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Dissapointments with the new codex.

Iron Sage

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Hello all!


I just felt that very many threads gets derailed by people that are dissapointed (and feel a strong urge to voice it) with something that they would have liked to have been different.

I figured this thread could be for you guys. A thread where you can voice your misgivings about the "shortcommings", immagined or otherwise, concerning the new codex.


I am very happy with the new codex, but since I created the new thread, I guess I should voice some of my minor dissapointments.



Could have been one more daemon weapon in that list, though it doesn`t really bother me that much.


Possessed should have had some sort of rule equalent to grenades


Thousand Sons costs approx 1-2 points too much, and I think their sorcerers should have had access to the rule book lores in addition to Tzeentch, as they are mighty psykers etc.


Fabius Bile could have been a few points cheaper. Like 10-20 or so.


Noise should be able to have both extra CC and sonics. I hope this gets FAQed to be honest.





Well, that was all from me really, given how nice I think this codex generally is.

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Things I don't like :

Lack of Chosen Terminators

Lack of Drop Pod equivalent

Lack of deployment options (combat squads, additionnal dedicated transport)

Lack of grenades on some our our assault units

Lack of Hammernator equivalent

Lack of everything on Fabius.

The design and concept of the Helldrake.

Typos and retarded spelling (no combi weapon + PF on a single terminator ? The whole Daemon prince mark thing...)


Other than that, I'm fine with the codex.

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Leaving aside rumours that didn't happen, the one thing that I'd have liked to see is Chosen and Champions get access to a bit of the weird stuff. A larger selection of wargear would have been nice, not necessarily on a par with Dark Eldar but more than a few tweaks on existing wargear and some artefacts that replicate utilities that were in the last book. Weird fun stuff essentially.


I am, of course, really enjoying the new Codex though, the amount of background inspired rules is superb.

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For me:


1) Obliterators not being able to shoot the same weapon in the next shooting phase. Also lost fearless special rule.

2) Dreadnought lost the option of taking twin-link autocannon or at least make the reaper autocannon have a range of 48".

3) Nurgle Lords cannot buy Feel No Pain.


I think thats it. :D

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Well, I've been told off once so I'll keep this short :D


Possessed (no grenades & could have been moved to FA to be the nasty unit that Warp Talons aren't - Scout/Infiltrate/Acute Senses etc)

Terminators for obvious reasons

Daemon Princes, again because they end up costing more than an allied Greater Daemon & have no real options & can be killed by a single S10 shot.

Forgefiends/Maulerfiends, look silly & personally I don't see them being much use.

Helldrake. Looks like something from Power Rangers.


That's it.



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1) Obliterators not being able to shoot the same weapon in the next shooting phase. Also lost fearless special rule.

You know, this is an example of 'One man's meat is another man's poison'. I really like Obliterators and Mutilators having to change weapon each turn, aside from now requiring a bit of thought and strategy to plan out their movement, it also nicely represents their continually changing and warping bodies.

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But that's an USR, right ? That should apply to everything with it.


I do believe USR only gives demons 5++ and fear while the chaos demon dex gives them 5++, fear, and EW. Unless GW missed something and will get FAQed for the main rule book.

They've had two rounds of Errata already. I wouldn't hold my breath for it if it's not already here.

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1) Obliterators not being able to shoot the same weapon in the next shooting phase. Also lost fearless special rule.

You know, this is an example of 'One man's meat is another man's poison'. I really like Obliterators and Mutilators having to change weapon each turn, aside from now requiring a bit of thought and strategy to plan out their movement, it also nicely represents their continually changing and warping bodies.


Well different perspectives I guess. I don't think its a nice representation at all being unable to controll which weapon to morph. Isn't that the point of an obliterator to fuse all those weapons and fire them off at any given time in the right situations. I like reliability in my lists and I use my oblits as a long range anti tank unit esp against av 13/14. Now I have to take termicide units which I much rather spend the point elsewhere.

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1) Obliterators not being able to shoot the same weapon in the next shooting phase. Also lost fearless special rule.

You know, this is an example of 'One man's meat is another man's poison'. I really like Obliterators and Mutilators having to change weapon each turn, aside from now requiring a bit of thought and strategy to plan out their movement, it also nicely represents their continually changing and warping bodies.


Well different perspectives I guess. I don't think its a nice representation at all being unable to controll which weapon to morph. Isn't that the point of an obliterator to fuse all those weapons and fire them off at any given time in the right situations. I like reliability in my lists and I use my oblits as a long range anti tank unit esp against av 13/14. Now I have to take termicide units which I much rather spend the point elsewhere.


