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Thoughts on the new models


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Ok, before we get started this isn't about whether the model is useful/ bad in game, worth the points, or anything like that. What I'd like to see discussed is the new kits. For example, how flexible are they, did the Warpsmith get pass the FC curse, can you magnetise etc?


Unfortunately GW failed to deliver anything to my LGS so I haven't seen a single mini yet in person. :)


Post away guys and gals! :(

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Don't have any yet, but my first purchase will be the new raptors. They're gorgeous, and there are so many useful bitz in there. I'll end up with several boxes' worth of the weapons and shoulderpads for kitbashing other things as soon as they start to hit ebay bitz stores.


I absolutely love the sorcerer, he's way up on my priority list too. Think I'll get one of those sometime this week. Might force myself to get a CSM squad done first or something, incentives and all that. Probably not, though. I really want that sorc.

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The Raptors will be used in my army and so will all the extra bits. So that's the plan atm.




Saw a guy open up his Raptor box yesterday and noticed that it comes with enough lightning claws for five guys, three plasma pistols (no idea why), but only one flamer, and one meltagun.


So at least you have lightning claws to last you a lifetime ^_^

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So at least you have lightning claws to last you a lifetime :P


Excellent, I also noticed some are the Clawed Powerfist, great for using as PF's to. I like it allready ^_^


In short, Raptors are worth it and I think the most "worth it" new toy we got in this release so far.

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The Raptors will be used in my army and so will all the extra bits. So that's the plan atm.




Saw a guy open up his Raptor box yesterday and noticed that it comes with enough lightning claws for five guys, three plasma pistols (no idea why), but only one flamer, and one meltagun.


So at least you have lightning claws to last you a lifetime ^_^

You get 3 plasma pistols because the champ can have one as well. And then you get one each of the three special weapons, just like the old raptor box, and the csm box, and the loyalist marine box, and...

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The Raptors will be used in my army and so will all the extra bits. So that's the plan atm.




Saw a guy open up his Raptor box yesterday and noticed that it comes with enough lightning claws for five guys, three plasma pistols (no idea why), but only one flamer, and one meltagun.


So at least you have lightning claws to last you a lifetime :P

You get 3 plasma pistols because the champ can have one as well. And then you get one each of the three special weapons, just like the old raptor box, and the csm box, and the loyalist marine box, and...


Was more referring to the fact that no one would pay 45 points for three plasma pistols, can just get 2.5 more Raptors :P

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You get 3 plasma pistols because the champ can have one as well. And then you get one each of the three special weapons, just like the old raptor box, and the csm box, and the loyalist marine box, and...





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You get 3 plasma pistols because the champ can have one as well. And then you get one each of the three special weapons, just like the old raptor box, and the csm box, and the loyalist marine box, and...






It is a really good box, I have to admit. Lots of stuff in there.

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It is a really good box, I have to admit. Lots of stuff in there.


It's all goodness. Now my only problem is Cultists, I am willing to convert them but they will look better equiped than the rules let them to be... Guess I'll mix in more flaggelant and marauder horseman bits from WFB onto that Cadian/Catachan mix.



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I really like the Warpsmith as I have some Iron Warriors who are looking at him as an HQ option (I have a Daemon Prince and Sorcerer posted in the Imperial Fists painting log in my signature). My only concern with the model is that I want to paint the rear piping chevrons like GW did, but that looks like a bit of work if it is free hand. I'll still do it as Doc Ock in power armor is a great choice for any aspiring Warsmith to add to his forces. The Forgefiend and Maulerfiend are likely additions in the future as I can picture them in a setting very similar to something in Storm of Iron with the former back and blasting the defenses while the latter is sent into the breach. Combined with the cultists who are the first wave chaff and the Hellbrute from Dark Vengeance, I like where my Iron Warriors are heading.


The Dark Vengeance Chaos power armor was all claimed by my Imperial Fists, but looking at the Aspiring Champion that was released, I feel kind of like it was originally designed to be part of Dark Vengeance opposite the Chaplain. It would fill out the special melee option allocation of the new book and he really does match those models perfectly. I wonder if that was the case and GW decided not to hint at the change for the Chosen Champion in the new book so the excluded him early on in the limited run box development or if they just figured that he'd be fine to sell separate so no need to add another mini to the set. Regardless, it just seems to have the feel that his original intent was to have been part of the first release of Dark Vengeance. Still a nice model. While I'm on the topic of Dornian Imperial Fists, those Raptors are perfect for them. I already have a unit of Raven Guard Raptors using the old bat winged ones and I can see me using the last version for White Scars Raptors, but for the Imperial Fists, the more Heresy era feel of the new kit is perfect. My Night Lords models concur and are eying a unit of Warp Talons since they currently lack any Fast Attack options at all.


You Word Bearers can keep your Dark Apostle, although on the Dornian side of things he would make for a lovely Dark Angels character and probably will. I am not a huge fan of the Mutilators as their heads just don't do it for me, but they look almost like a stop gap measure until GW gets around to sculpting some sort of plastic Obliterator/Mutilator plastic kit. Regardless, if I get around to wanting them, a head swap is laughably simple so I'm not writing them off because I don't like their faces.


I kind of like the Helldrake as I like dragons and steam punk (that's all the model is really), but for the same cost when the exchange rate is a little lower, I can get that Hellblade I've wanted for a long time so the Chaos Turkey will have to wait until I get one of those first, no question about it. My only question on that front is which army gets which flier as I kind of like the idea of painting the Helldrake yellow with the black ivy as I can see it looking really striking while having the chevrons on the Hellblade, but the idea of flying daemon engine to go with the ground based ones is pretty cool too and the ivy covered yellow would look great on a Hellblade as well.

