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Any new Fallen Angels in the new Codex?


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No Dark Angels -- including Cypher -- are mentioned in the Codex.


If on the other hand you just mean Chapters, there are 32 new Chapters mentioned (although to be fair 6 or so of those have brief mentions elsewhere). Most of those 32 have turned to Chaos in one amount or another.

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Interesting. Any of the Lion's Gene-seed?

Lionguard? Maybe. Now they're named Death Shadows. Not entirely new but they are mentioned.

Although they may be UM successors given their war against Ultramar.

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You can kit a guy out to be like Cypher though. Chosen Aspiring champion, Plasma Pistol, Bolt Pistol (bolter) Powersword.


Do you mean just pretend the bolter is Cypher's bolt pistol? Personally, I'd swap the Champion's bolter for the plasma pistol, leaving him with his bolt pistol and letting him fire both pistols every turn since you can do that now.


Considering my housemate just started Dark Angels (with the release of Dark Vengeance) and one of my mates already has them (even though he currently runs them as green Blood Angels), I might make myself a unit of Fallen to troll them. I'm already going to be painting most of the marine helmet trophies that way, though if I do add some Fallen, I might mix the trophies up to include the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists that a pair of my friends have.

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He kinda is spoiled somewhere in Spanish?




Seems legit, altough S5 en T5 just really screws with my mind since most of the named CSM characters just have T4.


Looking at the art around it he might pop-up in a WD.

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Strength and Toughness 5 AND Eternal Warrior?! Plus artificer armour and master-crafted weapons (which looks as though he might be able to fire twice EACH ... though admittedly he always could, but the armour is new), a C'tan phase weapon that causes instant death yet doesn't ignore invulnerables like it used to and apparently no more "Watcher" safety net or invulnerable.


That makes him look like a shooty Daemon Prince and somehow I don't quite think it's legit.

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Actually, his statline looks like a direct copy/paste from the 2nd ed codex, rather than the updated statline he got for 3rd (when he was released in a white dwarf). If the updated statline was used this might have actually looked rather convincing.
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you guys are forgeting one thing . the "fluff" part is not everything . to realy see what a special does you need both the fluff part and the cost/army unit entry part , because there you get stuff like "and your csm squads can take replace their plasma gun for a plasma cannon . All your havocks can replace they lascannon with plasma cannons for 0pts" and stuff like that.
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But nothing on this earth, can defend that ridiculous statline. My Spanish is hardly native, but I DO understand enough basic words to realise that this character is the joke of the century.


Why field the warmaster, when you can field that lame angel?...


Obvious and quite pathetic fake.


Indeed. Only possible explanation as well.

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You can kit a guy out to be like Cypher though. Chosen Aspiring champion, Plasma Pistol, Bolt Pistol (bolter) Powersword.


Do you mean just pretend the bolter is Cypher's bolt pistol? Personally, I'd swap the Champion's bolter for the plasma pistol, leaving him with his bolt pistol and letting him fire both pistols every turn since you can do that now.


Considering my housemate just started Dark Angels (with the release of Dark Vengeance) and one of my mates already has them (even though he currently runs them as green Blood Angels), I might make myself a unit of Fallen to troll them. I'm already going to be painting most of the marine helmet trophies that way, though if I do add some Fallen, I might mix the trophies up to include the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists that a pair of my friends have.


Wait what? You can fire both pistols in the shooting phase? So if I model guys with two can I get two shots officially? I have a 'gunzerker' squad...that would be pretty cool.


That 'leak' looks of lies and falsehoods.

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You sure can, but the model needs to actually have 2 pistols by the rules, not just the model, so you couldn't do "Gunzerkers" since they don't have an option to take a second pistol.


The rule itself is called "Gunslinger", page 53 of the small book.

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Uh, actually that IS official - sort of. It's on display in GW in Madrid. The bit at the bottom says it's official in Spain only for 2 months as of September 2012 (possibly until the new DA codex?) and that you must ask the event organiser to use him in non-GW events.
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Cypher was going to be the bonus model in the Dark Vengeance Limited Edition set.

There was additional fluff that involved how he set up the events.

The model was replaced with the Interrogator chaplain and the fluff portions removed.

It's not a leak, it's not a fake, it's just something that went nowhere.

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Cypher was going to be the bonus model in the Dark Vengeance Limited Edition set.

There was additional fluff that involved how he set up the events.

The model was replaced with the Interrogator chaplain and the fluff portions removed.

It's not a leak, it's not a fake, it's just something that went nowhere.



I can guarentee that if they had had Cypher in there, I'd have bought the limited edition set Rickey Tick-especially with those rules (what I understand of spanish)

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If those stats and rules were even close to official, someone should lose their job!


Most pathetic statting ever, possibly only equaled by the retarded Draigo and other Grey Knight muck.


One loses hope for humanity for less than this :D.

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If those stats and rules were even close to official, someone should lose their job!


Most pathetic statting ever, possibly only equaled by the retarded Draigo and other Grey Knight muck.


One loses hope for humanity for less than this :).


Actually, back when that was his actual statline in 2nd ed, that was pretty common for marine characters across the board. Compared to current statlines, yeah, it's complete bull and would never fly. Clearly, whoever whipped it up didn't realise he had a more recent statline that was actually in line with post-3rd ed characters. The gear (aside from the artificer armour) is exactly what he had, though the C'tan phase knife has been altered to cause instant death instead of ignoring invulnerables, and he got eternal warrior in place of his old Chaos/Watcher in the Dark protection (whoever it was that actually protected him), so he's actually fairly close to what you might expect from an updated version ... except that statline of course, that needs to stay in 2nd ed.

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