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mutilators, obliterators?


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Obliterators are good, and they got a new fancy Assault Canon.

Mutilators are crap, cau's they don't have any way to reach HtH, and we have better HtH units.

You mean other than Deep Strike? Where they can choose where to go and avoid anything that'll cause them problems?


I'm beginning to come round to the idea of a bunch of them as a bodyguard to a TDA lord. Give them MoN to avoid ID, Deep Strike in and then kill stuff.

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is scyth wing still there ? are IG still using flyer . Are demons runing 4+ MC ? you take havocks .


mutilators are crap not because they are slow [they are as slow as everything else we have save for bikes or winged DPs] , but because the squads are 3 model strong and people ready their armies to deal with 5 or bigger teq units , there is plasma everywhere , they die too fast .

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Correct me if i'm wrong. But I can't seem to see anything that prevents Obliterators and Mutilators from being transported in vehicles. They are not in Terminator armor, they are Infantry with the Fleshmetal rule on page 68, and they are Bulky.


Does this mean that Obliterators can shoot from the Fireports of a Rhino? Or Mutilators can be transported in Land Raiders?

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Obliterators are good, and they got a new fancy Assault Canon.

Mutilators are crap, cau's they don't have any way to reach HtH, and we have better HtH units.


This basicly.


If you really want some CC units just go for the Raptors/Warp Talons, they are excellent because of their mobility.

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