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Any new Fallen Angels in the new Codex?


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I am sorry in 2ed he had a 3d6 sv against losing his last one and it worked against everything , even against stuff that ignored power fields . so at least protection wise he was over the top .but shoting HQs never realy worked in 2ed . save for a bright lance long shot fast shot swooping hawks exarch .2d3 lascannons shots +2 powerfield . jump packs .extended range on the bright lance.


this version of him is the same way . str 5 ? power weapon . we have str 6 ap2 . shoting a plasma pistol and a bolt pistol ? how is that broken .

take a plasma pistol armed khorn lord on a jugger with ze AX and you will have a better dude . Unless of course , besides doing what is shown here , he also changes FoC , give csm other options , give an army wide special rules to non marked dudes etc. If he for example opened plasma cannons for csm/havocks or gave all unmarked dudes ATSNKF for less then 250 pts he would be in the OP camp .

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