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Maverike's Review: Forge Fiend/Mauler Fiend kit

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Welcome to another of my kit reviews. As requested, this time I am reviewing the Forge Fiend/Mauler Fiend kit. I have previously reviewed the Storm Talon and Storm Raven kits if you wish to read those.


Initial Thoughts


I’ve heard this guy referred to a lot as “Dinobot”. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see it. I can remember when the 4th edition Chaos Codex showed up. I can remember flipping through it and thinking, well I thought a lot of things about it actually. But the point I’m making is I remember thinking “Where are the monsters?” I mean it was Chaos for crying out loud! You had Oblits, Dreads that were almost as likely to attack your own units as it was to attack the enemy and you had Demon princes. Oh and we had the Greater Demon. Yeah. No comment there. The Oblits were demi-monsters, dreads were… well they were dreads. ‘Nuff said. So… the Chaos Space Marines have all of 1 type of actual monster? There was the defiler but that was very defiantly a vehicle, not a monster. This is a monster! And this is what the Chaos Marines have been sorely lacking in the “Monster” department. That is what this guy is. He’s the big-uber monster that Chaos has deserving for a while now. So yeah, I look at the promo pics of this guy and I don’t see a dinosaur. I see more of a Dinosaur from the Hive Tyrant. I look at this guy and I’m like “OHHH MECHA HELL HOUND!!!!” So lets get this review going.




So I got the kit at my local Games Workshop store… local being a 30 minute drive from work which is itself a 25 minute drive from home for me. Sorry, one of my point of annoyances with Games Workshop is they closed every GW store from Fairfax down to um… I think Norfolk honestly. So now the closest GW store is close to an hour away for me and there’s little else in the immediate area. So, I went to the GW store after work and there were my kits waiting for me (I also ordered the HelDrake which I will be reviewing at a later time). I picked up the kits and meandered for a little bit talking to folks about the kits in question. On the counter there was an assembled MaulerFiend. I wish I had had my phone or camera with me. I would have taken pictures of it. The Mauler is a big ‘un, on par with the Tyranid Monsters including the Tyrannofex. In fact I’m sorely tempted to get a Mauler and Tyrannofex just to model the two clashing in melee combat. The Field’s lashers wrapping around the throat of the Tryannofex, the Tyranno trying desperately to either break free or use it’s bulk as a weapon against the monstrous Fiend…


Sorry, was day dreaming.


Where was I? oh right. Unboxing the monster. So I got the kit home and set to work. I unboxed the fiend and laid the sprues out to get an idea of size and build. At first class it looks like a bigger, less impressive, Juggernaut model. I can’t say whether that’s good or bad. On the one hand it does help carry a unifying look to the various kits, so that if you have a bunch of Juggies next to a Fiend they look like they were made from a similar approach. But at the same time, it’s Chaos. Chaos by it’s very intention avoids conformity. So, I donno. Draw your own impressions as you see fit.


I mean am I wrong here?


I dropped the sprues into some warm water with soap to let them soak and clean off any model release. While they were bathing I took a gander through the instructions. Several people have made comments wondering about the possibilities of placing magnets in the model for the purpose of swapping parts for different configurations. Based on my glance through the instructions I think it is possible to do, so that you will have the ability to field either a MaulerFiend or a ForgeFiend, but it’s going to be rather challenging because most of the joints are ball joints. I think you would need to try and use spherical and ring shaped magnets to achieve this. I haven’t taken a ruler to the parts yet to measure it and figure out sizing. But I did some looking on K&J Magnetics and I found the R822cs-N ring magnets, and the S8 sphere magnets. Using these in combination might just allow you to make the head and arms swappable while more common disc magnets will allow you to swap out of the lashers.


as I absolutely love his bases, I've ordered a pair of Dragon Forge's urban rubble bases, both 120mm by 95 mm. One I'm ordering as a flight stand, the other as the base for the fiend. So I've got the bases on order. I'm hoping they will be in next week. I've got the parts cleaned and am letting them dry right now. I will not be able to get back to the kit until Monday, so my next update won't be until then. I'm afraid. But here is the first part of my review of the Fiend kit. So far my general impressions of the kit are very good. It seems to be a very solid model and a very welcome addition to the series.