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The good:

Warpsmith is an amazing model


The Fiends are both good but I really like the ForgeFiend


Raptors are a great box



The Meh:

Helldrake really needs a tail or something to balance out the back end. The art works because of the billowing clouds ot smoke and all the fire but that does not transfer to the model which looks like they ran out of budget halfway in and just said "Screw it, put a jet exaust there and call it good".


Aspiring champion is way too expensive for a single model and what you get. Part of the problem is wargear modeled directly on (Looking at you combi-melta in the backpack) and just not enough options.


Dark Apostle is not a bad model, just not my thing.



The bad:

Mutilators - How could anyone scultped these things and thought to themselves afterwards "Yeah, this is a job well done."? HOW?


Old models not getting an update and just going to finecast. Looking at your Obliterators and havocs.



The missing:

Proper cult troops. Khorne berserkers are terrible and so old they're still shipping with 3rd edition backpacks in a 6th edition release. Plague marines are fixed pose finecast and boring while Noise Marines and Thousand Sons do not even have a proper box set instead getting shifted to finecast upgrade packs.


Plast lord kit. Needs something like the Terminator Lord box but for power armor.


Chosen. Way more options than what a CSM box comes with so needs a full kit for this unit.


Hell brute. Space Marines have had a half dozen dreadnought releases since the last chaos one came out. We now at least have the DV one but it needs a real kit for the weapon options and more flexible poses.

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Mutilators - How could anyone scultped these things and thought to themselves afterwards "Yeah, this is a job well done."? HOW?

Horrifying secret time: you know Mutilator's are really beginning to grow on me. There's something about them, that look just screams excessiveness, I'm even convincing myself something of it is the paint job.


I'll report myself to the Dark Apostle right now...

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I love the Daemon Engines, they are great kits too. The Fiend kit is easily magnetised if you wanted to. The Drake is big, imposing, angry looking and is going to be a nightmare to paint all of that metallic trim in gold if you wish to. I ordered a Warpsmith with my advanced order and think it looks great. And the Sorcerer is too. I had to pick up one of those when I went to pick up my order. No Finecast issues that I have noticed yet. I spoke to a friend of mine with experience of mould manufacture who said that he doesn't expect any for any models scupted since it's introduction and that it would just be the older moulds meant for metal that is the problem. If they are just using the same moulds but a new material, that's where they will get issues.


The Apostle just looks... I don't know... iffy. The big "halo" thing just looks like he's forgotten to take off half of his neck brace after a severe skiing injury. And I think standing on books just doesn't lend itself to a battle setting. It's more in keeping with a model for a shelf or diorama than it is for a battlefield model. The more I break it down, the more I don't like it. Which is a shame. I'll stick with my home mades from the DA kit with some throw ins from the Fantasy WoC and GK kits.

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Going back to the Raptor box, I have to say that its bit selection is awesome. I already plucked one of the Warp Talon lightning claws for my kitbashed Huron counts-as, and I'll definitely be using the plasma guns for my Troops squads. Plus, it has Chaosified Mark IV power armor helms -- which is one of those things that I know lots of modellers have been wanting for a while -- and the Champ's saber-looking power sword is pretty boss, too.
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The missing:

Proper cult troops. Khorne berserkers are terrible and so old they're still shipping with 3rd edition backpacks in a 6th edition release. Plague marines are fixed pose finecast and boring while Noise Marines and Thousand Sons do not even have a proper box set instead getting shifted to finecast upgrade packs.


Plast lord kit. Needs something like the Terminator Lord box but for power armor.


Chosen. Way more options than what a CSM box comes with so needs a full kit for this unit.


Hell brute. Space Marines have had a half dozen dreadnought releases since the last chaos one came out. We now at least have the DV one but it needs a real kit for the weapon options and more flexible poses.


You forgot cultists !

Let's wait for the second wave.

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The only box I've opened so far was the Raptors. Great box. Made 5 Warp Talons and used the leftover bits to update my old raptors and some other models. Really nice box.
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I like the DV chosen and cultists as well as the raptors / warp talons. The style of the armour trimming is perfect for the way I want to paint my Slaanesh-worshiping dudes.


The Aspiring Champion is really nice, I'd happily use him as a counts-as Kharne or something like that.


The Sorcerer is okay but strikes me as a waste of resources. The existing sorcerers are not very dynamic-looking, but they still look ace compared to the special characters that badly want re-sculpts. It also doesn't seem quite to match the new design aesthetic of the chosen and raptors...


I like the Dark Apostle, he just needs to be stood upright instead of off-balance like GW have him.


The Warpsmith is overall pretty cool, but I REALLY dislike the big mechadendrite things - they're too chunky and the head things poking their tongues out and all that on the end of them just look silly.


Mutilators, like anything more needs to be said about them! I actually kinda like the Obliterators, but what they've done with the Mutilators is just so incredibly lazy, I would refuse to buy them even if they were good in terms of rules. And why are they not a multi-kit with Obliterators?


Heldrake - not as bad as people have made out, but still a bit disappointing nevertheless. As I said, lots of trim works for my paint scheme. I just wish they went for a more daemonic styling rather than a dragon - it's too much fantasy.


Forge / Maulerfiend. I like them, except how the hades autocannons have the exact same skull on every barrel. Which is a shame, cause that's how I'd be running them if I was buying them.


Helbrute. It's alright, but I prefer my FW dread.

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