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Sorcerer Builds


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I have never really bothered with Sorcerers before, what with Daemon Princes being so much better in the old codex, but now that they are compulsory for the Ksons I am wondering what is the best way to equip one. As a Champion of Chaos he will probably have to look after himself in close combat so I was thinking of a Biomancy power and Sigils of Corruption for defence but what else? Force Axe, Force Sword, Lightning Claws, Terminator Armour, a Steed, an Artefact ..... What would you go for?

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If you want, that thread there already has some discussion on Sorcerers, mostly what they are going to run, so you might get some ideas there.


Personally, I was going to run my Sorcerer withSigil of Corruption, MoT, Burning Brand of Skalathrax, Dimensional Key, Ichor Blood, Spell Familiar and Combat Familiar. Puts him at 190 pts if I did my math correctly.

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If you want, that thread there already has some discussion on Sorcerers, mostly what they are going to run, so you might get some ideas there.


Personally, I was going to run my Sorcerer withSigil of Corruption, MoT, Burning Brand of Skalathrax, Dimensional Key, Ichor Blood, Spell Familiar and Combat Familiar. Puts him at 190 pts if I did my math correctly.



Thanks for the reference, I will put any further comments on there. As for the Scrolls of Magnus, they seem too risky to me. Since the Sorcerer now has only 2 wounds there is a serious danger of reducing yourself to a single wound before you even get into combat.

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That's true. Although it may be handy if you delegate your sorcerer to a support role since it would mean that you are constantly adding spells to your repertoire. But if you want Close Combat, the Murder Sword, Black Mace and Brand of Skalathrax seem to be great for softening up enemies and the Combat Familiar gives you 2+ S 4 AP- attacks which could come in handy in CC. And the Spell Familiar would be great fro rerolling Failed Psychic tests, which is what you need to cause Instant Death with a Force Weapon right? Or have the rules changed on that?
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If they FAQ Daemon Princes are marked with whatever god they take, I can see scrolls being good on one. I feel that they intended for them to be able to, because they come with a close combat weapon. In the daemons codex they don't have it in the profile.
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If I want a close combat monster I would go with a lord or a daemon prince as that is what they are built for. Any sorcerer(s) I take will be always on non-frontline ranged shooting or buffing duty. Their two wounds should be there for surviving perils of the warp and nothing else in my opinion.


Scrolls of Magnus is just too damn risky for me on a two wound model. It's actually brilliantly fluffy - stick to the amount of spells you have paid for via mastery levels only, don't get greedy and want more through the scrolls of Magnus like many have before you...you'll get burned.

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I was planning on having my termi sorcerer pyrea and with my rubrics, but I'm thinking Pavo I may be best as the buffs and maledictions will help the rubrics far more then pyrea (whilst the bike one I'm going to do can be pyrea, he and his bikers cutting a burning path through the enemy.

Is anyone else loving the fact we can take power/chain fists on our sorcerers so they don't get locked in combat/stomped flat by dreadnoughts?

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One I'm converting at the moment is a sorcerer in terminator armour with force sword and chain fist, not sure what he'll have.

What do people think of the scrolls of Magnus on a sorcerer? I think they may be a bit risky to use myself.


Personally, I think one should generally only use that Scroll on a Tzeentchian Daemon Prince, On a 2 Wounds Sorcerer, I deem the risk too high. I like the scroll itself though. But yeah, only on a Tzeentchian Daemon Prince.


Edit: Possibly on a Lord as well. Still a bit risky though. Potentially very useful though!

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If they FAQ Daemon Princes are marked with whatever god they take, I can see scrolls being good on one. I feel that they intended for them to be able to, because they come with a close combat weapon. In the daemons codex they don't have it in the profile.




Didn`t think about that stupid RAW error concerning the daemon marks. Would like to see terminators and Noise Marines be able to choose weapons, but that doesn`t break the game and its not an obvious error like in the case with daemon and the wording on their marks (khornate axe was clearly designed to be carried by a DP for instance). They also need to fix typhus and his wording on the zombies


And in the perfect world they would have FAQed Tsons to have a LV 2 sorcerer or at least dropped them with 1-2 points. Sadly, I dont think points costs will ever be FAQed though..

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If they FAQ Daemon Princes are marked with whatever god they take, I can see scrolls being good on one. I feel that they intended for them to be able to, because they come with a close combat weapon. In the daemons codex they don't have it in the profile.




Didn`t think about that stupid RAW error concerning the daemon marks. Would like to see terminators and Noise Marines be able to choose weapons, but that doesn`t break the game and its not an obvious error like in the case with daemon and the wording on their marks (khornate axe was clearly designed to be carried by a DP for instance). They also need to fix typhus and his wording on the zombies


And in the perfect world they would have FAQed Tsons to have a LV 2 sorcerer or at least dropped them with 1-2 points. Sadly, I dont think points costs will ever be FAQed though..

What's the issue with Typhus and the wording on zombies?

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What's the issue with Typhus and the wording on zombies?

"cannot take any upgrades"


Question is, whether +1-25 additional cultists is a UNIT or CULTIST upgrade - so, can you only have 10-man zombie units, or large ones too.

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What's the issue with Typhus and the wording on zombies?

"cannot take any upgrades"


Question is, whether +1-25 additional cultists is a UNIT or CULTIST upgrade - so, can you only have 10-man zombie units, or large ones too.

Hmm, hadn't noticed that but to me it reads like you can only have the bog standard amount of 10. Because buying more falls under "options". I can actually understand that because imagine a block of 35 fearless and feel no pain zombies...that'd be plain ridiculous. I mean you can still field 60 of them via 6 different units and that'd still be nasty.

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I ran a sorcerer yesterday with some rubrics.


Sigil of Corruption, Mark of Tzeentch (more for fluff reasons than anything else), Force Axe, bolt pistol, 3 mastery levels and a spell familiar.


Got Hallucination and the Tzeentch Primaris power and the biomancy that lowers enemy strenght/toughness.


Cast hallucination on Abaddon and his terminators twice, both times got Erm giving me several turns to just stand there shooting them.

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What's the issue with Typhus and the wording on zombies?

"cannot take any upgrades"


Question is, whether +1-25 additional cultists is a UNIT or CULTIST upgrade - so, can you only have 10-man zombie units, or large ones too.

Hmm, hadn't noticed that but to me it reads like you can only have the bog standard amount of 10. Because buying more falls under "options". I can actually understand that because imagine a block of 35 fearless and feel no pain zombies...that'd be plain ridiculous. I mean you can still field 60 of them via 6 different units and that'd still be nasty.


My reading is (because Typhus makes cultist UNITS zombies, and those ZOMBIES cannot be upgraded), that you can make a bare-bones 35-cultist unit that gets zombiefied, suddenly has only a CCW (so any existing upgrades are void and null) and only _THEN_ these single-CCW zombies can't be upgraded with anything else.

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