Why not Deep Strike Oblits in with melta then if they survive AssCan or HF on what's left?


I think I'd be bummed by them not being Fearless more.



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I don't think its a nice representation at all being unable to controll which weapon to morph.

Ah, but isn't all control of powers of Chaos simply an illusion :)


I don't understand how Termicide units are equatable with long-range Obliterators, but I guess you know how your list works. They can get assault cannons and marks now, which is a bit of an improvement.

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Thousand sons got screwed again, zero imagination went into the unit. They had the tools at their disposal and they just said "eh screw it".


The completely unimaginative tzeench spell tree (its practically copy pasted from last edition). The lord of change is reduced to pyromancy.


The demon weapons we have had a lot of character. But the complete lack of nurgle and slannesh demon weapons is pretty lazy.


No sorcerer cabal (a unit of chosen of MoT with a small upgrade for a lvl 1 sorc would be fine)


Zerkers are actually worse off than they were, the lack of +1 attack makes the entire unit charge dependent.


Possessed are still over costed.


lack of cultist options,make taking typhus practically obligatory.


The dark apostle is a copy pasted chaplain, I know that was their intent but this unit was completely uninspired. The marks of the gods should have given him a more unit wide benefit.


No representation for the other legions, the infiltration perk should have been a purchasable option. A few items of wargear for some legion fluff would have been just fine.


Chosen are good but they are just sternguard sm without the awesome ammo, another uninspired unit. Good, but uninspired.

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no combi weapon + PF on a single terminator ?


What the?! Great, I'm going to have to rip off some termy arms and swap them around now to take that into account.


Let's see, what did I have a beef with?


1) No EW on Princes/ must take a mark.

2) Oblit weapon rules.

3) The Key taking over for DS icons (which was all I used them for, well, and the Ld re-roll from Glory).

4) Basic marines becoming more expensive to make them how they were (while also lacking my much loved Chaos Glory icon).

5) The above termy issue.

6) Warpsmith entry having that bit about adding +1 IF he has mechatendrils, even though they come standard. Could have just said he repaired on a 4+ and be done with it.

7) Ahriman not getting the equivalent of a psychic hood to project a 4+ denial bubble (since I don't think there will be many other level 4 psykers around to drop his denial roll to 5+).

8) Hellbrute losing a base attack to bring him in line with loyalist dreadies.


I think that's it, overall I've generally pleased with the codex, particually the ability to really deck out my lord as a combat beast with termy armour, Sigil, MoT, fist and claw. He can swap weapons to deal with different threats while getting an extra attack for 2 specialist weapons and is protected by 2+/3++ saves. I'm also liking the general price drops accross the board (with a few obvious exceptions becoming more expensive or staying the same).

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Ah, but isn't all control of powers of Chaos simply an illusion :tu:


Haha lets not turn this into a debate about our view of what chaos is like :teehee:.


I don't understand how Termicide units are equatable with long-range Obliterators, but I guess you know how your list works. They can get assault cannons and marks now, which is a bit of an improvement.


Yeah I in a game I just want to make sure that I can take out my opponents long range tank with my oblits or deep strike the melta-termicides to take it out. In the end I just have apadt.

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Not so much disappointment, but rather confusion...


* Dark Apostles: The option of taking Veterans of the Long War which gives him Hatred(Space Marines) what he already has... Since he has Zealot which gives Hatred(Everything)?


Why even bother? It's nothing more than a useless filler of space...


* Possessed: Can take an Icon of Vengence for the cost of a Cultist with an autogun.


So you can pay points to get Fearless which the Possessed already are?



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* Possessed: Can take an Icon of Vengence for the cost of a Cultist with an autogun.


So you can pay points to get Fearless which the Possessed already are?




For the +1 in combat resolution.

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* Possessed: Can take an Icon of Vengence for the cost of a Cultist with an autogun.


So you can pay points to get Fearless which the Possessed already are?




For the +1 in combat resolution.

Ah, forgot about that one. Well in that case it's alright I suppose.


Still stupid about the Dark Apostle.


And I still have that name.


Priest of Chaos or something like that would have been much better.



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Wish there were some champion upgrade characters. Wish they would bite the bullet and make a true distinction between traitor legions and Renegades. The latter is a pipe dream and the former was a reasonable expectation. Also wanted Cult terminators, better looking combat oblits, new khorne zerker plastics (I'm betting second wave tho, drop pods (more for fuff, it just does not make sense) Possessed worth taking.


Keep in mind, I'm very happy with what we have. I'm not a hardcore tourney player. Heck I can barely get in a game and I don't mind losing. I want my games close and epic.

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