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How do we build T5?


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Now with all the possibillities to take MoN, plague marines are not the obvious choise. We can also take regular csm and chosen with MoN. Question is if a plague marine is worth 24p when a regular csm is 13 + 3 for MoN? FnP is awesome but you are also facing I3. There are also the chosen that can take MoN What are your thoughts on this?
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Plague Marines are also Fearless, have poisoned close combat attacks (4+), a bolter, 2 cc weapons, and defensive grenades. Factor in all that and PMs are far and away superior to Nurgle-marked marines for cost. I don't want my warriors to be swept, ever, and between their poisoned weapons and FnP Plague Marines care capable of taking on just about anything.
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Concur with whythre - it's also seven times more fluffy, and who wouldn't want that?!


I'd rather pay a few more points more to overall, have the better chance of destroying all in my path.

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MON CSM are definitely worth it. Not being fearless can make better objective campers as the can still go to ground. Plus a couple of cheaper squads, allows for more PM.
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I'm feeling like our T5 options are best on other units, not non-PM troop selections. Consider Chosen--our previous codex had us pay 50 points for T 4(5), now, on a fluffy squad of 7, it's 14 points! Yes, we lost the deep strike non-scattering, but ... man, that's a discount. And, not that we took them before, but Havocs see the same reductions.


On Terminators, a squad of 5 got a 10 point reduction for MoN, and on a cheap squad of 3 you're paying a mere 18 points. Lords and Sorcs get marked 5 points cheaper, as do Daemon Princes.


Then, considering our T6 (!) options, that 3-man biker squad I always wanted to run, but never did, will only pay 18 points for MoN instead of 50, and the same cost will apply to 3 Oblits, or Spawn.


This is a very different codex for marked units, it seems. Mark up everything!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Plague Marines are also Fearless, have poisoned close combat attacks (4+), a bolter, 2 cc weapons, and defensive grenades. Factor in all that and PMs are far and away superior to Nurgle-marked marines for cost. I don't want my warriors to be swept, ever, and between their poisoned weapons and FnP Plague Marines care capable of taking on just about anything.


This. Plagues give far and away more bang for their buck, not to mention that you get 2 specials at 5, and that's where all their damage potential is.

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