I built my friends one ( plus helldrake) yesterday and was quite pleased with it. i think the only thing i didn't like was the fact that the parts weren't numbered on the instruction sheet (or was that just me?), i've become quite used to the numbered sheets and find them very helpful. they also help me build stuff faster.
Construction: Day one

I chose to work from the side of the instructions that instructs you to build the Forgefield because if push comes to shove I’ll use a Forgefield over a Maulerfiend in my army. The added firepower would be a nice boon for me.

The main body sadly uses one of the assembly techniques I truly dislike: Halves. Literally the torso is 2 halves glues together. Though the designers did modify it a bit so it’s largely idiot proof . That’s something of an improvement. The connection points for the sprue are largely in open area so cleaning those spots is easy enough. Though there is one spot that’s right between the spines on the back so you will need a smaller file to clean that particular spot.

The neck is likewise 2 halves glued together. The detailing of the Chaos pattern on the back and neck is designed in such a way as to help hide the seams in the pieces which is nice. It means it will only take a minimal amount of effort to hide the seams entirely on the completed model.

The kit comes with 2 heads versions. One is the standard “tongue lashing” head, while the other is the gaping maw for the third Ectoplasm cannon option. Of the two, I find the Ecto head to look better, but that’s only by a point of comparison. The tongue head I feel is the poorer of the two because of it’s design. It has this long lashing tongue that is extending out from it’s mouth, yet the mouth isn’t open. So either the fiend just has a giant gaping hole in it’s fangs, or it uses it’s tongue like a snake and whips it out to taste the air. The later idea makes more sense but is more at odds with the over all image and feel of the model, being one that appears to be more monstrous and bovinian… bovinian? Is that even a word?

Anyway, the tongue looks like it was intended to draw reference from the classic Spiderman villain, Venom with the long lashing tongue dripping in drool and toxins. But in all of those images, Venom’s mouth is wide open. With the mouth closed, it just looks weird. Thus I think the Ecto head looks better because the tongue head looks worse. Not because it’s actually better.

Just because I'm sure someone will have thought about using the head on a baneblade...

The Mecha-tentacles are really nice and I expect we’ll be seeing lots of machine monster conversions that make use of these. The designers did a really great job by designing these so that the finished product is large, wavy and yet still fits in the box. They split each trio of tentacles into 3 segments that when assembled form a sphere that fits into the side joint on the body.

One point I do want to point out is building the legs. For a couple reasons these things are a royal pain in the butt. The instructions indicate you should build the back legs as separate sub-units and then attach them to the body. The ankles of the legs even have jointed segments that would suggest the hooves on the back legs are supposed to line up in that particular way. What is the problem with this? Well if you assemble the back legs like this the hooves are facing out from the body, almost like the Fiend is a Lame donkey that’s frankly kicking it’s feet out.
So how do you address this? Simple. Build the legs, but don’t attach the feet to the legs until after you attach the legs to the body.

There is another point in the instructions that I would suggest you not follow: The sequence of attaching the back plate and the vents on the back. Despite my absolute best efforts I was totally unable to align the back plate with the mounting the stud, on the back, due to the positions of the spine blades so that I was forced to simply put a large glob of glue on the mounting stud and press the plate into the stud. Now this led to another issue, with the vents on the back. The plate was far enough back, but still forward of the mounting stud it’s intended to be mounted on, that it created a minor obstruction with mounting the vents. I was forced to shove the vents on hard. So what am I suggesting? Assemble and install the vents first, then attach the back plate.
Construction: Day two

So, I’m basically calling and end to this model at this stage. Yes I still have a couple little details to add to the model. I’m actually throwing my hands up and saying “Nope. I’m done with it.” Those of you who have seem my projects and prior review can appreciate what it takes for me to say that about a kit, but the Fiend kit… it just sucks. The construction of it is near brain numbingly simple and yet offers no easy way to allow switching between a Mauler and ForgeFiend out of the box. I can’t really tell whether the designers were brilliant in this approach and did it deliberately or heinously under skilled and got super lucky with it, but the way the kit is designed it would a very capable converter working with extra materials and a pre-understanding of the kit to modify it in such a way to successfully allow switching types between Mauler and Forge. I can say that sincerely because now, after built this kit were I to go back and build another one with the explicit intent to allow configuration swapping I would still require plasticard, plastirod, green stuff, and magnets and know what I was going to do before I began assembling the kit. But, let me complete the review.

