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Lord of Entropy

Noctus Cornix

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So, as some of you may know, I've been sick for nearly a week now and it has been killing me. The only small comfort was the opportunity to occasionally skim through the chaos codex, which I now hold the beauty in my lap, as I type. That being said, among the many things that I have loved about this codex is the artwork. The artwork is absolutely stunning, almost all of it being new, rich with character and carnage, and the few old ones they do use are amazing anyway. One in particular really caught my eye. Many of you may recognize this fine fellow as the art piece for the chaos lord entry in the codex. For those of you who don't have the codex, I am referring to this fine fellow.




Now, I don't know if its the artwork, the sickness, or me just being an absolute fan of Father Nurgle, but, I absolutely had to make a model of this guy. This was an absolute flurry of modeling. He took me about two hours to make and I'm extremely happy with how he came out. He's not exactly the same but, I like to think I added my own little flare. Let me know what you guys think.


(Sorry for the terrible camera work)









As always, enjoy guys. Hope you like him as much as I loved making him. :)

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He has alot of exposed guts, but it's really hard to tell with his weapons in the way. :(


I'll try and post a picture of him when I take off his arms to paint him.


I'll be painting this fine chap in the colors of the cleaved. :)

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