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First Impressions of the New Codex?


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So it seems like these threads will be all over the place for the time being - but that's good for once!


So, thus far, I've been pretty impressed. Hardback Codex is excellent - content in it is well presented, seems to be well structured and interesting. From looking at the rules (albeit quickly), I really do think we'll stand up to others this edition, and I'm impressed by them. Clarity, in the main, with directions (e.g. direct page references) is immensely useful! On the whole, very impressed and I look forward to devouring it in more detail later!


Other item of interest is a Heldrake - which is so cool. I'm enjoying assembling it currently, and am taking pictures at each stage! They'll go up later.


So forumers - what are your first impressions of the new Codex?

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Called my GW store yesterday, and the shipment had not arrived. Fedex fail. They're overnighting it, but the redshirt said they had no idea when they would be there :[.


Other than that, I'm eagerly waiting for your pics to see if there are any juicy bits that I can scavenge from that heldrake kit :D.

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Just picked up the book a few hours ago from my LGS, and have been trying to devour as much of it as I can. Overall, it's a very nicely put together book. The wargear section is great, though at first, I was confusing the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons pages (pgs 64 and 65) as the options that can be taken since all the other sections are direct transplants ... not quite! No Demolisher Cannon on a Chaos Lord (though how funny would that be?).


A couple, Nurgle-specific things I love:


- Nurgle DP with wings will be Diving for a 3+ Jink save!

- Typhus!

- new Nurgle's Rot

- The legit upgrades of Nurgle bikers

- my Plague Marine squads will likely run cheaper with the 6th ed. abandonment of Power Fists trend

- T5 Termies -- pricey, yes, and I still gotta figure out how to load them up, but ... T5

- T6 Chaos Spawn? maybe ... just maybe

- generic Nurgle Lord/Sorc options are also intriguing. Power Weapon/Fist combos (possible on a Termie Lord/Sorc) might help bring a Fist to a vehicle fight, but maintain challenges with a sword, or whatever.

- less Nurgle specific, but with the state of Rhinos, and the cheapening of Preds, I might actually take the Pred I'd magnetized up to also be a Rhino as ... a Pred!


Pretty happy with the book thus far. I know people are already picking things apart saying what's good/bad/OP/disappointing, but I'm going to give it a few games before making too many of those decisions. I think Possessed might have a place as a backup melee assist squad, for instance, and some Spawn might actually prove useful. And my favorite Heavy, the Defiler may have gone up in cost, but 'It Will Not Die', and that goofy melee weapon they include in the kit (which I modified somewhat) is actually a neat choice now (the Power Scourge) and helps out its lackluster WS 3--again, it's a tad expensive imo, but it might be worth not struggling in combat vs tar pits.


Eager to get gaming ... of course I've also gotta swap out some arms on my champs now, and redo my Termies ... but oh well.

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I have read it off and on since last night and so far I'm happy with it. very nice art and overall look.


PMs costs one point more but we get so much of that point.

a squad of 10 PM with meltagun, plasma gun and power fist will cost a lot of points, but they can do everything on the battlefield .. just like mortarion wanted with his death guards


the days with a cheap flying DP is over but it is not surprising, im gonna miss those days


they could have given the chaos lord more wargear and weapons to chose from

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There's some new fluff with Mortarion. That's cool. And I do feel like I get more out of plaguemarines, with their plagueknives, and I may start carrying something other than PFs on the squads. Termies got cheaper to load out with T5, and though I'm a bit disappointed I can't give them FnP and make them true cultists, it's not enough to keep my termies on the shelf. I do like some of the Nurgle psyker powers, as well, though I don't like the idea of paying 25 points for a chance at getting a good psyker power. Some of the wargear options are incredibly expensive for what they do.
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I haven't had much time to read or play with the new rules. Never noticed predators getting cheaper. I basically stopped using mine, but I have another one new in box I was always going to build with twin linked lascannons. The new vehicle upgrade rules are interesting, haven't figured out which to use cleverly. I basically priced out an all foot slogging all nurgle army I'd made up before the codex came out. It was about 1500 points. I'm a big fan of the Dimensional Key, I plan to try and utilize it on my Nurgle Biker Lord I plan to build to replace my old Nurgle Biker guy.


I will do a small unit of Nurgle bikers for him to ride with and finally paint up my Forgeworld Deathguard terminators as I plan to run a deep striking terminator squad to go with the Dimensional Key on the Biker Lord.


I have one of most everything so I'll gradually try out my old stuff, but of the new stuff the Dakkafiend seems the most appealing. Walk on shoot 8 times, hope to survive return fire. Will have to price out a twin linked lascannon turret plus HB sponson predator as that seems like it would be useful in the new rules and an all comers list. Plus BS 4 over the demon engines and AV 13...

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