One of the key points of curiosity raised about the kit was how possible it is to build it in such a way as to allow switching configurations. Well, not very. At first glance you’d probably think “Eh no biggie. Just slap some magnets in the neck and on the joins to allow swapping of the guns and call it a day.”

Yeah not so much.
The Hades canons work alright like this but the ectoplasm cannons are too heavy for these magnets I’ve used to hold the cannons up by themselves.
The other big issue is the extreme ‘staticness’ of the model. It’s completely designed to be in a very static pose either with four legs and 2 guns, or with the fists and tentacles. There’s very little customization ability out of the box.

Next time, the HelDrake.

So in other words, build it with its purpose in mind. Thanks for the review Maverike. Answered some questions for me.


EDIT: TO save double posting, do you perhaps see a possibility of combing the two heads together to make it look like the Ecto-gun is coming out of its mouth?

So in other words, build it with its purpose in mind. Thanks for the review Maverike. Answered some questions for me.


Yeah that's pretty much it exactly, Kol. if you are going to build this model either know what you are going to do before you start building, because there is no room to mess up out of the box.


EDIT: TO save double posting, do you perhaps see a possibility of combing the two heads together to make it look like the Ecto-gun is coming out of its mouth?


I don't think so. The parts are simply too different and the Ecto-gun is too large. The Ecto-gun parts are actually taller (from top to bottom, not front to back) then the non-ecto gun head is is. So while you could probably combine both into a unique head, I simply don't see a way to combine the two so the gun is coming out of the mouth. The non-ecto gun head is too narrow while the Ecto-gun head... well it's a gun barrel with eyes.


So attach another set of magnets at the base of the cannons themselves. More work and annoying, yes, but doable.


Initially I tried to do exactly that on the joints for the gun but then I ran into a pair of other problems. Firstly it totally ruined the joint that I then had to rebuild out of green stuff. Secondly the weight of the magnets in the outer joint totally out weighed the holding strength of the magnets in the shoulder. If you just want to be able to swap the cannons and aren't worried about switching configurations between Mauler and Forge this can be addressed. If you want to be able to swap between Mauler and Forge. a lot more work is going to be needed. Probably building some form of internal mechanism to affix the joints to

I think that the similarity in appearance with the juggernaut is intentional. I think the warpsmith/sorcerer has bound a juggernaut into the machine in order to animate it.


In my opinion it makes some sense to use a juggernaut to animate the Mauler, not so sure about the Forge fiend.

nice review, thanks mate :P


sadly it makes for a pretty dissapointing kit in my opinion. static pose and little conversion possibilities equals no good for me ;)


looking forward to your heldrake review, i was thinking about replacing the strange dragon head with a cockpit, maybe from the storm talon kit...

Nice review, quite interesting. I think to improve the review you could have done a side by side head shot when you discussed them, and not just shown one of the options. A scale shot next to, say, a marine would be useful too I think. It seems you weren't that impressed over all, am I right?


I think GW caught onto the magnet game some time ago, and their use of CAD has enabled them to design kits to make it harder or impossible for an average hobbyist to perform.

Nice review, quite interesting. I think to improve the review you could have done a side by side head shot when you discussed them, and not just shown one of the options. A scale shot next to, say, a marine would be useful too I think. It seems you weren't that impressed over all, am I right?


Yeah that's pretty much spot on. The kit just really feel dated, like it's a throw back to pre-CAD design work. And for $65 I feel a bit cheated by the price for the product. It's fairly rare that I decide to shun a Games Workshop kit entirely, but the fiend may just make the list. if I can find an alternative model out there, I'll be sure to post about it.



I think GW caught onto the magnet game some time ago, and their use of CAD has enabled them to design kits to make it harder or impossible for an average hobbyist to perform.


With the HelDrake I'm like 90% certain of that, that it is intentional I mean. With the Fiend... I'm less convinced it was deliberate and more likely that they just stumbled onto it purely by accident. The Kit itself just doesn't seem to be advanced enough to make me think that it was deliberate.

Well that rules me out of getting this kit, I was in two minds anyways. But between this and my local GW's one its a no sale from me. And not to gloat or anything I like chopping gak up and converting stuff and do it pretty well. Its strange, for I liked this model kit at the first glance we had in the rumours/advance order threads. But looking at it between this review and the helldrake(which I hated, but warming to) it looks like the helldrake has more going for it.


Did you think the kit was overly big ? and from what I saw(it might of been the "paint" job)but some parts lacked detail or proper finishings, if you know what I mean.


