represent Marks of Chaos?

Lord Ragnarok

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It think I will represent them through my champion model. This will allow me some flexibility in my lists while keeping hobby cost to a minimum. Any icons will also be modeled to reflect the god selected of course.
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It think I will represent them through my champion model. This will allow me some flexibility in my lists while keeping hobby cost to a minimum. Any icons will also be modeled to reflect the god selected of course.


I thought the same, but I prefer to have an elusive normal marine/cultist, with the most common loadout to represent it, since the cmapion is more likely to leave the unit earlier, due challenges, transformation, etc.

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All of my "vanilla" marines are marked by Slaanesh, and are also going to have the Icon of Excess. The army also has a certain consistent aesthetic based on its background (the members of the Severed Angels have close ties to a particular Haemonculi coven known as the Tattered Veil). As such, I'm currently modelling my chaos marines with bared midriffs, courtesy of cut-down Bloodletters, mutations such as various arms tipped with vile looking surgical and torture instruments and the single wing which graces every model in the army. I've also used green stuff to give some of them "coats" and "skirts" formed of stitched together skin. The first aspiring champion I've done is a little crazy; his entire lower section consists of one of the tendrils from the Dark Eldar Talos set, his waist erupting with a "skirt" of daemonette claws, extra arms etc.


Oh yes, when my marines take to the board, no one's going to be under any delusion as to which side their bread is buttered (both, full fat, with jam and sliced banana. Deep fried in human fat).

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All of my "vanilla" marines are marked by Slaanesh, and are also going to have the Icon of Excess. The army also has a certain consistent aesthetic based on its background (the members of the Severed Angels have close ties to a particular Haemonculi coven known as the Tattered Veil). As such, I'm currently modelling my chaos marines with bared midriffs, courtesy of cut-down Bloodletters, mutations such as various arms tipped with vile looking surgical and torture instruments and the single wing which graces every model in the army. I've also used green stuff to give some of them "coats" and "skirts" formed of stitched together skin. The first aspiring champion I've done is a little crazy; his entire lower section consists of one of the tendrils from the Dark Eldar Talos set, his waist erupting with a "skirt" of daemonette claws, extra arms etc.


Oh yes, when my marines take to the board, no one's going to be under any delusion as to which side their bread is buttered (both, full fat, with jam and sliced banana. Deep fried in human fat).

You really need to post some pictures of this army sometime.

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I don't represent Chaos marks.



This. How does one represent a tainted soul on the tabletop?


Have you seen some of the people that play this game?


This would give a modeler an awesome opportunity to make some fantastic markers or tokens. Anything as simple as a broken Iron Halo modeled onto a base, or maybe a piece of plasticard with some chaos symbols all over it...


This codex is really gonna give modelers a chance to shine!

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Tokens is a great idea, was thinking about this earlier. I'll model some icons, but I'd rather keep my troop squads generic so I can experiment with different marks and tactics. Making a marked squad would be a really fun project, but tactically limiting (which I hate) and probably expensive (bitz, etc) and I'd rather pool my resources for making really impressive cult units.
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Every squad of marines, termies, and the like in my army is made with FW World Eaters stuff. I don't have any MoS, MoN, or MoT in my army at all, and the only unmarked stuff is Havocs, which are distinguished by the autocannons and bolters, and Raptors.

I have more need to distinguish between berserkers and regular Khornate CSMs than anything else.

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The nicknames of my squad commanders (champs) are quite likely to "betray"their alignment, if any. Mostly, I think my Iron Warriors are going to remain markless, though I can see a squad or two getting marks.


As for my Sons, well, they are kind of obvious ;)

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