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New Chaos? New Warband!

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Now, let me start by saying I'm far from abandoning my Word Bearers. I'll be revamping them when new cultist boxed sets come out. And I'll also be redoing 80% of the marines I have for it, as most of them were painted when I was a teenager.


I've toyed with this idea for a while, I've gotten vitriol from the idea from some, apathy from others, and very little interest all around. But I figured I'd make a post all the same. I'll have a "In Progress" log put up once I've gotten a greater contingency of models for them. But I've grabbed the first boxed set to start mixing up parts with some old unpainted models, and thus, I've started. So far I'm thinking of it being a very small force, barely bigger (if bigger at all) then the minimum requirements for an allied force.


I'm working on a short story as to how the Warband gets its fiery start, which I'll have posted up when its done. I've yet to think of a name, so if you guys wanna help out with that, it'd be awesome. So far I'm thinking of the Warhounds. Though I really would love help with the name.


The Premise:


What is a Space Marine? He is a warrior, at his core, a soldier. In his life in the Imperium he lives, breaths, and drinks War. War is his life. Sure, he attached duties to it, sure, he gains talents at other things, but at his core, he is war. Not just bloodshed, but the act of War. To me I've always thought it'd be interesting if a group of already corrupted Chaos Space Marines, effectively came to worship Khaine somehow. Either through some kind of exposure, or some kind of curse upon them. Right now I'm leaning towards it being a mix of the two for the storyline I intend to write. Marines who use demons, who exploit the powers available to them, but in their core are engines of Murder and War.


These marines live not for Bloodshed, or pleasure, or duty (as their loyalist counterparts would) but live solely for the act of war itself. To be engaged in a campaign across worlds. To do precision raids. To tackle the strongest opponents available, and overcome them with whit, ferocity, agility, and mercilessness. There is no purpose in rest, beyond that which is needed to further hone their art of war. Moments of silence should be moments of contemplating new tactics, or new ways to venerate their newly found God, through acts of War. Murder would be another subtle theme as well, seeing it as a blessed act, done so by the Great Bloody Handed God. The Fiery Destroyer of Worlds. They have only one cause of their own, War. In that sense they are almost a mercenary group amongst Warbands. Willing to offer their services to campaigns that seem intriguing, and seem to embody their creed best. The objective of the war is a irreverent. Why?


Because War is not a means to an End. War is both a means, and an End.




I'm thinking of black armour, edged with a bright fiery side. Or trying to paint them similiar to the Balrog, with the cracks in their armour almost glowing with fire. How I'll get to these effects I'm not sure. The left hand, on all the minis in this army, will be a bloody red, however.




So far? I'm thinking of making it-


A Chaos Lord.


2 10 man Squads of Chaos Space Marines.

1 10 man Chosen Squad.

1 10 man Raptor Squad.

1 10 man Havoc Squad.


Though this may change if my ambitions for the project changes.


So yea. I'm still trying to pick out a name I like. Building 2 Chaos Forces at the same time will be good practice, as I want a small force of World Eaters, Night Lords, and Alpha Legion beyond this as well. All will be built along side my glorious Word Bearers (and co).


Also, if anyone else is starting a new warband because of the new book, post on up too.


first 2 test models, for Chosen squad-




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