Looking fowar to he drake review.

thanks for the review - as always, very detailed and insightful.


not sure if i will ever get one of these guys, was seriously considerning mounting a rider on one and using an old 2nd edition metal juggernaught head, think i'll get the codex first


looking forward to the heldrake!

Thanks for the review Maverike. I'm glad that you are very honest in your assessment of the kit, knowing that conversion work would probably be more time consuming than actually building and priming it leads me to believe I'll just pick one up and assemble it. Looking forward to your heldrake review.
The Hades canons work alright like this but the ectoplasm cannons are too heavy for these magnets I’ve used to hold the cannons up by themselves.


Don't know if this is useful to you but I'm halfway through magnetising mine and found an easy way to solve the droopy arms problem. Simply attach a small pin (as if you were pinning a metal model) above the magnet and drill a corresponding hole inside the gun. You essentially then slide the weapon onto the pin prior to it magnetising - the magnet attaches the gun and the pin holds it steady. Takes 2 mins and is a cheap and effective solution.

There is another point in the instructions that I would suggest you not follow: The sequence of attaching the back plate and the vents on the back. Despite my absolute best efforts I was totally unable to align the back plate with the mounting the stud, on the back, due to the positions of the spine blades so that I was forced to simply put a large glob of glue on the mounting stud and press the plate into the stud. Now this led to another issue, with the vents on the back. The plate was far enough back, but still forward of the mounting stud it’s intended to be mounted on, that it created a minor obstruction with mounting the vents. I was forced to shove the vents on hard. So what am I suggesting? Assemble and install the vents first, then attach the back plate.


Interesting review here, thanks :D


A few things to clear up and add though.


I think the issue you have here is that you attached the neck before the back plate - which is the correct way following the instructions, but if you do this the neck needs to be angled down to clear the back plate. The back plate lines up very well and easily without the neck in place, I can see by looking at your own model that the plate has not lined up correctly and is placed too far to the rear and has pronounced gaps on one side above the front legs.


Another point to note is the instruction sheet makes no mention of the magma cutters but they are on the sprue if you don't want to add the lasher tendrils. The parts are numbers 1 and 2 plus two number 3's from the other sprue which are the armour parts, WD has pictures of these but not on the model. They look to fit in place of the lasher tendrils but would need to be glued or magnatized to allow switching weapons as they don't have the tabs which allow the lasher tendrils to remain in place without glue. I think some plastic card tabs would work too, possible easier than magnets.


I hope that GW update the instructions and add in part numbers that are on the sprues as this would make for a much speedier assembly and help identifying parts. I ended up with the wrong rear legs for my Mauler to start with and could not work out why it didn't seem to stand correctly. Luckily I have built mine in sub-assemblies so it wasn't a big deal and all I had to do was build the correct pair. I would say to anybody building one of these for the first time it would be wise to use the old technique of dry fitting all the parts before getting out the glue, plus building legs, body, neck, head and the rest as sub-assemblies before putting it all together. Your tip for leaving the feet off is very useful as I plan the fix mine to the base then line the legs up to glue them onto the body. I'll not be glueing the legs and feet to each other until painting is complete.

Any idea whether the Mauler's arms are similar in size to the Helbrute? I'm just thinking that they could be a good way to get a second fist on the model from the DV box set.

The arms of the Mauler are much larger then the arms of the Brute. If you use the Maulerfiend arms on the HelBrute they will effectively be at long as the Brute is tall.


The Hades canons work alright like this but the ectoplasm cannons are too heavy for these magnets I’ve used to hold the cannons up by themselves.


Don't know if this is useful to you but I'm halfway through magnetising mine and found an easy way to solve the droopy arms problem. Simply attach a small pin (as if you were pinning a metal model) above the magnet and drill a corresponding hole inside the gun. You essentially then slide the weapon onto the pin prior to it magnetising - the magnet attaches the gun and the pin holds it steady. Takes 2 mins and is a cheap and effective solution.


Hmm, that's a possibility I hadn't considered. You'd need to be careful though because there simply isn't a lot of material in the joints to work with in the first place. Get too gun-ho with the drilling and you'll ruin the joint entirely.


