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Juggernaught Lord (need advice asap)

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Given that they have no armour save outside of combat, I'd be inclined to take at least 4. Hell, a unit of 5 is still only 150pts.

3W and no save have just as much survivability as 1W im power armour(not counting bad/good luck ofc), so that's 150p for five guys with T5 and power armour...when looking at their survivability that is...

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Our father Khorne demands eight, does the new dex support this? If not then damn that tome!


I'll pick one up in a few weeks, cashflow issues ;)




Well 4 should be enough, 8 is a lot of points xD, however it's not like you have to thake them. It's cool for conversion purposes and Lord-n-da-Dogs feelings.



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Given that they have no armour save outside of combat, I'd be inclined to take at least 4. Hell, a unit of 5 is still only 150pts.

3W and no save have just as much survivability as 1W im power armour(not counting bad/good luck ofc), so that's 150p for five guys with T5 and power armour...when looking at their survivability that is...

No, they're not the most survivable models on the board (though they're a little better against things like lascannons, etc.). Never said they were. Their main benefit is that they're as fast as a Lord on Juggernaut. That said, so are bikes and raptors, and those also have special weapons options...

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Im working out the plans now as I have a tournament coming up. I have 5 Dogs and Karanak atm to play around with. Being T5, they are far more resilient to small arms fire. And Lascannons won't double tough them either. Would the overall cost of a killy Cav Lord and the Dogs outweigh their usefulness?
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Bikes are not necessarily as good a bodyguard as spawns; if your opponent choses to focus fire, your only model with no cover save might very well be your lord (since all bikes have 4+ or 5+ jink cover save and cavalry models don't) and can thus be singled out very easily...
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It isn't a GW tournament, and I've been told theyre decent about proxies. I decided I'll prolly field him in casual games. I actually want to make a new rider for my Juggernaught.

Doesn't really matter if it's a GW tournament (how many of them even exist any more?), it's more an issue of the organiser being cool with that level of proxy, given the huge size discrepancy between the models. I'd shoot him an email before the event if you're still considering doing it.

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