Well that rules me out of getting this kit, I was in two minds anyways. But between this and my local GW's one its a no sale from me. And not to gloat or anything I like chopping gak up and converting stuff and do it pretty well. Its strange, for I liked this model kit at the first glance we had in the rumours/advance order threads. But looking at it between this review and the helldrake(which I hated, but warming to) it looks like the helldrake has more going for it.


Did you think the kit was overly big ? and from what I saw(it might of been the "paint" job)but some parts lacked detail or proper finishings, if you know what I mean.


Looking fowar to he drake review.

For what the model is intended to be, a Chaos monster, no I don't think it is overly big. The design is workable, but it's like the HelBrute. The model looks good, but since there's no easy way to change it or convert we're going to see 50 of the same model... over and over and over and over. I mean I managed to convert one, but it was an absolute metric ton of work with basically no room for error or "Would this look cool if..." or "I wonder if this would work..." in the process. Similar problem here with the fiend. The design doesn't lend itself to virtually any conversion, so we're going to same the same model over.... and over.... and over....

Any one else notice the extra parts in the kit that arnt "mentioned " in the instructions (bits 1,2,3, and 3 on sprues)? I think they're the magma cutters but I'm not sure.


Yup :P


Another point to note is the instruction sheet makes no mention of the magma cutters but they are on the sprue if you don't want to add the lasher tendrils. The parts are numbers 1 and 2 plus two number 3's from the other sprue which are the armour parts, WD has pictures of these but not on the model. They look to fit in place of the lasher tendrils but would need to be glued or magnatized to allow switching weapons as they don't have the tabs which allow the lasher tendrils to remain in place without glue. I think some plastic card tabs would work too, possible easier than magnets.

I built my mauler 2 days ago. I have to say, I made a bit of a slip up with the feet and ended up having the trouble trying to fit the plates on the back legs because I used the wrong pair of legs for my mauler. And this resulted in him being in an awkward position almost as if rearing up. His hands/claws didnt even touch down on the base. I ended up running into the parking lot to grab a few rocks to wash off and fit under the claw to balance it, it ended up being a bit better, but I would have to agree about not putting the legs on first until you have assembled everything else. Great review!


Also, a bit of a request for the Heldrake Review, got any plans about kitbashing/converting/creating a tail for that bad boy?

Nice kit review.


But i disagree on the lack of different poses and dynamic.


Its a plastic model, so you can make it look dynamic and more fierce.


Like what i did with mine.






Used an Imperial Statue to make him look like he tramples the thing, true the pose don't change much, but it seems a bit less static in the way of "just standing there", and looks more like he is shuffling through the ruins of an Imperial city.


Also made a simple thing to be able to change from one role to another, assembled him has a Maulerfiend, and just used the Forgefiend weapons support and put them a bit higher the the joints for the magmacutters/tentacles.


Because anyway if you use the Forgefiend version, you don't use the cutters or the whips and vice versa.


And while the fact that the Forgefiend has six limbs is kinda nice, i like it more this way, where the thing looks like it still can pack a punch while having the cannons on the flanks ready to fire.


If you tilt the head and neck into another angle then simply straitgh out like on the box, then it looks more animale like.


Now still need to work on the head though...,might use the Zombie dragon head...


Also, a bit of a request for the Heldrake Review, got any plans about kitbashing/converting/creating a tail for that bad boy?


The Necronsphinx from the Tomb Kings as a skeletal looking tail that might work, the tail is long and wide enough to fit on the drake.


Also a good thing to add to the drake is a proper exhaust at the rear, like a DE Raider exhaust, did that on mine, looks less like a gapping...you know what...




Also changed the way the wings looks.




Nice kit review.


But i disagree on the lack of different poses and dynamic.


Its a plastic model, so you can make it look dynamic and more fierce.


Like what i did with mine.






Used an Imperial Statue to make him look like he tramples the thing, true the pose don't change much, but it seems a bit less static in the way of "just standing there", and looks more like he is shuffling through the ruins of an Imperial city.


Very impressive, but you've missed my point. My point wasn't whether or not it can be converted. Given sufficient material, patience and time any kit in existence can be converted. My point was what sort of options you have out of the box. Not out of the box plus your bitz box.



Also, a bit of a request for the Heldrake Review, got any plans about kitbashing/converting/creating a tail for that bad boy?


My intention in doing these reviews is to give others a comprehensive view of the kit. As a rule I do not convert models I am doing reviews on. Adding Magnets to joins or cinema effects to weapons being the exception.


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